The Bucs make it 7 straight but the Cards refuse to fold


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Gold Member
Jan 29, 2002
I still hope for the division title but that's a hell of a team in St Louis. They refuse to cave in. The difference: they know how to beat Milwaukee and Cincy. If we did, we'd be right there with the Cards.
I still hope for the division title but that's a hell of a team in St Louis. They refuse to cave in. The difference: they know how to beat Milwaukee and Cincy. If we did, we'd be right there with the Cards.
It doesn't matter. The Cards will do their folding in the playoffs, just like last year.
I still hope for the division title but that's a hell of a team in St Louis. They refuse to cave in. The difference: they know how to beat Milwaukee and Cincy. If we did, we'd be right there with the Cards.
Funny thing is, the Bucs have a decent shot at 100 wins and might still not win the Division. And yep, they will have themselves to blame for not beating the Brewers and Reds.
Don't forget the horrible start they got off to. If they played the first thirty the way they play the rest of the season, they would be in first place now.
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I still hope for the division title but that's a hell of a team in St Louis. They refuse to cave in. The difference: they know how to beat Milwaukee and Cincy. If we did, we'd be right there with the Cards.

The Brewers and Cards are tied 3-3 after 8 innings. It would be great in the Brewers could do the Pirates a favor and win this one.

It seems like the Pirates will need to sweep the Cards in their series next week to have a realistic chance of winning the division. If they do manage to pull off the sweep, and the way they are playing right now it is not that much of a stretch, then I like the odds of the Bucs winning the division.
The Brewers and Cards are tied 3-3 after 8 innings. It would be great in the Brewers could do the Pirates a favor and win this one.

It seems like the Pirates will need to sweep the Cards in their series next week to have a realistic chance of winning the division. If they do manage to pull off the sweep, and the way they are playing right now it is not that much of a stretch, then I like the odds of the Bucs winning the division.

Kris Davis just hit a homer and the Brewers take a 4-3 lead in the 9th. Let's go Brewers!
Agree, Pirates are the best team in baseball right now. Problem is, Jake Arrietta is better than any team. Need the division, the wild card game will be a Bumgarner replay.
That is my fear also*. And I think right now, both the Bucs and Cubs are better than the Cards.
As an aside, I heard a guy on the radio proposing an interesting thing re: WC. Have a potential two game series, but the lower seeded WC team has to win both to advance. Would rather have a three gamer, but if not this didn't sound bad.

* Although, remember Cueto two years ago.
Agree, Pirates are the best team in baseball right now. Problem is, Jake Arrietta is better than any team. Need the division, the wild card game will be a Bumgarner replay.
Arrieta has lost 6. If he faces the Bucs in the WC he will lose another. I have absolutely no doubt about this. None.