University Nationals

I thought he and Stevenson were locks for Minny. However since PimpnPillGate has happened their recruitment seems wide open

If it shakes out as no big deal, then I imagine Minne is still a favorite. If holy hell is unleashed, sadly, tO$U might be an option for both. Maybe even ASU.
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If it shakes out as no big deal, then I imagine Minne is still a favorite. If holy hell is unleashed, sadly, tO$U might be an option for both. Maybe even ASU.
That would be interesting in Columbus, because I expect Tan Tom to go hard after Kevin Vough next year, and RBY could grow into a direct conflict with Pletcher.
Animal House was required viewing when I pledged TEP back in the day. Was only a five year old film then, so its cultness was just starting.
McIntosh, Nickal, Nevills, Hall, etc. not to mention Pennsylvania or eastern wrestlers. I don't count PSU out for anyone they
want and that includes Fix, Carr and Stevenson.