Trustee Election Ballot: Appears Upwad State Caved and Quit


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
From Alice Pope:

Ballot positions for the 2017 election of trustees by the alumni have been determined. The names of the five candidates for three positions on the Board to be elected by alumni, and the order in which they will appear on the ballot are included below.

1. Albert L. Lord '67, Bus, Edgewater, MD

2. Joseph "Jay" V. Paterno '91, Lib, State College, PA

3. Robert J. Bowsher '86, Bus, San Diego, CA

4. Alice W. Pope '79, '83g, '86g, Lib, Brooklyn, NY

5. Robert C. Jubelirer '59, '62 JD, Lib, LAW, Boalsburg, PA

I miss the Cocco.
From Alice Pope:

Ballot positions for the 2017 election of trustees by the alumni have been determined. The names of the five candidates for three positions on the Board to be elected by alumni, and the order in which they will appear on the ballot are included below.

1. Albert L. Lord '67, Bus, Edgewater, MD

2. Joseph "Jay" V. Paterno '91, Lib, State College, PA

3. Robert J. Bowsher '86, Bus, San Diego, CA

4. Alice W. Pope '79, '83g, '86g, Lib, Brooklyn, NY

5. Robert C. Jubelirer '59, '62 JD, Lib, LAW, Boalsburg, PA

I miss the Cocco.
Upward State didn't have to "cave and quit"......

They just had their "guys" - Schuyler and Han - appointed to the Board...... WITHOUT having to even go through an election process

If you don't recall, that was part of Dicky Dandrea's "Reform Proposal A+"
From Alice Pope:

Ballot positions for the 2017 election of trustees by the alumni have been determined. The names of the five candidates for three positions on the Board to be elected by alumni, and the order in which they will appear on the ballot are included below.

1. Albert L. Lord '67, Bus, Edgewater, MD

2. Joseph "Jay" V. Paterno '91, Lib, State College, PA

3. Robert J. Bowsher '86, Bus, San Diego, CA

4. Alice W. Pope '79, '83g, '86g, Lib, Brooklyn, NY

5. Robert C. Jubelirer '59, '62 JD, Lib, LAW, Boalsburg, PA

I miss the Cocco.

Hmmm. So who do we like?

I'd like to give Bowsher a chance but I don't like that he lives so far away. Am I being to picky with that?

Not sure what Jay brings to the table other than the Paterno name and that sure would piss a lot of folks off so that alone might be worth it.

Of the current 3. Lord, Pope and Jubelirer who's done the most?
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From Alice Pope:

Ballot positions for the 2017 election of trustees by the alumni have been determined. The names of the five candidates for three positions on the Board to be elected by alumni, and the order in which they will appear on the ballot are included below.

1. Albert L. Lord '67, Bus, Edgewater, MD

2. Joseph "Jay" V. Paterno '91, Lib, State College, PA

3. Robert J. Bowsher '86, Bus, San Diego, CA

4. Alice W. Pope '79, '83g, '86g, Lib, Brooklyn, NY

5. Robert C. Jubelirer '59, '62 JD, Lib, LAW, Boalsburg, PA

I miss the Cocco.
And your winners will be ....


My impression is that one candidate is running on his/her sexual orientation which is a non-issue to me either way. But, if that's your main campaign platform, I think I will look for someone else who may bring more to the table.

Another candidate promised to use his/her legislative connections to bring about BOT reform and I must have missed that development in the past 3 years, so I will "move on" from that candidate.
Wonder how close Barry got.
There would be no way to know

I have no idea if I received 250 nominations or not (from what I have heard back from some folks - there probably were over 250 submitted, but no way to verify that) .... But, in any event, I never "campaigned for them" or solicited them....... Or expected them (although it was nice to hear from so many folks who relayed that they nominated me anyway :) )......Because there was "ZERO" chance that the PSU BOT office would have allowed my name on the ballot.

In any event, it doesn't effect things from my end at all (well, aside from one opportunity it creates - which the folks who look at my "issues videos" will be aware of)

The actual ELECTION campaign is now underway........ For me at least.

I hope we hear something substantive from the other candidates - - - - but, for the most part, precedent says "don't hold your breath"

If it turns out that I will be the ONLY candidate talking meaningfully about governance issues at PSU - so be it.......
At least it will provide ONE available candidate for folks who are actually concerned about "that stuff". :)
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There would be no way to know

I have no idea if I received 250 nominations or not (from what I have heard back from some folks - there probably were over 250 submitted, but no way to verify that) .... But, in any event, I never "campaigned for them" or solicited them....... Or expected them (although it was nice to hear from so many folks who relayed that they nominated me anyway :) )......Because there was "ZERO" chance that the PSU BOT office would have allowed my name on the ballot.

In any event, it doesn't effect things from my end at all (well, aside from one opportunity it creates - which the folks who look at my "issues videos" will be aware of)

The actual ELECTION campaign is now underway........ For me at least.

I hope we hear something substantive from the other candidates - - - - but, for the most part, precedent says "don't hold your breath"

If it turns out that I will be the ONLY candidate talking meaningfully about governance issues at PSU - so be it.......
At least it will provide ONE available candidate for folks who are actually concerned about "that stuff". :)
Well, I wanted you in the conversation -- if not on the board itself -- so you got my nomination, fwiw.
Alice. She can deal with stuff actually related to education. Which is what the board should be doing instead of undermining its own school for personal profit.

Of the nine currently elected to the Board - APope is probably my personal favorite - - - - despite the fact that:

I think she has COMPLETELY FUBARed some key issues (maybe none more so than 34-0 for Lubert)


Takes actions take would imply a high degree of naïveté or ignorance (whether she actually is, or not, is a different question - but the ACTIONS would certainly be congruent with naïveté)...... Such as her perception of the "Dambly Issues"

That said:

1 - I have always felt APope is an ABSOLUTELY IDEAL candidate when/if PSU ever has a functional governance Board (and issues like Lubert and Dambly are no longer present)

2 - While she is far less communicative than I think she should be (and maybe some of that is that "naïveté" thing wrt thinking the Scoundrels can truly "compel silence" on non-confidential issues) she is 1,000,000 times MORE communicative - and more willing to discuss issues - than Jubelirer or Lord (or probably EVERY Trustee not named Lubrano)

3 - I feel more comfortable that she - in her heart of hearts - DOES care about PSU for largely the right reasons (and not some personal self-interest). I hope i am right about that - because it is CRITICALLY important.
I can't say that about most of the others - for example, off the top of my head, I couldn't recall two seconds of concern expressed by ALord wrt anything that wasn't focused on Spanier/Paterno/Freeh Report

The truth is - Being a Trustee on the PSU BOT is a SHITTY JOB.......If you do it right :)

If you are there because you want to provide Responsible Governance to the University - - - it's a largely thankless, difficult task

We are not going to be presented with many opportunities to support candidates who actually do want to do that job........and I think, largely, Alice Pope does.......

As opposed to the Plundering Pirates like Lubert and Dambly....... And the collection of various Sycophants, Social Climbers and Assholes who make up the majority of the Board.......
And the many self-interested "one issue" folks who tend to draw the support of Alumni

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Anyway - for those folks who are interested, my FB page will be the place to link into several issues' discussions (the first one is "up", and more - a LOT MORE - will be sequentially added as the campaign is now underway. All of them will be "live" before April 10 - the first day of the elections)

I think the discussions on "TUITION", on "FOR PROFIT vs PUBLIC TRUST", and on "CAPITAL SPENDING" will be VERY, VERY interesting :) for folks who do care about PSU governance
Paterno should be above Lord and Pope. :eek:

Let's - maybe - hear what a candidate has to say about their visions, goals, objectives, and SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS wrt issues of University Governance.......

BEFORE casting a vote o_O

Or not........ Why bother breaking from tradition. :rolleyes:

Look at how well that's worked in the past

Let's - maybe - hear what a candidate has to say about their visions, goals, objectives, and SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS wrt issues of University Governance.......

BEFORE casting a vote o_O

Or not........ Why bother breaking from tradition. :rolleyes:

Look at how well that's worked in the past

I think you missed out little pun.

Take the names LITERALLY. :D
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And your winners will be ....


My impression is that one candidate is running on his/her sexual orientation which is a non-issue to me either way. But, if that's your main campaign platform, I think I will look for someone else who may bring more to the table.

Another candidate promised to use his/her legislative connections to bring about BOT reform and I must have missed that development in the past 3 years, so I will "move on" from that candidate.
those would be my three.
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I like the idea of new blood, but I don't believe for one minute that it will matter
Mine too and you would have received my one and only vote. Ah well.
Barry J Fenchak 1984

But - - - before you consider writing that in (write ins are the same as "ballot" votes).......take a few minutes to look over my issue discussions/ recommended actions
Lord has had a conflict of interest problem because he has provided financial support to Spanier; he abstained on at least one vote.

Jay has the conflict of interest problems with the suit. If the suit goes away, it will cease to be a problem.
Lord has had a conflict of interest problem because he has provided financial support to Spanier; he abstained on at least one vote.

Jay has the conflict of interest problems with the suit. If the suit goes away, it will cease to be a problem.

And your "conflict of interest" problems go far beyond anything as simple as Money and Lawsuits. :)
And your "conflict of interest" problems go far beyond anything as simple as Money and Lawsuits. :)

Such as? Or is this more of the conspiracy theory.

Jay will actually face some severe limitations on what he can do.
Explain how Jay has a conflict because of a "suit." What suit?

The NCAA suit. Despite not being a party, the Paternos are requesting documents from Penn State. Penn State is fighting that request.

Jay could not be involved with anything relating to it.

Now, if the suit would go away or not involve Penn State, that would be a different story.
The NCAA suit. Despite not being a party, the Paternos are requesting documents from Penn State. Penn State is fighting that request.

Jay could not be involved with anything relating to it.

Now, if the suit would go away or not involve Penn State, that would be a different story.
Bullshit. Psu is a witness which does not want to comply with a subpoena. They would not dare make such a trivial thing the basis of a COI claim. If they did and won, several trustees would be VERY vulnerable.
Lord has had a conflict of interest problem because he has provided financial support to Spanier; he abstained on at least one vote.

Jay has the conflict of interest problems with the suit. If the suit goes away, it will cease to be a problem.
Are you saying pRick Dandrea would step down if one of us files a lawsuit creating a COI between him and PSU?
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