Southern Scuffle Thread

Peters wins in 2nd TB period 9-8.

Seems like they could devise a better way to settle a match.
Thanks for the updates! Any highlights would be appreciated. Sitting on a beach in Florida right now.
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Peters wins in 2nd TB period 9-8.

Seems like they could devise a better way to settle a match.
I'm going to guess you were looking at Flo Arena while they were testing their system because the first match won't happen for 15 minutes still.
How do you monitor the matt schedule since track doesn't appear to be carrying the scuffle?
Thanks. Limited oppt'y to watch, so key updates very much appreciated!
Usually I am able to watch a lot of wrestling by having my wife thinking I am doing work. I always tell her I don't need her help and prefer to work alone. During the midlands it took me 4 hours to hang two curtain rods, maybe she will catch on some day
Klump gave Peters everything he could handle. Really looks like it's Gilman and everyone else at 125. Suriano in the finals this year is a distinct possibility.
Anyone else having issues with the video feed from Flo? Ah, I see others are also.
Having some trouble was watching the subject match which he as losing to waters then watching the minotti match which he was crushing the kid but was spotty and the video feed seemed to be stopping
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I'm having problems with the Flo stream too; on 720p for the Walter Subjeck match I noticed it kept buffering but never sped up, so I saw the match as over on Arena while the video feed showed it still in the first period.
I'm having problems with the Flo stream too; on 720p for the Walter Subjeck match I noticed it kept buffering but never sped up, so I saw the match as over on Arena while the video feed showed it still in the first period.
Following up on this, if you switch the stream to 480p instead of 720p, you'll be brought actually live.
Following up on this, if you switch the stream to 480p instead of 720p, you'll be brought actually live.

Not for me it's not. Flo coverage is always spotty but this is the worst it's ever been for me.
Not for me it's not. Flo coverage is always spotty but this is the worst it's ever been for me.

Same here. Horrible. I'm trying to watch Brock on may 8. And I'm still two matches behind with Townsell/Kearney

This is a joke. Was looking forward to this all weekend
In case you think it's just you...

Not for me it's not. Flo coverage is always spotty but this is the worst it's ever been for me.
Yeah, that method stopped working for me as soon as I posted that comment. Because of course.
Same. The "FloZone" mat is working really well, everything else is trash. I've had great luck with Flo but this is not great.

Glad you mentioned that, I was about to give up. Hopefully Hall's matches are on FloZone.

Usually the coverage for the Scuffle has been pretty good but this year, ugh. I'd be really ticked off if Penn State was participating. Still rather annoying.
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Glad you mentioned that, I was about to give up. Hopefully Hall's matches are on FloZone.

Yeah, saved my morning as well. Guessing most/all of Hall's will be (assuming he stays front side) but doubt any of the other guys. Which is a shame, because Kade Moss planting guys at the Scuffle is one of my favorite things every year
Glad you mentioned that, I was about to give up. Hopefully Hall's matches are on FloZone.

Usually the coverage for the Scuffle has been pretty good in the past but this year, ugh. I'd be really ticked off if Penn State was participating this year.

What is FLOZONE?
All streams appear to be working fine now, for me anyway.
Another complainer unfortunately. I have been a customer for years and it seems like their streams always have issues. I do like all the other stuff they offer. But yeah I was really excited to relax all day and just watch this. I tried for like 15 minutes, but I just shut it off. I have watched other wrestling streams from Lehigh the last few years and it was flawless, and a few other too. Crazy is people have been complaining about their streams for years. Flo should have made it their New Years resolution to fix this!
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Glad im not the only one with video feed problems. Come on Flo get yo shat together! Is this what we pay for? Really?
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