IIRC, and I don't have a transcript here in front of me, but I believe the question was posed to TC wrt "other incidents of abuse".....or something along those lines (though I am certainly NOT interested in parsing every word)
Given that someone with even rather detailed familiarity of "1998" - - - - - which really shouldn't be the case, given the "supposed" procedures in place when investigating such allegations.......but I think we all agree that in the "real world" those procedures are not always as "letter of the law" as they are written.....so for the sake of argument lets assume that TC WAS aware - with a fair amount of depth and breadth - of the 1998 incident - - - - He would reasonably be expected know it as something along the lines of:
- 2nd Mile kid's Mother upset to find that JS was taking post-workout showers w Kid
- Cops/Welfare Agencies (of some sort) notified and investigate
- Upon investigation, no reasons found to pursue.....non-issue/no charges/no repercussions"
That doesn't necessarily read like an "abuse" incident....does it?
Now, maybe one could "debate" over it for hours (or years?

But in any case, given that the parameters for "Perjury" - - - - -
Oath, Intent, Falsity, and Materiality - - - - are what they are, to use THAT (the questions/answers wrt "1998") as the sole (or primary) source of a Perjury claim - is just silly, IMO.
From time to time I "hear" of mountains of evidence piled up vav TCur, GSch, and GSpan.....(and - from time to time - JVP).
But....I never see it.
If it exists, I would certainly like to see it........truly.
I won't say
"Id be more interested than ANYONE involved, in having that evidence come forward" - because there may be folks who would be EVEN MORE interested than I.......but, rest assured, I'd be in that "upper centile" of folks who would like to see it ALL spilled out on the deck (like the guts of that Louisiana shark in Jaws).
Given the long track record of the Prosecutors who have been involved in this case - - - in every "high-profile" case they have ever F-ed up....which would be ALL of them - - - the absence, to date, of that mountain of evidence is - to say the least - disconcerting.