Starting Lineup

Doesn't matter - it's just not funny anymore either way.

Maybe you can come up with some material. Can't remember the last contribution you made.

In the meantime, dunk's "schtick" is that he posts a variety of material and does far more for the board than you.
maybe to some. others not. Word of advice on an anonymous message board, asking for something to stop generally gets you more of it.

I'll just add, the only thing worse than spyker at this point is spyker imitations.
I agree it is old, stale, and lame.
But it's your right to keep posting,
I'd be happy with no spyker and no spyker references
Darn you Chickenman, I bought Orwell's book 1984 in 1984 and it still sits in my night stand unread. You reminded me to read it after the season.

The PSU Rutgers football score may match the wrestling score. No make it 35 -3.
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