Unofficial OSU vs Michigan Game Thread (early game day thread)

Stalemate so far. Egbuka dropped a sure 1st down. Michigan trying to pass early.
McCord can't make those mistakes. This is going to be a defensive struggle IMO and he just handed Michigan at least 3 points
No doubt on 4th down. Kudos to the Michigan OL. They duo block excellent. With the FB leading, you gotta penetrate somewhere.
McCord and Harrison don't look to be on quite the same wavelength so far. Egbuka drops a pass. Defenses in control but then Michigan gets the turnover and cashes in.

Early signs pointing Michigan's way.
McCord and Harrison don't look to be on quite the same wavelength so far. Egbuka drops a pass. Defenses in control but then Michigan gets the turnover and cashes in.

Early signs pointing Michigan's way.
Fleming is never targeted. What a waste.
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Terrible 3rd-down call by the Bucks. Pattern was well short of the line to gain. Big FG though.
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Terrible 3rd-down call by the Bucks. Pattern was well short of the line to gain. Big FG though.
McCord threw the ball too early. Had a receiver breaking open in the endzone. They make mistakes too. Just not against us unfortunately.
The only team I'm actively rooting for right now is Kentucky against Louisville
Regardless of who wins this game they'll likely be in the playoff which is all that matters. The Big Ten needs to be represented. Hopefully, whomever wins gets the 2 seed and avoid Georgia so maybe they win a game.
NFL review system needs incorporated into the college game. This wasn't the slowest, but it was still a minute wasted.
This game would be so much better with someone other than Gus Johnson announcing. He shouts, tends to leave out verbs, stretch syllables, and those voice inflections are annoying.

How does Johnson get on the first team to call a game like this, much less get a job in this field at this level? A degree in political science?
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No matter how that's called one side is going to say the officials suck lol

I don't see how they were even trying to take away the TD. Slow mo is for determining if a body part is down before a ball comes loose. You can't rip the ball away in the end zone and expect to get that call.
I don't see how they were even trying to take away the TD. Slow mo is for determining if a body part is down before a ball comes loose. You can't rip the ball away in the end zone and expect to get that call.
Agreed--but see the reaction
Key to the drive was Traynum. Buckeyes have a similar situation as we do: an inside only and outside only RB tandem.
Boy oh boy does Michigan hold on the Oline.

Really hurts them when playing in games without Big 10 Refs.
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