Updated: Where we stand with Recruits 1/28


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2013
Update: I blew it last week with predictions… I over estimated Dwumfour’s attachment to PSU and I thought the 412 guys would help lock down Hudson and that didn’t happen. BUT we got a BAT SIGNAL for the first time in I don’t know how long and we should be due for more. The signal was shown for Barbir and officially ends the Great Kicker War of 2016. A lot of good planes were lost out there. Moral of the story is don’t be a d!ck; I liked the shots Gillikin, Barbir, Simmons, and Hamlin(?really Hamlin took a shot? hmm…) took at the King Nordin on twitter.

Let’s looks at the schedules: Franklin had what looks like a successful in-home with Hamlin last night and he will be looking to do the same with Ferns today. Ferns will be in WVU this weekend on his official. Dioubate was on campus at MSU Wednesday and will be heading right to USCe following that. No word on if he is going to compete in that All Star game this weekend. Hill, as I predicted, cancelled his Clemson visit. Hamlin will be visiting Pitt. Weaver will be in Pitt on Friday and Saturday morning and then will make his way up to University Park. Already visiting Penn State for the weekend will be Snelson (who Franklin and Gattis visited in FL on Wednesday), Darien, Shelton, and Chavis.

So what do I think (does anyone care? Probably not…). Well I am nervous to predict anything based on how bad I did last week, but hopefully I can find my earlier season mojo and Franklin can find his too and close some of these targets. I think we flip Snelson, which is a great get. I think Shelton decommited with the intention of committing to us. Right now, I think Hamlin is 50-50, who knows, but I’ll take 50-50 after reports yesterday morning were all doom and gloom. If he does pick PSU the look on those KDKA idiots faces will be fantastic. Hill has been retweeting some UM stuff and if you were betting with money that is the smart pick, but he did say in his tweet that “I have to do what’s best for me”. Does that mean compared to his friends going to MSU, or his brother going to UM, or both? Dioubate’s recruitment is getting stranger by the minute, I still think he stays in Philly at Temple, but maybe just maybe… If not then I’d rather lose him to the Gamecocks than anywhere else. Since I haven’t heard anything since Franklin’s visit to his school it seems all but over. With Chavis visiting I have to think any issues are cleared up and we are actually back in that one. It will be interesting to see what happens if Chavis and Shelton commit on Saturday if Weaver still has a spot. I really doubt we can still get Ferns but let’s see what Franklin can do on an in-home. They must at least still be considering it since they are allowing him to come visit them. Can he take a Petroleum Engineering Prof with?

So when will we know: Hamlin is deciding at 6 on Monday on KDKA. Hill is announcing at his school on signing day; I would think he will get a spot on ESPNU. Ferns is deciding on NSD too, at least that was the plan, but I could see him deciding this weekend also. Snelson will also decide on NSD, got to love when a commit announces he will be deciding on NSD, poor Minnesota.

That’s it. Hope you enjoyed following 2016 with me. Sometime next week I will update 2017 (STAR POWER!!! If that’s your bag, baby). If something crazy happened while I was writing this, sorry it’s not included.

Flip Potential: 4* WR Snelson (MINN), 3* WR Darien (Temple)

Commit Watch:
3* DT Shelton

Very Good Chance:
4* CB Hamlin

In The Battle:
4* CB Hill, 3* JC DT Chavis, 3/2* DT Weaver

Work Left To Do:
4* DT Dioubate, 4* LB Ferns

Have To Get Really Lucky:
5* DT Gary, 4* OLB Hansford, 4* ATH Fuller

Former Interest:
4* OT Williams

My opinion on where we stand with recruits based on rumors, where the coaching staff has made serious effort, offers, tweets (sometimes) and gut feeling. My categories(and their meanings) are Commit Watch (changed from Locks as to not offend recruiting gods), Very good chance(we sit very well with the recruit and are either the leader or perceived leader), In the Battle(We have a good shot and are equal to others or just slightly behind), Work left to do(there is another perceived leader or little information known on recruits intentions), Have to get really lucky(small chance to little to none), and Former Interest(players that Penn State was previously interested in that most likely no longer have committable offers).
Have to get really lucky column shouldn't exist. Those ships have sailed.

I would say Shelton is our best chance at being a lock. I would then go with Chavis, Ferns, Weaver and Snelson as realistic options...probably in that order.

Also need to hold onto Pryts.
Have to get really lucky column shouldn't exist. Those ships have sailed.

I would say Shelton is our best chance at being a lock. I would then go with Chavis, Ferns, Weaver and Snelson as realistic options...probably in that order.

Also need to hold onto Pryts.

Ferns is more likely than Weaver or Snelson??? That's a bit disconnect from everything else I've read
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I cannot imagine that Chavis' offer would affect Rashad Weaver's or vice versa. Chavis has only 2 years of eligibility so he is for immediate DL depth. Weaver at 250 ish is not ready to contribute immediately as a DT and he'll be on a similar trajectory as Kamonte Carter and Ryan Buchholz.

Plus, we lost 3 committed DTs in Colon, Diuobate, and Dwumfour, so Chavis, Shelton, and Weaver could slot in those spots.
I would settle for Chavis, Weaver, and Shelton... Plus the LB grad transfer from ILL

Anyone else would be a bonus (Hamlin, Snelson, Hill, Ferns)
I cannot imagine that Chavis' offer would affect Rashad Weaver's or vice versa. Chavis has only 2 years of eligibility so he is for immediate DL depth. Weaver at 250 ish is not ready to contribute immediately as a DT and he'll be on a similar trajectory as Kamonte Carter and Ryan Buchholz.

Plus, we lost 3 committed DTs in Colon, Diuobate, and Dwumfour, so Chavis, Shelton, and Weaver could slot in those spots.
Yea, I guess I am just looking ahead to 2017 and the number of scholarships available there. What's better knowing you get Weaver now at 2*s or holding out for Hansard, Spence, and Jeter. I would think getting Chavis and Shelton might mean developing Weaver isn't as attractive. I don't get paid $4 mill a year, so it's not up to me.
As an FYI, Ryan Snyder will join Steve Jones on ESPN1450 in State College at 1:15 EST. Click Here to access that stream.
Yea, I guess I am just looking ahead to 2017 and the number of scholarships available there. What's better knowing you get Weaver now at 2*s or holding out for Hansard, Spence, and Jeter. I would think getting Chavis and Shelton might mean developing Weaver isn't as attractive. I don't get paid $4 mill a year, so it's not up to me.

Chavis is 315 pounds and is said to have a limited motor and struggle against double teams. That being said, if our LBs are healthy, drawing a double team would be a plus IMO and you can't teach size. I think he would be a great addition and allow us to have some much needed depth.

I don't think we are going to have a problem with numbers. Take all the DTs you can.
I would settle for Chavis, Weaver, and Shelton... Plus the LB grad transfer from ILL

Anyone else would be a bonus (Hamlin, Snelson, Hill, Ferns)

Highly doubtful that the leading tackler for another program would come in as a backup. PITT is a much better fit for him.
Highly doubtful that the leading tackler for another program would come in as a backup. PITT is a much better fit for him.
Why would he be a backup at PSU?

Are we 100% sure that White will be healthy? Will W-W be ready to play in the spring, summer, fall?? Will there be another set back?

Too many questions with our current LB depth to say that he WILL be a backup, way too many.. PLUS he might just come in and WIN the job!
Stuck in a meeting at work - anyone able to post an update/summary?

I forget about Brenon Thrift, the kid from Lackawanna CC. Also, the Temple commit WR.
  • Thinks someone from the CC DT ranks gets an offer but not sure who or how many
  • Ferns is closer than people think but he still gives the edge to WVU
  • Next year is one of the best years he has seen at LB in the Mid Atlantic region
  • Cutting loose on Nordin was overdue. Barbir really wanted a PSU offer and told Ryan and Tim as much. Don't put too much stock in the K ratings that are out there - Barbir is a solid kicker.
  • This weekend is bigger than last weekend
  • Feels we have a very good shot at Snelson
  • Texts with at least 10-15 kids per day at this time of the year
  • When dealing with sources, it is usually phone calls. When dealing with the kids it is usually via text.
  • Ryan doesn't want to be first, he wants to be right.
  • Deals with a lot of parents and that generally leads to quicker information. At the same time, he doesn't harp on kids or parents and hound them. Wants to be respectful.
  • Coaches are still working 2017-2018 hard right now. The spring and summer are so important for the coaches to get ahead of the game. Major bonus to stay in the cycle early. Ryan's goal is 10-12 kids committed by June because it allows coaches to stay ahead.
Why would he be a backup at PSU?

Are we 100% sure that White will be healthy? Will W-W be ready to play in the spring, summer, fall?? Will there be another set back?

Too many questions with our current LB depth to say that he WILL be a backup, way too many.. PLUS he might just come in and WIN the job!

I'd be super impressed if they can land him but this is a graduate transfer. I just don't see it when there are other places he could be the guaranteed starter. Hope I'm wrong.
Stuck in a meeting at work - anyone able to post an update/summary?

Caught the final question, about 2017 and 2018.

Not direct quotes - generalized summaries... (Any updates or modifications are welcome)

Ryan said that all the hard work CJF and staff did in the spring and summer, to land recruits for 2016 really paid off. It also freed time to build relationships with 2017 and 2018 recruits and their families.

He expects another successful Lasch Bash this spring and other intense recruiting. Said relationships are so important and Penn State is well ahead of regional schools with future recruits.

So, even though they lost a couple of the earlier verbals, the work they did to shore up major recruits early for 2016, really paid off.

We have two good 2017 verbals. If PSU can try to close early on 10 to 12 2017 target recruits through the spring and early summer, they will be able to keep building relationships with future recruits and families, for 2018 and beyond, which is very important.
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Yea, I guess I am just looking ahead to 2017 and the number of scholarships available there. What's better knowing you get Weaver now at 2*s or holding out for Hansard, Spence, and Jeter. I would think getting Chavis and Shelton might mean developing Weaver isn't as attractive. I don't get paid $4 mill a year, so it's not up to me.

Weaver isn't a pure DT at this stage, so he has some flexibility along the line. I don't know what kind of prospects the staff thinks Weaver has, but if they feel he is up to the bar then I see no reason not to take him. Let's not over think it. Better to have a guy in the fold than counting on getting a recruit next year. If we can learn anything from Nordin, let it be to not get taken up by the hope of future promises.
[QUOTE="bmw199, post: 1283333, member: 9674"]Update: I blew it last week with predictions… [/QUOTE]
Ah, you had a bit of a rough week. No problem. I still like reading your stuff. :)
DT is most important,.. Need 2, maybe 3. Followed by LB.... All or nothing with Ferns. Anything else is gravy at this point. Hamlin and Snelson being the most important not DT or LB. Pitters saying it's 100% a done deal that Hamlin is already committed to Narduzzi, so that might be that.
Pitters saying it's 100% a done deal that Hamlin is already committed to Narduzzi
That would mean that immediately after Franklin left last night and after he joined other PSU commits in making fun of Nordin, he told Narduzzi he's already his. If not, then maybe last night things changed. I'm not sure and we may not get him but there is no way he already told Narduzzi it's over, at least sincerely.
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Always look forward to your 'Where we stand with recruits' postings!

Do you have ANY feel on the ILL Grad xfer T.J. Neal? Him not visiting this weekend is not a good sign.

Always look forward to your 'Where we stand with recruits' postings!

Do you have ANY feel on the ILL Grad xfer T.J. Neal? Him not visiting this weekend is not a good sign.
Like someone said above, I feel like he would be looking to go somewhere he would definitely start. With Bell, Wartman-White, and Cabinda I can't see that happening. Especially cause a lot of people, me included, are expecting Bowen to take a nice step forward this year. Supposedly Bell(who is think is preposterously underrated) is mentoring him. To come in an compete with a 4* SO in Cooper for the 5th LB spot, I just don't think that's what he has in mind as a Grad transfer.
I had him as an after thought to Snelson, but I guess the staff would take both. Hope Franklin is on his way to Ohio now...

EDIT: Watched his film, high points the football very well. Different type of WR than Snelson.
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Cooper was a 3* on every service and I certainly think Neal could beat him out and prob Bowen also.
I had him as an after thought to Snelson, but I guess the staff would take both. Hope Franklin is on his way to Ohio now...

EDIT: Watched his film, high points the football very well. Different type of WR than Snelson.

Offered Jan 19th.
Official visit to Penn State Jan 29th.


Dae'lun Darien

Baltimore, MD (Dunbar)

Wide Receiver
  • Ht 6-4
  • Wt 205
  • 40 4.58
  • CLASS OF 16
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Meyer in home visit with Hamlin tonight. Also Narduzzi is also going to be there as well. Hamlin must be in his glory with the attention. He is a big chip in recruiting right now due to the PCC juniors next year. Hamlin and Adams are pretty tight so there is that as well.
Meyer in home visit with Hamlin tonight. Also Narduzzi is also going to be there as well. Hamlin must be in his glory with the attention. He is a big chip in recruiting right now due to the PCC juniors next year. Hamlin and Adams are pretty tight so there is that as well.
We have 2 alums on our staff we'll see if that is worth anything
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BMW, good job as always. I would rather read ur recruiting updates than some of the other garbage that's been posted here over the last few months.

PSU will get their share of good recruits every year. Take that to the bank.
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Meyer in home visit with Hamlin tonight. Also Narduzzi is also going to be there as well. Hamlin must be in his glory with the attention. He is a big chip in recruiting right now due to the PCC juniors next year. Hamlin and Adams are pretty tight so there is that as well.

Those two guys showing up is a great sign, I believe. Looking desperate to me. Our coaches flashing the 412 sign at their in home visit must have them worried.
Those two guys showing up is a great sign, I believe. Looking desperate to me. Our coaches flashing the 412 sign at their in home visit must have them worried.
Narduzzi doing an in-home the day before an OV? Did he sleep over (beating this joke to death)?
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Definitely not a silent verbal if Narduzzi gave him a home visit. I'm sure he had other things to do, plus, the kid is local.

The local chatter was that Pitt was far in the rear of OSU and us. The Pitt stuff came out of nowhere. I guess we'll see.
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Definitely not a silent verbal if Narduzzi gave him a home visit. I'm sure he had other things to do, plus, the kid is local.

The local chatter was that Pitt was far in the rear of OSU and us. The Pitt stuff came out of nowhere. I guess we'll see.
....and Urban is known to demand a recruit tells him where they went wrong and why he is leaning or choosing another direction. He does not accept losing easily.