Steveson to WWE

Could someone help me unpack the logic bundle in this please?
1. "I would tend to doubt it lacks an exclusivity clause"
2. Exclusivity Clause = a clause that makes his WWE participation exclusive = WWE would NOT allow NCAA participation?
3. Lacks an Exclusivity Clause = WWE does NOT have an Exclusivity Clause = WWE would NOT BLOCK NCAA participation = he COULD participate in NCAA
4. Tend to doubt = the opposite of #3 = he canNOT participate in NCAA

Do I follow Goggles' (and Jefe's!) reasoning/assertion/guesses here?

@Dogwelder help!?
Responses above to Exclusivity are close but not quite what I meant ...

Pro sports contracts routinely prohibit certain physical activities to prevent injury risk. Not just high-risk stuff like skydiving and motorcycle riding. Many football and baseball players aren't allowed to play basketball.

It's not for the players' safety. It's to protect the teams financially -- the player can be substantially fined and even have guaranteed money voided.

The leagues spend tons on private investigators because players will brazenly lie to keep their money. Example: the infamous Jeff Kent "car wash" incident.

Hard to imagine notorious contract hard-ass McMahon not doing the same for Steveson.
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Hard to imagine notorious contract hard-ass McMahon not doing the same for Steveson.
McMahon is definitely that guy, but he also doesn't hand out one-size-fits-all contracts; different wrestlers are treated very differently. I think a situation like Steveson is pretty unique for the WWE--an actual, credentialed wrestler with mass appeal/name recognition to a crossover audience. Like Johnstownsteel suggested, you could sign him for little to simply show up and make appearances while he was in college. A test drive. See how he works on camera, then sign him to a bigger contract when he's done with school. I don't see the injury speculation as compelling; insurance can take care of that and it'd have to be a pretty serious injury to prevent him from becoming a professional wrestler, an injury that isn't likely to occur on a college mat. Losing while in college is probably a bigger risk for both parties but only if McMahon overpays now.
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Also, let's talk about the timeline:
Kasper signed with WWE on Feb 23 and debuted last night. That's 6.5 months of training and development.

As Roar said, Steveson can't train WWE, train/compete as a Goofer, and be a full-time student simultaneously. If he wants to be a Goofer, he can't train with WWE until next April, which sets his debut at approx Thanksgiving 2022.

McMahon is also notoriously impatient. Would he really sign a contract today in which Steveson doesn't debut until Thanksgiving 2022? Perhaps not impossible but strains belief. (Especially given that Briscoe and J Rob had to hide the Lesnar under-the-table deal from McMahon for a year.)
McMahon is definitely that guy, but he also doesn't hand out one-size-fits-all contracts; different wrestlers are treated very differently. I think a situation like Steveson is pretty unique for the WWE--an actual, credentialed wrestler with mass appeal/name recognition to a crossover audience. Like Johnstownsteel suggested, you could sign him for little to simply show up and make appearances while he was in college. A test drive. See how he works on camera, then sign him to a bigger contract when he's done with school. I don't see the injury speculation as compelling; insurance can take care of that and it'd have to be a pretty serious injury to prevent him from becoming a professional wrestler, an injury that isn't likely to occur on a college mat. Losing while in college is probably a bigger risk for both parties but only if McMahon overpays now.
I could see that. IF McMahon is patient enough for that timeline.

Losing in college is not a risk. They'll still get to market him as an NCAA and Olympic champ. If he loses, McMahon will go after the guy who beats him. (And fail to land Kerk.)

An injury that delays Steveson's debut is a risk to both sides. I'm not sure what insurance Steveson can get that would cover him for activities explicitly banned in his contract ... but imagine if he's willing to pay enough premium, someone is willing to cover him.
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If I were to GUESS, 51% of me says he's going WWE. One data point not mentioned (or I missed it) is that he's declined his spot on the USA team for the World Championships.
Is it common for the WWE to not promote or even mention that they have signed a guy like Gable? I thought I'd find something on their website but not finding anything.
I'm sorry guys but he is gone. The time for Gable to cash in is right now, and he knows it. WWE needs to make some big moves to get back some momentum from AEW, and the perceived second coming of Kurt Angle is just what the Dr. ordered. If Gable signed (and I believe he did) it was for a big money, exclusive contract. If anyone wants to bet me that he won't wrestle in college this year, I will gladly take some of that action.
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If I were to GUESS, 51% of me says he's going WWE. One data point not mentioned (or I missed it) is that he's declined his spot on the USA team for the World Championships.
May be calculating risk but who knows. A loss at world championships could take a little shine off his Olympic success where the parties think a loss in college is unlikely. Phantom is probably right but like I said in an earlier post, I'd slow play Gable and have him pissing off the WWE stars till next summer telling them hes gonna destroy them all and take what is rightfully his (the belt). Would make great storyline and build up the anticipation of his arrival.
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The WWE generally demands the exclusive right to maime it's wrestlers.

Man, Vince should hire me to write his storylines. Lol. Going a step further with what I'd do in bringing in Gable, the fans and the wrestlers are told Gable hasnt signed anything and not the property of the WWE. Wrestlers are told they can not lay a hand on him or will be subject to arrest and prosecution for assault. Gable could run his mouth to them, say anything and everything and even tell them their mom is a ho. Lol. Of course throughout this storyline, a wrestler or two cant control themself and slaps Gable around or hits him with a chair or something and is led out of the arena in cuffs.

I have way too much time on my
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Man, Vince should hire me to write his storylines … Wrestlers are told they can not lay a hand on him … Gable could … even tell them their mom is a ho. Lol … I have way too much time on my
I just talked to the moderator of HR. He likes your idea. He says you can call the HR cesspool mommas hos as much as you want. He’ll tell HR that his hands are tied fer legal reasons and he can’t ban you. Clicks! Drama! #greenlight :)
I just talked to the moderator of HR. He likes your idea. He says you can call the HR cesspool mommas hos as much as you want. He’ll tell HR that his hands are tied fer legal reasons and he can’t ban you. Clicks! Drama! #greenlight :)
Lol. HR will be happy to know tha this will most likely be the last season I irritate them as much as I do and most likely spend less time on all the boards.

My daughter informed this past weekend that she's making me a grand pappy so when that baby is born I'm gonna be spending alot of time spoiling the hell out of that kiddo. :)
Lol. HR will be happy to know tha this will most likely be the last season I irritate them as much as I do and most likely spend less time on all the boards.

My daughter informed this past weekend that she's making me a grand pappy so when that baby is born I'm gonna be spending alot of time spoiling the hell out of that kiddo. :)
Congrats! How many months until you learn your new HR handle?
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Lol … I … most likely spend less time on all the boards … I'm gonna be spending alot of time spoiling the hell out of that kiddo. :)
Yeah right. Everybody knows you’ll do both. :) Congratulations!

You can use the best technique from WildTurk’s 3-millimeter binder. Just before they ban you, make puppy eyes and plead, “you wouldn’t ban a grandpa, would you?” :)
Lol. HR will be happy to know tha this will most likely be the last season I irritate them as much as I do and most likely spend less time on all the boards.

My daughter informed this past weekend that she's making me a grand pappy so when that baby is born I'm gonna be spending alot of time spoiling the hell out of that kiddo. :)
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I'm sorry guys but he is gone. The time for Gable to cash in is right now, and he knows it. WWE needs to make some big moves to get back some momentum from AEW, and the perceived second coming of Kurt Angle is just what the Dr. ordered. If Gable signed (and I believe he did) it was for a big money, exclusive contract. If anyone wants to bet me that he won't wrestle in college this year, I will gladly take some of that action.
I'm sorry guys but he is gone. The time for Gable to cash in is right now, and he knows it. WWE needs to make some big moves to get back some momentum from AEW, and the perceived second coming of Kurt Angle is just what the Dr. ordered. If Gable signed (and I believe he did) it was for a big money, exclusive contract. If anyone wants to bet me that he won't wrestle in college this year, I will gladly take some of that action.
I'm in for whatever you want to bet :)
Wow, I am beyond shocked. I thought for sure Gable would take the bag and drop college altogether. Good for him to be able to do what he wants and still make some money.
So Vince and Gable pretty much went with my idea...
In hindsight, I guess I underestimated the effect of WWE facing real competition for the first time in 20 years. I don't think even someone like Gable would have had the leverage to do this a year or two ago, even with the NIL changes.
In hindsight, I guess I underestimated the effect of WWE facing real competition for the first time in 20 years. I don't think even someone like Gable would have had the leverage to do this a year or two ago, even with the NIL changes.
I had an inkling they were working out something along these lines. Now the skys the limit for them to build up the anticipation of his arrival for the next 8 months or so. They need to read this thread if they run out of ideas on how to do it. Lmao
McMahon is definitely that guy, but he also doesn't hand out one-size-fits-all contracts; different wrestlers are treated very differently. I think a situation like Steveson is pretty unique for the WWE--an actual, credentialed wrestler with mass appeal/name recognition to a crossover audience. Like Johnstownsteel suggested, you could sign him for little to simply show up and make appearances while he was in college. A test drive. See how he works on camera, then sign him to a bigger contract when he's done with school. I don't see the injury speculation as compelling; insurance can take care of that and it'd have to be a pretty serious injury to prevent him from becoming a professional wrestler, an injury that isn't likely to occur on a college mat. Losing while in college is probably a bigger risk for both parties but only if McMahon overpays now.
Lol. HR will be happy to know tha this will most likely be the last season I irritate them as much as I do and most likely spend less time on all the boards.

My daughter informed this past weekend that she's making me a grand pappy so when that baby is born I'm gonna be spending alot of time spoiling the hell out of that kiddo. :)
Like the Soviets at Stalingrad, when JTS pushes away the keyboard, another must take his place. Big shoes to fill.
Sure, theoretically. Kinda like you could theoretically not get electrocuted by dropping a running hairdryer into a bathtub full of water.

Let us know if you figure out how to make those theories into reality.
I guess Vince figured that out for me. Thank god I left my blow dryers back in the 70's!!
Not me...I'd make him a bad guy. Lol. I don't watch WWE. Is the current champ beloved by the fans? If not, I'd quickly make whoever is win the belt then have Gable running him down and verbally assaulting the new champ for months. And any other wrestler that the fans love. Put fans on the edge of their seats waiting for that asshole to wrestle in the ring.

Oh, and since I'm a slimeball like Vince is, I'd sign Mason Parris next and if possible tell no one publically. Pull Gable in the office and say something along the lines of, " could you imagine how big a rivalry it would create professionally if Mason were to beat you at NCAAs this year? ...Wink wink..

Oh hell...

I'm kidding guys on that last paragraph. Well...sorta kinda kidding..
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NIL making this all possibly. He’ll make some bank and practice on the ring they’re bringing up to minny specially for him. Then after the season is over then his “real” contract begins.

I wonder how much time he’ll spend actually training professional wrestling during his folk style wrestling season. Maybe he won’t be sharp and someone picks him off because he’s not focused but doubtful.
He should just steal Goldbanger's name. (Because gold medal.) :)

Lmao. I swear that was the one I was thinking of too. Was thinking along the lines of his Gold medal. Gable is so good at playing the bad guy. He had NCAA fans hating him everywhere. I really hope they make him a bad guy to at least start out. He won the Gold for himself not this lousy country or it's stupid people. Stuff along those lines. Lol. I never really got into the Pro wrestling stuff but I'm definitely gonna follow to see where it all goes with him.