Suriano Rumor?

Suriano is gone and i get it that it is time to move on. I definitely will not be rooting for him though. I say he will beat Nato every time they wrestle and he will win the national title this year. Nato at 125 will be drained and Nick will wear him out IMO. I really wish Lee would wrestle this year cause I think he is an immediate title contender. Obviously his health is most important and he will do what is best for him and his team. Can not wait for the season to start.
You think a kid's father would go against the best interests of his son? Do you have children?

No one said a father would do so knowingly (which is what your questions imply). However, there are plenty of overzealous parents out there who do not recognize the best interests of their children and overstep. Not saying that's what happened in the Suriano household, because I do not know. But let's not pretend that parents, as a rule, are infallible when it comes to the welfare/best interests of their kids.
You think a kid's father would go against the best interests of his son? Do you have children?
Imma gonna answer. A kid's father is unlikely to go against his son's best interests knowingly, but he might do so from medical ignorance. Steve Jobs chose quack medicine in Mexico over real American medicine, and that turned out to be against his own best interests.
So the best current guess is that the PSU Medical Team ruled him out for the NCAAs and also advised him to have surgery.

Suriano, an intensely driven young man with a personal goal of being a 4x champion, finds his own MD who says he could have wrestled without sustaining further long-term damage, does not require surgery and pushes this opinion on Cael and later, The Big Ten review board, requesting the waiver.

Is this where we think we are at with this story? If so, I have absolutely zero problem with Cael and PSU's decision. They were only looking out for the kid's health and career long-term. Essentially, trying to save the kid from himself.
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Safety first. To think Nick could've wrestled is revisionist history. he could barely walk. Maybe if he could mask his agony more the decision would've been different. Anyway, he wrestles and snaps his leg there's a much bigger shit storm than being butt hurt about not competing. Medical staff and coaches made the right decision.
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Imma gonna answer. A kid's father is unlikely to go against his son's best interests knowingly, but he might do so from medical ignorance. Steve Jobs chose quack medicine in Mexico over real American medicine, and that turned out to be against his own best interests.

Your Jobs analogy doesn't fit because we regularly do things that are not in our own best interests, but we're biologically programmed to act in the best interests of our offspring.
You think a kid's father would go against the best interests of his son? Do you have children?
Never heard of a youth parent making junior cut weight? (David Taylor talked about seeing this at youth events.)

Never heard of kids who were afraid to lose, because of what would happen when they got home?

Never heard of a parent who thought they knew more than the professionals?

All of those bad parents probably think they're acting in their kids' best interests.
No one said a father would do so knowingly (which is what your questions imply). However, there are plenty of overzealous parents out there who do not recognize the best interests of their children and overstep. Not saying that's what happened in the Suriano household, because I do not know. But let's not pretend that parents, as a rule, are infallible when it comes to the welfare/best interests of their kids.

You're implying Suriano's dad doesn't have Internet service? Because the first thing a parent does after getting the specifics of their kid's injury is Google every available avenue, right?
Never heard of a youth parent making junior cut weight? (David Taylor talked about seeing this at youth events.)

Never heard of kids who were afraid to lose, because of what would happen when they got home?

Never heard of a parent who thought they knew more than the professionals?

All of those bad parents probably think they're acting in their kids' best interests.

I thought Coach Sanderson didn't recruit those types.
You guys have really seen fathers force kids to cut weight? You've seem kids scared to lose because their father would think less of them? Or fathers that would disregard a professional medical opinion? And you did what? Just look down and shake your head? Forget that.
I spoke to a real knowledgeable New Jersey wrestling fan. He claims that the Big Ten decision to allow Suriano to wrestle this year was because the Suriano's threatened legal action.
The supposed reasoned Suriano requested to leave, was Penn State mismanaged his ankle injury and other doctors opinion would confirm it.
Suriano's then said they would challenge the Big Ten transfer rule in a court. Deeming it not to be fair when it pertains to one's health and safety environment.
The Big Ten was put in a spot that it would have to support the Penn State side of the medical treatment.
The Big Ten decided it was better to allow transfer without 1 year penalty than possibly having the transfer rule deemed illegal.
These types of decisions have a way of coming back to haunt people. I predict he will never win a national title.
Your Jobs analogy doesn't fit because we regularly do things that are not in our own best interests, but we're biologically programmed to act in the best interests of our offspring.
Google Marv Marinovich.

And don't stop there - think of the countless number of parents who don't do anything close to what you're saying and in fact should be kept far away from their offspring.
Disengenuous. I should've known before trying to discuss with you.

I wasn't being disingenuous, I was being sincere. I got the impression you guys wanted the fun-loving, devil-may-care, "wrestle at your natural weight" guys, which is frankly a pretty cool deal.
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Google Marv Marinovich.

And don't stop there - think of the countless number of parents who don't do anything close to what you're saying and in fact should be kept far away from their offspring.

Even twenty years ago Marv Marinovich was the exception (hence the SI article), and everyone knows how Todd turned out. Do people really still do that? I guess that's natural selection at work?
Even twenty years ago Marv Marinovich was the exception (hence the SI article), and everyone knows how Todd turned out. Do people really still do that? I guess that's natural selection at work?
I'm surrounded by crazy football dads in Texas. It may be more insane nowadays.
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Anyway, I'm amazed Suriano is still a topic here. You have like nine guys that will qualify for nationals and you're wondering what went wrong with a guy that's at Rutgers. RUTGERS. Seriously. Of course I can't help poking you guys!! LOL
Over the years I have seen numerous father's behave like jackasses.
Not saying anything about our former 125 pounder, but to believe for a second that there are not control freak jackasses out there doing more harm than good as father's is beyond naive.
Ev, you really want to win this one. If we were real life friends, I would want to let you win this one, and then let's go get a beer or play basketball or something! :) Anyhow, you're a good guy.
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Over the years I have seen numerous father's behave like jackasses.
Not saying anything about our former 125 pounder, but to believe for a second that there are not control freak jackasses out there doing more harm than good as father's is beyond naive.

I believe there are control freak jackasses but it's everyone's responsibility to speak to said jackasses and explain the harm being done. Agreed?
Anyway, I'm amazed Suriano is still a topic here. You have like nine guys that will qualify for nationals and you're wondering what went wrong with a guy that's at Rutgers. RUTGERS. Seriously. Of course I can't help poking you guys!! LOL
Poisoned well. I love that Coach Bell stepped up and supported Penn State and Cael. He was more worried about NJ wrestlers losing access to a great program with great coaches based on the recent unfortunate circumstances.
I have been a physician for 34 yrs, mostly as an orthopaedic surgeon. I have had the opportunity to treat many young athletes in that time. I have lost count of the times parents have been unable or unwilling to see the folly of their children participating in sports in the face of medical evidence that was overwhelming that it would be harmful to the child. Sometimes it's about money (usually in the form of scholarships on the line), sometimes the chance for a championship, notoriety, living vicariously through their children, and sometimes it is just the parents inability to comprehend the facts.
Sports are frequently seen as a way out of poverty, a way to get an education, a way to be important, or a way to justify the sacrifices of the parents. The kids almost always want to compete. That's what athletes do. It is my job to make sure they understand the risks and benefits. Adults can then weigh the odds and make their decisions, but in the case of children/young athletes, I feel obligated to err on the side of safety. It can be a very difficult decision since some opportunities will be lost forever. However, you only get one brain, one chance to remain healthy, and to sacrifice that chance can't be taken lightly.
Ev, you really want to win this one. If we were real life friends, I would want to let you win this one, and then let's go get a beer or play basketball or something! :) Anyhow, you're a good guy.

"Play basketball?? Them's fightin' words, Boy!"

...But I'd be down for a beer, lol
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I believe there are control freak jackasses but it's everyone's responsibility to speak to said jackasses and explain the harm being done. Agreed?
So you spoke up against Mark Martin's father when he complained about his son being forced to go 174? He clearly knew better than Ryan what was better for his son.
So you spoke up against Mark Martin's father when he complained about his son being forced to go 174? He clearly knew better than Ryan what was better for his son.

Dude, I've never even Myles(?) Martin's dad. Did he want his kid at 165??
I have been a physician for 34 yrs, mostly as an orthopaedic surgeon. I have had the opportunity to treat many young athletes in that time. I have lost count of the times parents have been unable or unwilling to see the folly of their children participating in sports in the face of medical evidence that was overwhelming that it would be harmful to the child. Sometimes it's about money (usually in the form of scholarships on the line), sometimes the chance for a championship, notoriety, living vicariously through their children, and sometimes it is just the parents inability to comprehend the facts.
Sports are frequently seen as a way out of poverty, a way to get an education, a way to be important, or a way to justify the sacrifices of the parents. The kids almost always want to compete. That's what athletes do. It is my job to make sure they understand the risks and benefits. Adults can then weigh the odds and make their decisions, but in the case of children/young athletes, I feel obligated to err on the side of safety. It can be a very difficult decision since some opportunities will be lost forever. However, you only get one brain, one chance to remain healthy, and to sacrifice that chance can't be taken lightly.

Okay, so that's the straight dope, no questions asked. I'm not being facetious, I don't doubt a word of what you said but may I ask if it happened frequently with wrestlers? I'm asking because they don't typically get full scholarships, like football or basketball players.
The sport matters less than the parents. I will say that the kids I treated were mostly football, baseball, basketball, volleyball and cheerleading. This is due to the number of participants and the places I lived (13 years in the Army and now in Florida), but the process is the same. It starts as young as grade school.
When I posted the initial comment it was meant to be insightful of how the Suriano- Big Ten ruling played out. It wasn't meant to rehash his decision to leave.
The worst thing about his transfer was the weight he was at . 125 and Hwt are the 2 toughest weights to have depth. We should remember what happened when Nevills got hurt ,Cael had to recruit a football player.
Sometimes you might get lucky and have a potential redshirt that you can slide in at 125. Next year would have worked out better for that option.

Does PSU have a gymnastics or horse racing team for Cael to canvass for 125 pounders? ;)
I was thinking the same thing...take your pick:
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Again no dog in this.
If really Suriano wanted to wrestle and his parents did also that they felt it would be ok I can not see a reason why they did not let him.
Surely there must be some form or some way to protect the school from being liable in this situation . If he felt his injury was ok to go then he should have been able..No one really knows do we how bad it was but the ones involved.
Remember M* AA on one leg,St John going on one leg, and look at Clark last year. Surely Iowa was not going to be liable I would think the school would say no go...Know I could be wrong and you guys think I'm crazy but I just still can see reason he wanted go if he felt he was ready.

Serious question--are you familiar with D1 athletics and the NCAA and Team trainers/staff. If the team doctor says NO, there isn't a damn thing a coach or kid or parent can do about it. Otherwise, the coaches are violating the rules.
Your Jobs analogy doesn't fit because we regularly do things that are not in our own best interests, but we're biologically programmed to act in the best interests of our offspring.

Um, no parents are not biologically programmed to act in the best interests of their offspring--that's why there are so many sh&tty parents and screwed up kids in the world. It's a learned behavior based on many factors including how you yourself were raised.

Perhaps what you should have said is that YOU don't know of any parents who would do things that are not in their kid's best interest. I would counter and say that the problem with you is that you don't know any crappy parents. I don't know the Suriano family from a whole in the wall so dad could totally be a crappy parent for all I know, or he could just be a misguided one trying to make his sons (or his) dreams come true.
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Anyway, I'm amazed Suriano is still a topic here. You have like nine guys that will qualify for nationals and you're wondering what went wrong with a guy that's at Rutgers. RUTGERS. Seriously. Of course I can't help poking you guys!! LOL

I think we're just curious beings.
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I believe there are control freak jackasses but it's everyone's responsibility to speak to said jackasses and explain the harm being done. Agreed?

Well, yeah, but some parents don't want to hear what you have to say. I have watched kids cry on the sidelines because their "parents" were berating them for not doing well in a competition. I personally sat behind a parent who's child got a better score than mine for the first time ever and actually YELL from the stands to the Kid on the floor " You finally beat ______". Yes, I was sitting right here. Oh, I have stories upon have no idea what parents are willing to say and do.
You guys have really seen fathers force kids to cut weight? You've seem kids scared to lose because their father would think less of them? Or fathers that would disregard a professional medical opinion? And you did what? Just look down and shake your head? Forget that.
Yes to all above multiple times on the weight cutting and scared to lose across multiple sports including girls.

never the medical opinion, but I have had parents get second opinions to try and over rule the 1st opinion they didnt like. luckily in both situations the 2nd opinion only confirmed the original process.

not sure your aim, with your triggering, actually maybe I am, but assuming the best in your posts you would be amazed what is going on out there.
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Yes to all above multiple times on the weight cutting and scared to lose across multiple sports including girls.

never the medical opinion, but I have had parents get second opinions to try and over rule the 1st opinion they didnt like. luckily in both situations the 2nd opinion only confirmed the original process.

not sure your aim, with your triggering, actually maybe I am, but assuming the best in your posts you would be amazed what is going on out there.

My older son played soccer and I had zero qualms letting a parent/coach know if I felt they were going over the top. Maybe I'm overprotective but I figure it's in the job description. And I honestly do feel we're programmed to put our kids ahead of ourselves, why else would we put up with the absolutely ridiculous things they do? lol

Even if it's not your kid, look at it from a practical point of view: if I damage my kid, we all pay for it in the end, right? Besides, I'd rather get my ass kicked for speaking up than let something go down and regret keeping my big fat mouth shut, lol
You think a kid's father would go against the best interests of his son? Do you have children?
Depends on how you define interests. Keep in mind, very easy to doctor shop and get an opinion you like better. Read up on Reggie Lewis and his heart condition. Boston Celtic doctors said his career was over, he found a doctor who disagreed, Lewis died of a massive heart attack in a light workout.

I am not saying Suriano's ankle was anything near life threatening, however the PSU medical team obviously did not clear Suriano to wrestle at NCAA's. The Suriano's probably found a doctor who said he could wrestle. The difference between the two is that the PSU medical team most likely was not comfortable with the risk to serious injury to the ankle, Suriano doctor probably down played the risk...Suriano's were willing to put their son out there. It is possible the Suriano's looked at it from a worse case scenario, maybe they were told worse case, Nick wrestles and re-breaks the ankle and needs surgery and will be able to wrestle in January and they were comfortable with that scenario (purely hypothetical).

Who was right we will never know and neither will the doctors.