You've basically got it right......I'm sure Jimmy W could cite chapter and verse of the entire chronologyNellie, perhaps you (or others who are reading this) can jog my memory here....
wasn't there an early report that stated that the GJ who indicted C&S for perjury was NOT the GJ who heard them testify? Rather, the GJ who heard them found them credible, while the GJ who heard McQ was the one who indicted C&S? Meaning, they found McQ credible, which contradicted the C&S testimony as to what McQ told C&S? Yet, all the non-McQ testimony has been consistent with what was relayed to them by McQ, if I understand.
I'm open to me 'misremembering' here. To me, I always thought this was an important aspect of their indictment that seems to get lost in the wash. But I'm not well-versed in how the GJ system usually works in such instances.
From a practical standpoint, GJ proceedings in PA (and the GJs in this fiasco, for sure) "work" like this......which is why nearly every state in the Union no longer use them (I forget the exact breakdown by state - but you could look it up):
1 - Prosecutors have a case that they "can't make"......don't have the evidence to bring charges wrt whatever alleged crime they are investigating.
2 - The Prosecutors compel a list of folks that they feel are relevant......and bring them into a room......and ask them the questions they want to ask them (there is no opportunity for the relevant "defendants" - based on the alleged crimes being investigated - to present or compel any evidence ......or, even to know they are being investigated)
3 - The Prosecutors perform these acts in front of a group of spectators (AKA the Grand Jury)
4 - After presenting the arguments they want to present, the Prosecutors draw up a document (a "Presentment") which outlines what they believe the testimony provided
"This all sound good to you guys?"
5 - The spectators - who may or may not have even heard the testimonies - may or may not read the "Presentment"......but in either case, they respond with:
"Sure, whatever. Can we go home now - - - - or is it time for lunch?"
6 - The Prosecutors now go forward with their case - knowing it has been "blessed" by the sacred rites of the PA Grand Jury.
That is the "Justice" system in PA under the Grand Jury process.
Next question?
"....William J. Campbell, former federal district judge in Chicago: “Today, the grand jury is the total captive of the prosecutor who, if he is candid, will concede that he can indict anybody, at any time, for almost anything, before any grand jury.”
What this means is that the grand jury is a secret ex parte proceeding where the evidence is presented by the prosecutor and the grand jury votes whether to indict without ever hearing from the court or defense counsel.
Under these circumstances the grand jurors tend to bond with the prosecutor and indict when the prosecutor indicates there should be an indictment.
The grand jury today functions primarily as a tool of the prosecutor. Employing the power of compulsory process in a secret proceeding, the prosecutor investigates and determines, with virtually no check, who will be indicted and for what...."
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