Somethings not right with Franklin.

I don’t see a win on this schedule unless serious improvement takes place very soon. The top recruits in PA are headed elsewhere and we’ll see if the 2022 recruits hang in there or open up their recruitment if the season keeps veering into disaster. I could see Franklin pulling an Urban Meyer and cite family reasons and then doing TV for a year. I wouldn’t blame him one bit

I do not seeing him leaving for family reasons or fake family reasons. That would do more damage to his reputation. No one would believe he wasn't just bailing because things got tough.
This is like a major league pitcher just losing his fastball overnight or a champion golfer developing the yips.

It’s painful to watch and I never thought highly of Franklin’s gameday coaching abilities.

Something is definitely up. He just looks aloof and mentally checked out on the sidelines. It’s almost like he’s been told they’re shutting down the program after the season and he no longer gives a f*ck.

I don't think he looks any different than past years. The only difference is he has had nothing to get excited about and hug and jump around with his players about. He was never rah rah or a guy that was real emotional until something good happened or if one of his players spat in the opponents face
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Penn State went 23-1 over two years with John Freakin' Shaffer as QB, including a win over the Heisman trophy winning QB. We have soooo much more talent across the field than either IN or MD that it's embarrassing to lose to those guys, and to tie it all to QB play is a cop out.

It's C - O - A - C - H - I - N - G.
Spot on!
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You don't understand how it is safer for his family to be in FL?

Like many people of wealth, CJF owns 2 homes. One happens to be in FL. Since his daughter is in a higher risk category from this virus, they want to reduce the chances of her being exposed. So, they have 2 options.

The first option is to remain in their State College home. Since CJF is exposed to a 100+ people every day, the chances are relatively high that eventually he contracts the virus. So, does it make sense the family stays in SC while CJF comes home every night after being exposed to 100+ people daily?

Or, does it make more sense for the wife and kids to minimize their social exposures by staying at their second family home? The fact that the home happens to be located in FL instead of somewhere else is immaterial to them isolating from their husband and father.

CJF is probably coming to the realization that this virus situation isn't going to be resolved any time soon in this country. I am sure he is struggling with the thought there is no reasonable outlook as to when his family can return to SC as long as he is coaching football. He is probably doing some serious questioning on whether or not he wants to continue in this family separation for much longer.

I love the assumptions you make about what is in his head and the serious questioning he is doing. No one knows that.
The Dotson comments were telling. I have seen this before in football. The players don’t respect one another, many have their own agendas, and they don’t respect their coach. There appears to be a lot of bad things going on behind the scenes. I wonder if a part of it is that some see Franklin as playing favorites whether it is deserved or not.

The wheels are coming off and Franklin doesn’t have a clue on how to put them back on, or he just doesn’t have the desire to fix the situation, which is even worse. Instead of putting his players in a position to succeed, he puts them in a position that has a high likelihood of failure, like not going for the FG early in the game. It is almost like he is trying to sabotage the players chances to succeed. I could never play for a coach like this and maybe that is why there is a half assed effort by a lot of the players. The typical end game in this situation is that the coach is gone after the end of the season leaving a disgruntled and divided team. Where is someone like Mauti and company when you need them? There are obviously no true leaders on this team, least of all the head coach.

Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner. "There are obviously no true leaders on this team, least of all the head coach."
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I hate to say this, because it sounds so simplistic. If Franklin isn’t having fun the players aren’t having fun. If Franklin isn’t all in the players aren’t all. If Franklin is hesitant the players are going to be hesitant. Football in that regard is no different from any complex organization. He has to make some very hard and I’m certain difficult decisions or things won’t improve. ( And don’t ask me what they are , because I’m not there every day and I’m not making 6 mill ). If he doesn’t or can’t then he should man up and hit the pitch ( that analogy is for coal region fans ). I’m certain he won’t be standing in a bread line for long. Now truthfully it’s incredibly more complicated than I just described, but my local watering hole is opening in 20 minutes and if I’m not there the owner gets nervous. Everyone have a rainbow 🌈 day.
There used to be a coach at PSU who would let his assistants do their job and would intervene when he didn't think things were going the way he wanted or expected. He was hands-off until he thought he should be hands on. I seem to remember he won a few games in his career. Maybe CJF can look to the past for a path to the future.
If you think Joe wasn’t a micromanager you have no idea what you are talking about. Go talk to any player that played for him, coach that coached for him, or staff that worked for him. Go ask Spider. Hell, he was always telling Brad how to do his job.
If you think Joe wasn’t a micromanager you have no idea what you are talking about. Go talk to any player that played for him, coach that coached for him, or staff that worked for him. Go ask Spider. Hell, he was always telling Brad how to do his job.
Lots of rearranging history to fit agendas going on right now. Also read Joe played more freshman than Franklin. LOL
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I am of the belief that Coach will be the HC of the Atlanta Falcons next year.
If you think Joe wasn’t a micromanager you have no idea what you are talking about. Go talk to any player that played for him, coach that coached for him, or staff that worked for him. Go ask Spider. Hell, he was always telling Brad how to do his job.
You're thinking of the young Joe but yeah. That's the story players from the 70s and 80s tell. Obviously not the guy who didn't leave State College for a recruiting trip after 2007.
I am of the belief that Coach will be the HC of the Atlanta Falcons next year.

NFL players will never ever put up with Franklin’s cheerleading antics. An NFL owner will not take a chance on Franklin either because he does not treat football like a business, it’s more fun than a business.
NFL players will never ever put up with Franklin’s cheerleading antics. An NFL owner will not take a chance on Franklin either because he does not treat football like a business, it’s more fun than a business.
Wait and see..........
I don't buy that this is the same as military separation. You're deployed and immediately have a target on your back. Now that's hard.

Jimmy's making ~$6M / yr and did a self-imposed separation. His family could be just as safe in State College as they are in FLA (or where ever they are). Time to man up or get out Jimmy.
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Don't know which job he'll take as he is a top candidate for Jacksonville and perhaps Houston.
it's going to be a hard sell to season ticket holders of any NFL team to explain why they're hiring a coach that just went 2-6 or 1-7 at Penn State
I am of the belief that Coach will be the HC of the Atlanta Falcons next year.
Greatly respect your opinion but I doubt Arthur Blank will go for a college coach with one year of NFL experience after the disasterous Petrino experience.
If you think Joe wasn’t a micromanager you have no idea what you are talking about. Go talk to any player that played for him, coach that coached for him, or staff that worked for him. Go ask Spider. Hell, he was always telling Brad how to do his job.
I assumed he was referring to Bradley.
You're thinking of the young Joe but yeah. That's the story players from the 70s and 80s tell. Obviously not the guy who didn't leave State College for a recruiting trip after 2007.
If you think he didn’t micromanage Frannie or Scrap until the end you are a fool.
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If you think he didn’t micromanage Frannie or Scrap until the end you are a fool.
You can believe what you want but Joe was not all he used to be at the end. We all know the last time he left town for a recruit was to see Terrell Pryor but most folks tell me he was just semi-present even before 2008.
Don't know which job he'll take as he is a top candidate for Jacksonville and perhaps Houston.
With prognostications as poor as this one, I now understand why you are a failed ex-football coach and nothing more.
This may all be the case, but having your family 800 miles away for a guy like JF is a recipe for depression.
There may have been other options. I am sure the coaches are getting tested frequently
It doesn't matter if his family was in Bellefonte. He cannot see them without jeopardizing his daughters health. Might as well be in FL. They need to avoid public areas regardless.
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If you said BEFORE this season that Franklin could coach an NFL team, I'd have said, "yeah, maybe." But if this teams goes 3-6...which is pretty plausible right now...I can't imagine a team tapping him.

I think this is probably a COVID-related funk. I'm in a leadership position and it's a highwire act trying to keep the team working together each many changes keep happening...and so many opinions...and so many personal freedoms being impinged on. It's just a leadership nightmare.

What would things look like if 1 of those 20 hideous things didn't happen in Bloomington and we walked out of there with a win...?
Don't know which job he'll take as he is a top candidate for Jacksonville and perhaps Houston.
Lol - first you said he will be head coach of the Falcons. So which is it? Atlanta, Jacksonville, or Houston? He's a lucky man to have so many options. Sounds like the bidding war for his services will reach record setting $$ contracts. I am sure those owners will be falling all over each other to hire a cheerleading college coach with (relatively) no NFL experience (coming off a 2-7 year) to lead them to next year's super bowl.

The NFL model is a GM who picks the jimmies and the joes and a coach who supplies the x's and o's. No NFL team is going to make CJF their GM and as we painfully recognize, the x's and o's is the weakest part of his resume.

I wouldn't be surprised if CJF isn't at psu next year, but he sure as heck won't be a nfl head coach.
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Lol - first you said he will be head coach of the Falcons. So which is it? Atlanta, Jacksonville, or Houston? He's a lucky man to have so many options. Sounds like the bidding war for his services will reach record setting $$ contracts. I am sure those owners will be falling all over each other to hire a cheerleading college coach with (relatively) no NFL experience (coming off a 2-7 year) to lead them to next year's super bowl.

The NFL model is a GM who picks the jimmies and the joes and a coach who supplies the x's and o's. No NFL team is going to make CJF their GM and as we painfully recognize, the x's and o's is the weakest part of his resume.

I wouldn't be surprised if CJF isn't at psu next year, but he sure as heck won't be a nfl head coach.
Every ounce of reasonable logic in me screams agreement with you. However, these billionaire owners who are intelligent enough to amass vast fortunes often continue to make the most mind bogglingly stupid choices in selecting head coaches. So I’m just going to stick with “ I’ll never say it can’t happen “.
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James is torn between being an analytics guy and a psychological guy and so far this year it has backfired on him. That is what is bothering him.
As I think I said above (or maybe on another thread), I don't think football is as conducive to analytics as some other sports (I think they work best for baseball) because of the smaller sample size (fewer "at bats", fewer games) and the variability between scenarios (e.g. 4th and goal from the 2 in the first five minutes of the game is very different than 4th and goal from the 2 in the last five minutes of the game).
As I think I said above (or maybe on another thread), I don't think football is as conducive to analytics as some other sports (I think they work best for baseball) because of the smaller sample size (fewer "at bats", fewer games) and the variability between scenarios (e.g. 4th and goal from the 2 in the first five minutes of the game is very different than 4th and goal from the 2 in the last five minutes of the game).

I agree 100%. Problem is James is dipping his toe in them to back up the decisions he is making. If he wants to go straight analytical then I am sure there is a book out there that describes ever situation like the ones you mention.
James is torn between being an analytics guy and a psychological guy and so far this year it has backfired on him. That is what is bothering him.
This!! I feel he often get's too far inside his head and trapped between the two. That doesn't work. Pick one and stay consistent. Quit trying to out-think (guess) the other coaches. His "gut" choices when he overrides the analytics have been off, and with that he has lost his confidence. This leads to him being hesitant and tentative, which is clearly reflected by the team / coaches.

Running the RPO when you are tentative (for whatever reason) is the recipe for the disaster we have seen so far. Hesitation because they are not comfortable or not sure of what they are doing has caused this team to look slow and unprepared. I would love to see some simplification in approach so that the players aren't trying to figure on at the last minute what play is being called and just focus on firing out and taking care of business.
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