Urban Meyer to the portal

Good. He showed what a douche person he really is.

What is funny is there are several college teams rethinking their recent hires.

What is sad is there are several college teams rethinking their recent hires. Though I doubt any of them will change.
Not saying he is a nice person but this whole thing is fishy to me. For example, the kicker story…..why didn’t the kicker just kick the old mans ass when he kicked him? Also I hate sources. Be a damn man and come out with your name behind your complaint.
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Good. He showed what a douche person he really is.

What is funny is there are several college teams rethinking their recent hires.

What is sad is there are several college teams rethinking their recent hires. Though I doubt any of them will change.
But someone will make a deal with the devil just to win.

Unless, of course, this behavior from him is the result of some previously undisclosed health problem. They might need to go back to a pic of Urban kneeling on the sideline as an example of the malady. -_____-
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I was speaking with a NFL and College (Gators) football hall of farmer who told me this about the URB; “He will never tell you the truth”. Interesting way of putting it …no?
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I can’t believe there are so many people out there acting like u will wake up with a horse head beside you if you talk bad about Urban. All these unnamed sources🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥
Not saying he is a nice person but this whole thing is fishy to me. For example, the kicker story…..why didn’t the kicker just kick the old mans ass when he kicked him? Also I hate sources. Be a damn man and come out with your name behind your complaint.
I thought it was so "fishy" that it had to be true, I mean it would certainly be verifiable.
Not saying he is a nice person but this whole thing is fishy to me. For example, the kicker story…..why didn’t the kicker just kick the old mans ass when he kicked him? Also I hate sources. Be a damn man and come out with your name behind your complaint.

It's not fishy.

Jags have been dripping negative stories to the media about Urbs.

At the same time they are having meetings with all their players in an attempt to find a fireable offense.

At the same time of both of these the owner makes a statment of support. Thats like the kiss of death.

Pretty standard m.o.

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From the people I know who know him, some had kids play for the team, they said he was incredibly tough and relentless. He was there to win games and did whatever it took to do so. As a player, you were on that ride or you weren't. tOSU is second only to Alabama as a path to NFL stardom and big money. So you played Uban's way or you were off the team (pre portal, of course). I've been told that his practices were incredibly brutal and competitive. My guess is he was able to get away with this for 18 ~ 22 year old kids but not NFL vets making millions.
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It's not fishy.

Jags have been dripping negative stories to the media about Urbs.

At the same time they are having meetings with all their players in an attempt to find a fireable offense.

At the same time of both of these the owner makes a statment of support. Thats like the kiss of death.

Pretty standard m.o.

it will be interesting to see if they choose to not pay him due to a morals clause in his contract. hitting on the gal in a bar and kicking a player may invoke that clause.
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it will be interesting to see if they choose to not pay him due to a morals clause in his contract. hitting on the gal in a bar and kicking a player may invoke that clause.

The kicking the player story that was releases is 100% about not paying him. Or at least creating a story for a settlement.

They will keep interviewing if he doesn't settle.

It's not fishy.

Jags have been dripping negative stories to the media about Urbs.

At the same time they are having meetings with all their players in an attempt to find a fireable offense.

At the same time of both of these the owner makes a statment of support. Thats like the kiss of death.

Pretty standard m.o.


Yup, the handwriting was on the wall after that story I posted here a few days ago.

So another hot-stuff college coach finds out the hard way that you can't bring the same game to the NFL.

Jimmy Johnson was one of the few to do it successfully...but his Miami Hurricanes were basically a pro team so he didn't have much of a transition.
The baloney has a second name: it’s Meyer! Talk about spiraling. I was once impressed that he supported JVP when the crap hit the fan. I wonder what will happen in the next round of disclosures.
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From the people I know who know him, some had kids play for the team, they said he was incredibly tough and relentless. He was there to win games and did whatever it took to do so. As a player, you were on that ride or you weren't. tOSU is second only to Alabama as a path to NFL stardom and big money. So you played Uban's way or you were off the team (pre portal, of course). I've been told that his practices were incredibly brutal and competitive. My guess is he was able to get away with this for 18 ~ 22 year old kids but not NFL vets making millions.
Might have been the one positive of the Sandusky situation...if the rumors are true that Joe had his as his handpicked successor. I found him very entertaining as an analyst, but asking ex-jocks in suits and dress sneakers 'walk through' a play on a mini field is probably a lot less stressful. People given authority, beyond the sports field, can be unbelievably cruel and delusional...and convincing at that. While I think our team and coaching staff underperformed this year, I much more willing to have that with a sincere principled coach (which I think we have) than a convincing sadist....we'll see how many second (and third, etc) chances he gets.
Might have been the one positive of the Sandusky situation...if the rumors are true that Joe had his as his handpicked successor. I found him very entertaining as an analyst, but asking ex-jocks in suits and dress sneakers 'walk through' a play on a mini field is probably a lot less stressful. People given authority, beyond the sports field, can be unbelievably cruel and delusional...and convincing at that. While I think our team and coaching staff underperformed this year, I much more willing to have that with a sincere principled coach (which I think we have) than a convincing sadist....we'll see how many second (and third, etc) chances he gets.
I agree. And that is where I am with CJF. His X and O coaching seems to be lacking but he's a great ambassador for the school and the kids. While he hasn't won the games Urban has, he doesn't embarrass himself or the school.
CLE paper has a good article on this today. Basically, he got away with pushing people hard because they were winning.

Sometimes, the only difference between motivation and disrespect is whether it works. Holding others to a high standard becomes belittling. Winners write history. Losers are history. This isn’t an excuse for Meyer. It’s just that much of what made Meyer win 187 college football games over 17 seasons is the same thing that led him to two NFL victories in 13 attempts in three-quarters of one season.​
CLE paper has a good article on this today. Basically, he got away with pushing people hard because they were winning.

Sometimes, the only difference between motivation and disrespect is whether it works. Holding others to a high standard becomes belittling. Winners write history. Losers are history. This isn’t an excuse for Meyer. It’s just that much of what made Meyer win 187 college football games over 17 seasons is the same thing that led him to two NFL victories in 13 attempts in three-quarters of one season.​
Good article. I agree his success is primarily because he somehow manages to significantly turn things around within the first year of each tenure stop. That appears to be pretty remarkable, though I would like to see just how rare that really is when compared to all first year program hires over the last 30+ years. His sustained success thereafter is mostly a product of superior talent and depth acquisition, which reasonable minds can debate exactly how he managed to attract and keep said depth/talent.

If he really thought he was going to do that within one year at Jacksonville, then he did need his head examined. I would wager that most of his college stops had a few easy wins built into the schedule that he could build on throughout the season. Jacksonville, by design or luck, is the cupcake win for the rest of the league.
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Good article. I agree his success is primarily because he somehow manages to significantly turn things around within the first year of each tenure stop. That appears to be pretty remarkable, though I would like to see just how rare that really is when compared to all first year program hires over the last 30+ years. His sustained success thereafter is mostly a product of superior talent and depth acquisition, which reasonable minds can debate exactly how he managed to attract and keep said depth/talent.

If he really thought he was going to do that within one year at Jacksonville, then he did need his head examined. I would wager that most of his college stops had a few easy wins built into the schedule that he could build on throughout the season. Jacksonville, by design or luck, is the cupcake win for the rest of the league.

You have to look at where Meyer went and when.

He didnt take over bad programs abd make them great. Instead he took over historically strong programs with a strong ability to get back.

Utah his first stop he stumbled into Alex Smith.

Then he went to UF. UF had concluded the Spurrier era and had a little step back wirh Zook who recruited quite well.
Miami was down (to never recover) and FSU had a 80 year old coach on his last legs.

When he went to OSU the grass was quite green. They were willing to spend. PSU was about to blow up... I will never forget the embarassment of that Ticket City Bowl Game, and Michigan had just hired Hoke after the Rich Rod disaster.

Meyer picked quite well.

Is he a good coach? Sure. But it's not like he made Illinois into the Big Ten champions.

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