There is no question that Legislative and/or Judicial action is a necessary requirement for true meaningful, righteous reform (not to anyone who's been paying attention)This is a fight over table scraps. Given the current structure of the board and the power structure behind that, you could elect the Magnificent Seven to the board and add Chuck Norris and Captain America and you'd still have nine members who have no power and will have no impact.
The answer, if there is one, is in getting the legislature to take action. But they get paid very, very well and the same interests are in control there. You want change? Change that.
But, what do you do to promote/enhance that outcome?
That is the meaningful question.
More to the immediate point....What do we do - what actions do we take - vav the upcoming BOT Election?
An issue addressed here:
"There is no way that this entity, the Penn State Board of Trustees, will EVER reform itself."
We must understand, and be committed to, the responsibilities and duties of Responsible Governance.
The referenced BOT Reform Document here:
"Responsible Stewardship for Penn State...If that is ever going to be anything more than a catch-phrase is up to us to DEMAND that it happen."
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