Those coupon books that they passed out like candy every semester used to have a coupon that would get you 20 pack of ramen at McLanahan's. If I was flush and feeling fancy, I'd spring for a 99cent jar of spaghetti sauce.
Bubba's used to have a promo where they would randomly call registered phone numbers and if you answered "Hello, I'm hungry," you would win free food. Of course we never heard of anyone actually winning but we'd still religiously answer the phone with "Hello, I'm humgry."
Pizza π North, as opposed to the Pizza π on S. Allen, Used to have 16" cheese pizzas for $3.99.
Back then, every pizza joint had their own personalized pizza box. My roomie and I had a box top from every place in town and stuck them to our dorm ceiling with poster putty. Inevitably, one would come loose in the middle of the night and smack you in the face.
The BiLo grocery stores used to have these huge, premodern hoagies called Riverboats. I can't remover the exact price, but they were cheap and good for 2-3 meals.
The lunch counter at the G. C. Murphy's used to have some tasty, affordable specials as well.