Wouldn't bowl wins by our opponents give stronger credence to our claim about our strength of schedule and how outstanding our season is?
That said, I cannot cheer for Michigan. I've said that when is comes to Michigan, I hope they lose every game in every varsity and club sport and that all their intramural games end in 0-0 ties. So, seasons greetings from me to the Weaselrines.
And I always cheer for Northwestern except when they play us. So Northwestern vs. Pitt... cheer for Pitt? Come on. I'm only human.
I can cheer against most of the others in a given situation, but I want to bolster our claim for being ranked #3 at the end if (ok, when!) we beat USC.
I cannot do as you request, Gunner. But that's just the latest in a long list of ways I disappoint you.