Super Tuesday Match Thread - NLWC event - Feb. 23rd - 6 PM

They had better refund. And get down on their knees and apologize. Martin Flo(riani) seems to be the bad link here. Messed up at FLO and now Rokfin.
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Anyone back in? Or know what is going on with the matches?

Such incompetence.
I'm going to climb up on my soap box for a second and acknowledge that I have a really good life and this isn't even a blip in the grand scheme of things. BUT, I'm really tired of subscribing to multiple wrestling streaming services and have the G DAMN things fail all the G DAMN time.

I'm going to climb up on my soap box for a second and acknowledge that I have a really good life and this isn't even a blip in the grand scheme of things. BUT, I'm really tired of subscribing to multiple wrestling streaming services and have the G DAMN things fail all the G DAMN time.

Great point. Let's see if Rokfin learns from this. Flo didn't.
And let's make Snyder wrestle Jackson again.
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They took the tips and are drinking downtown in U. Park. If you tip these guys from now on, you're nuts. Give it to NLWC instead.
WHat tip. First time user I just paid 9.99 for nuttin
I am still getting feed, now just a screen showing the card since they announced a ten minute break.

Igot it to load. Hit the live event and asking for credit card again. I had signed up an hour ago. Frustrating
The number currently watching dropped from 1450 to 450, and now appears to be climbing. Hopefully, that's a good sign.