Established by who?
Aside from JVP Jr ...... I am not aware of a single soul
I'm not saying that it is not true that "Freeh's Notes" are not congruent with what people actually said - - - in fact, I would be SHOCKED if that was not the case
But - to date - unless I missed it (and I doubt I could have missed it)......... I am completely unaware of even one person coming forward and saying:
"Freehs "conclusions" are NOT congruent with what I told them in my interview"
Have you? Has anyone?
We all HOPE someone will finally step forward and make a statement like that
We all THINK that there are folks out there who could come forward
But - again, unless I missed it

- ain't one single person come forward - - - -
Ya' think it's time? Maybe?
Bunch of Penn State pussies - - - at least that's what I think of most of them
I know most will say - "but they fear for their jobs", or what not
F that - IMO (but that's just the way I am

But, even from the most practical standpoint, PSU sure can't go around firing everyone who stands up for honesty and integrity wrt the way they were "interviewed"
If they did - those folks could make the Mike McQueary settlement judgements look like pocket change $$$$$$$$
So - IMO - the folks out there, assuming there are some (which seems like a safe assumption) who were:
- Denied the right to presence of Counsel
- Denied the right to document their conversations
- Denied the right to review their "notes"
- Who's statements were contrary to the "conclusions" reached by Freeh
Or, live your life knowing your a damn, weak, morally-vacuous bitch
How was that?
Did it come through, that I don't have a whole lot of time for folks like that?