I think they are great. They are the real life Sizzlers cars I had as a kid. A Tesla is faster off the line than a Corvette ZR1, Ferrari or any other high end model - because it does not lose anything from power plant to drive tires.
I think a lot of people look at the limitations of 300 miles (or whatever it is) incorrectly. I would venture to guess 90% of the driving people do is the same - work, shopping, local driving, short trips. So basically, you are home every night, and can plug the car in to recharge. The price point is no different than a mid to higher level Audi, MB, Porsche, BMW, Jag, etc. etc. And besides, with Starbucks and other places now offering free recharge stations (see them on the NJTPK rest stops), the 300 mile issue should not really be an issue.
Get it - you will really like it. And it's built in California, which at least for now, is part of America.
If they ever build a real life version of my favorite sizzler car, I will sell everything I have for it....