Suriano vs Fix

I wonder how many of you will call out John Smith for what he did after a Gfeller reversal? The pistols firing thing... which Ashnault did.... So to recap:

John Smith does pistols firing.

Ashnault does it.

Ashnault gets shoved.

Ashnault loses a team point too for telling the guy who shoved him to bring it.
I missed where Smith did the old hockey goon "Hold Me Back!!" routine after instigating.
That's a five year-old's argument. "He did it first". Besides, everyone knows Smith is a jerk already. I guess you think that justifies AA acting like a jerk, too. :rolleyes:

And what he did is hardly something you want to celebrate.

Probably the last person on the internet to say this. Sum up most of your comments would be “well he said it first.” Any celebration by Ash would have been out of bounds by the faithful here let alone an Air Guitar unprovoked.
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Probably the last person on the internet to say this. Sum up most of your comments would be “well he said it first.” Any celebration by Ash would have been out of bounds by the faithful here let alone an Air Guitar unprovoked.
Last sentence is a straw man. Ashnault often acts douchy with after the bell slaps and such. This is just one more thing. Can Rutgers win anything without some Seaside-heights style douchbaggery?
Hands to the face onsuriano. 3-2. That’s how it ends. What a joke

Fix wins 3-2
What a great result! I love Karma. I’m not one to make bold predictions, but when Suriano left, based on the way he did it, I said he would never win a national title. I stand by that comment; I don’t think he has the mental makeup to be a national champion.
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I was curious about the Fix - Suriano bout, but it sounds as though it went pretty close to my expectations. As to the dual, I didn't think it would be all that close, and that looks to be the case, as the final was 24-5, Oklahoma State.
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Is this an idea housed in a shell that must be cracked to reveal - the shell needed to protect the valuable content therein? I need this help because I'm trying to develop my own updated dictionary.

I’m honestly surprised it took this long for someone to be baffled by my Welsh slang.
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Want to confirm db post match celebrations are taboo? Does that include db post match interviews?
You say childish. A provoked response in a charged environment of 6000 people. We don’t see it the same way.

Are you being purposefully obtuse? What I said was excusing AA's behavior by saying "he did it first" is the argument of a five year-old.

Tweeting in a way that glorifies (is that a semi-official account) what AA did is classless.

I thought it was 9000 people? But now you trying to excuse it because AA's action was in a charged environment? There's a big difference between air guitar and pointing pretend pistols at an opponent, but that's probably lost on you too.
I wonder how many of you will call out John Smith for what he did after a Gfeller reversal? The pistols firing thing... which Ashnault did.... So to recap:

John Smith does pistols firing.

Ashnault does it.

Ashnault gets shoved.

Ashnault loses a team point too for telling the guy who shoved him to bring it.
Banjo, a little different take. I just watched the last part. Didn't have much problem with the pistols firing-and to me G didn't either. Just went to shake hands-then at end of handshake pushed. I am looking at Ash's back-were his lips moving at the same time as the handshake?
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Not easily offended here, but if someone fires fake pistols at me or mine,that someone’s gettin punched.

I am shocked the NCAA hasnt outlawed this celebration,especially with all the recent school shootings.
The Fix-Suriano match was a great example of how fun wrestling can be coached out of people. Their match at WNO a few years back was the most action-packed, evenly-contested match one could hope to see. Several years later and under the tutelage of college coaches known for conservative approaches and what do you get? Virtually no action and no takedown attempts in a long, long match.

Rutgers twitter announced today’s attendance at 7545. Nice crowd, but not close to Flo’s rumor.

Flo and Rutgers have a bizarre symbiotic relationship. I can't figure it out. It seems almost like Rutgers pays Flo to puff them up. Rutgers tells Flo 9000 tickets are sold for the match. Flo repeats it without any inquiry. Both parties look stupid.

And not even the record crowd at the RAC for wrestling, which was set, iirc, when a certain team wearing blue and white singlets with the signature band of white was visiting. :)
Hands to the face onsuriano. 3-2. That’s how it ends. What a joke

Fix wins 3-2
If you want to see something interesting, check out the two head coaches reactions to the post-match AA-Gfeller stuff. One coach says he reminded his wrestler who he wrestles for and says "we don't need that". The other one giggles and says "Anthony likes to have fun".

The Fix-Suriano match was a great example of how fun wrestling can be coached out of people. Their match at WNO a few years back was the most action-packed, evenly-contested match one could hope to see. Several years later and under the tutelage of college coaches known for conservative approaches and what do you get? Virtually no action and no takedown attempts in a long, long match.

Flo and Rutgers have a bizarre symbiotic relationship. I can't figure it out. It seems almost like Rutgers pays Flo to puff them up. Rutgers tells Flo 9000 tickets are sold for the match. Flo repeats it without any inquiry. Both parties look stupid.

And not even the record crowd at the RAC for wrestling, which was set, iirc, when a certain team wearing blue and white singlets with the signature band of white was visiting. :)
How do you know this? Just curious.
Disappointing match to say the least

Unfortunately, Suriano seems to wrestle way too cautious against the cream of the crop... going all the way back to his match vs Gilman.. He wrestles like Dean Smith used to have the Tar Heels play 4-corner offense to kill the ball during the no-shot-clock era
Banjo, a little different take. I just watched the last part. Didn't have much problem with the pistols firing-and to me G didn't either. Just went to shake hands-then at end of handshake pushed. I am looking at Ash's back-were his lips moving at the same time as the handshake?

From watching it again and sitting somewhere where I couldn’t see it he looked like he was walking to the middle to shake the hand and G already was in the act of pushing. Pretty sure he wasn’t happy with the gesture. Neither would I.
What a great result! I love Karma. I’m not one to make bold predictions, but when Suriano left, based on the way he did it, I said he would never win a national title. I stand by that comment; I don’t think he has the mental makeup to be a national champion.

If Nick is struggling to score any points on Fix now, I don't think that matchup gets any easier for him as Fix gets more experience.
This was the worst wrestling match I have ever watched. I was so excited, too. I got home from the PSU match today and loaded up the replay on BTNPlus. I had avoided all message boards and such so I had no idea what happened in the match. I think this match was longer than their WNO match. From neither guy wanting to take a shot (there were zero actual shots in the whole match) to the absurd number and length of the challenges to the penalty point ending I hope I never have to watch something so bad again.