I think it has already been established that several people interviewed have indicated that the "testimony" used by Freeh does NOT reflect what they told investigators.
Established by who?
Aside from JVP Jr ...... I am not aware of a single soul
I'm not saying that it is not true that "Freeh's Notes" are not congruent with what people actually said - - - in fact, I would be SHOCKED if that was not the case
But - to date - unless I missed it (and I doubt I could have missed it)......... I am completely unaware of even one person coming forward and saying:
"Freehs "conclusions" are NOT congruent with what I told them in my interview"
Have you? Has anyone?
We all HOPE someone will finally step forward and make a statement like that
We all THINK that there are folks out there who could come forward
But - again, unless I missed it

- ain't one single person come forward - - - -
Ya' think it's time? Maybe?
Bunch of Penn State pussies - - - at least that's what I think of most of them
I know most will say - "but they fear for their jobs", or what not
F that - IMO (but that's just the way I am

But, even from the most practical standpoint, PSU sure can't go around firing everyone who stands up for honesty and integrity wrt the way they were "interviewed"
If they did - those folks could make the Mike McQueary settlement judgements look like pocket change $$$$$$$$
So - IMO - the folks out there, assuming there are some (which seems like a safe assumption) who were:
- Denied the right to presence of Counsel
- Denied the right to document their conversations
- Denied the right to review their "notes"
- Who's statements were contrary to the "conclusions" reached by Freeh
Or, live your life knowing your a damn, weak, morally-vacuous bitch
How was that?
Did it come through, that I don't have a whole lot of time for folks like that?