Hall vs. Bernstein (Navy)
Per 1
Bernstein gets in on a single, Hall tries an elevator, Hall rolls out and nothing. Interesting flurry. Hall shoots, Bernstein sprawls, nothing. End. Scoreless
Per 2
Bernstein takes bottom. Bernstein to his feet, taken down, to a 4-point, tripped back down, and Hall flattens him. Hall working a chicken wing. Stalemate with 1:13 left. Bernstein up again, they go OOB with 50 sec. Caution on Hall. Bernstein to his feet, tripped back down, and flattened. Bernstein stands again, tries a roll, Hall stays with him. Ride out. 2:00 of RT for Hall
Per 3
Hall takes bottom. Hall to a 4-point stance, then to his feet, nearly out but tripped back down. OOB with 1:37 left. Hall to his feet, tries to peel out, and they go OOB with 1:27 left. Hall working up, tries a roll, Bernstein maintains control. Hall turns in as they OOB with 1:02 left. Hall to 4-point stance, turns and gets the esc, 1-0. RT at 52 sec for Hall. Bernstein picks up the pace. Bernstein shoots on a single, Hall sprawls, then Hall with a double leg for a TD, 3-0. RT back over 1 min for Hall. Ride out. 1:11 in RT adds a point, so it's a 4-0 final