I’m open to a 3 point reversal, which actually takes some skill vs getting 1 point for an escape when a guy intentionally lets you up.
That would help, but I still think it is a lot harder to put a guy on his back that to take him down and now its possible to get less points for a NF than a takedown. Not just equal, but less.
Incentives matter and if we look at points as prices, Econ 101 applies. There will be income and SUBSTITION effects and there will slso likely be unanticipated secondary and tertiary effects.
I think catch and release will become the norm and that will be BORRRING, however I can imagine a scenario where if I think I'm just going to get taken down again and again to be teched, I stall on bottom putting up feigned attempts to escape.
The problem with this thing is it was cooked up on paper without a test deployment.
It's probably not goong to be the panacea promised, or as bad as I fear, but it ruins continuity and comparability and when the inevitable side effects occur, if they end up being more detrimental, do you think we'll hea r an admission of error? No, they'll screw with other rules.
Being a CPA, I'm already familiar with ever changing rules promulgated from echo chambered Prometheans that always promise to improve financial reporting, but only seem to complicate it. At the end of the day, the old saw remains GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles- a lie they are specifically prescribed) is crap, but its the best thing we got.
Screwing with the point system won't help the absence of good marketing for the sport or make up for the diminishing value of dual meets.