let's not be stupid on the opposite side. Stopping three times on a trip back and forth to State College (and bellefonte is out of they way to state college so factor that in also). And waiting 15-20 minutes per stop (and that assumes the chargers are open which if three stops I doubt is the case so one of those times might be a 30 minute stop) is going to suck. I stop once on the way too/from Penn State from greater Philly and that stop is never more than about 6-8 minutes, enough to gas up and goto the bathroom and grab a soda or some chips. I don't really have that kind of time to waste nor would I want to take that many stops with kids for an EV trip. I think right now EVs are great for your local driving where you are not going long distances and can charge your car in your driveway at night. And then you have your second vehicle be a normal car with gas for long distances.
In a 15-20 years from from now when the mileage on a charge has increased and charging time more approaches the time it takes to fill up a car with gas (5 minutes) and the charging stations are plentiful akin to gas stations, then everybody goes full on EV.
Have you been to Bellfonte supercharger do you even know where it is?? 8 whole minutes right on I-99 from I-99 Atherton exit, even shorter from park ave exit, or from rt 26 exit. Yes not ideal compared sheetz on atherton or any other gas station downtown. But also not out of the way if you bothered to look at a map.
Of all the times I have been there approx 10 not more than 1 tesla sitting there when I go to charge. But lets not let any of the facts get in the way of being stupid on the opposite side.