In praise of subjectivity
I'd be fine w/ Nomad getting a seat on the committee--he can even use his plan with ruthless abandon. He gets one vote. The only thing I don't want is everyone else on the committee following arbitrary and binding rule set. I believe the goal of seeding is to put the wrestler most likely to win the tourney as the 1 seed, 2nd most likely the 2, and so on. A room full of experts with varying types of experience and opinions and perspectives is the only way to do this effectively, IMO. Should Kyle Snyder be treated the same way as Delgado? How about we ask some coaches who know an awful lot about the sport and the competitors in the conference to decide. If someone wants to use a formula--fine, I guess, though I would urge a reasonable application of the math to the real world. If it's a "gut feeling" also perfectly fine, IMO. Some structure may be necessary, but I am growing sick of this emerging blind faith in algorithms to do our work for us. The day may come when they machines are better than us, but wrestling will still be an "us" sport.
Now the "calculus" may be different where there is concern of corruption. I would hope the NCAA or B1G is not there at this point. UWW is a different animal.