What Happened to Fanco?

Didn't he get ridiculed after he said people were copying his imagery or something? Made a big stink about it and people said he wasn't even the first person to do it and it's barely recognizable. Something to that effect.
I liked his content, knew his stuff, and he fielded some interesting topics. I don't know the economics of YouTube but for the most part he drew between 15,000 and 40,000 views on most of his posts. I don't think that you can make a good living with that kind of a viewership level. Breach 500,000 views and I think you are starting to talk about real money.

A sad testament to our current culture, but posts of someone doing something stupid and you might get 10,000,000 maybe even much, much more.

Case in point

PS - wrestling is a bit of a niche sport for sure with a limited audience. I am hoping BEG wrestling gains enough momentum to keep growing this year.
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The digital economy is weird. I used to regularly go to a site called "" which was originally started by a teen ager (Anand Lai Shimpi) in the late 90's. About ten years ago he announced he was retiring at age 32, one commenter said that means going to work for the bitten fruit, and just now, the digital publishing company that bought it announced it was shutting down. I had totally forgotten about it until I read it was gone with all the tech youtubers out there...

I suppose we've all said "screw it" and just walked away from a job, a girl, a hobby..
The digital economy is weird. I used to regularly go to a site called "" which was originally started by a teen ager (Anand Lai Shimpi) in the late 90's. About ten years ago he announced he was retiring at age 32, one commenter said that means going to work for the bitten fruit, and just now, the digital publishing company that bought it announced it was shutting down. I had totally forgotten about it until I read it was gone with all the tech youtubers out there...

I suppose we've all said "screw it" and just walked away from a job, a girl, a hobby..
Some might screw it and then walk away from the girl. 😉
His stuff was legit. He seemed all in, I am sure it was lack of funding. Not everyone can make a living from wrestling like our friend, Willie the Brain

thanks Bronson. i love you, too.