Who wants to chip in to buy out JF? I got $5 to spare.

it's not worth it anytime soon

nice of Barbour and Barron to leave their successors with that garbage heap of a contract

psu is stuck until 2028 at least unless Franklin wants out and will renegotiate

need to roll with it
Just pathetic…Barbour and Barren may have relegated us to permanent underachieving bitch status in Big10.

And yet our leaders applaud them…they should resign for lack of fiduciary responsibility. Pathetic.
I would not give Franklion a bloody Franklin!

He ain’t worth what a stupid donor(s) are paying him. Old Main is not on the hook and he ain’t seeing the exit if he goes 10-2 this yr but we are living a Mark Richt experience.

Georgia pulled the trigger and look what happens when you go all in. Problem is PSU will not go all in. Ruhle is not the answer. All in is Urban! It ain’t happening although it almost happened in 2012. Swallow that... my would things have been different.
Maybe we can crowdsource this thing to speed it up
We are not buying him out. Hard stop there. That leaves two possibilities. The first one is firing him for cause. This isn't as hard as most think it is. Absence a reason, the new AD can make his life miserable. He can start by taking a page out of Sandy's book and firing one or both of our coordinators and several under-performing and over-paid assistants. Franklin can't stop the AD from making the changes Franklin won't. Such moves would make us better but also provide incentive for him to leave on his own though I doubt that happens. He is damaged goods and nobody wants him.
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Did I read correctly that the termination without cause number is $64 million dollars right now? At least four different sites mention that figure.
it's not worth it anytime soon

nice of Barbour and Barron to leave their successors with that garbage heap of a contract

psu is stuck until 2028 at least unless Franklin wants out and will renegotiate

need to roll with it

There was a Miami U running back from several years ago who dropped a deuce in some girls dorm room closet.

That's what Sandy did on her way out.

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For an additional 5 bucks maybe we can pay some consulting fees to some of the football experts on this board.
I've always had the strange feeling that Ernie Acorsi and Tom Donahue are hiding behind some wild screen name on this site like FredFromJimThorpe. Come out guys and stop pretending to just be U12 soccer coaches in your respective community.
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i just do not understand it

they should've said, great, if usc gives you an offer then let's talk and see what we can do. shouldve called his bluff b/c he wasn't getting that job

I understand it. It is how government works.

You are spending someone else's money and you get the glory of spending it without any of the consequences.

They also hire some outside consultants who they pay to agree with them.

Happens in private as well where shareholders have very little control.

the best way to lose him is a top 10 finish

i do not believe he is able to stop looking for the next job, kind of like O'Brien before him
Given his record, it will take multiple top ten finishes to get someone to buy and I don't think he is capable of doing that except once every blue moon.
everyone who went to the game today would need to donate $600-$700 to buy that asshole out.
Are you referring to the 6th QB who turned the ball over 4 times? Otherwise if you want to see someone who perfectly fits the description of the name you called Franklin in your post, look in the frigging mirror clown.
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I would not give Franklion a bloody Franklin!

He ain’t worth what a stupid donor(s) are paying him. Old Main is not on the hook and he ain’t seeing the exit if he goes 10-2 this yr but we are living a Mark Richt experience.

Georgia pulled the trigger and look what happens when you go all in. Problem is PSU will not go all in. Ruhle is not the answer. All in is Urban! It ain’t happening although it almost happened in 2012. Swallow that... my would things have been different.
Do we have the Booster Support to help with the money it would take to relieve Franklin and then bring a Super high Talent Coach to Penn State ? No. Ohio State is paying their new DC $2 million a , money , money. Big Reason why we brought our new AD in was his background and success of driving revenue from sponsors and of course boosters..we will be more than ok…

Curious to see where PSU ranks vs OSU , Michigan , Bama , Georgia , A&M , LSU , Texas , USC etc on booster support $$$…my bet we are middle of the pack.. or.. exactly where our record relative to outside financial support is at this time…

A 10-2 season.. if we get there.. is not bad at all..considering we were not even in the top 25? Preseason for this year..

So much negativity..
There was a Miami U running back from several years ago who dropped a deuce in some girls dorm room closet.

That's what Sandy did on her way out.

That was Najee Davenport, who played for the Steelers for a couple of minutes. We went from having Bus and Duce to having a guy who'll bust a deuce in your hamper.
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The Plan:

Offer Jay @ $250K/yr, 3 years, 0 buyout. Stipulate he picks up Franklin's buyout. He would move heaven and earth to do that.

Anyone can go 10/2 or 9/3 given our typical opponents.

Use that 3 years to find a real coach. May take less than that.

Fire Jay after an OSU or UM loss. Hire real coach.

Program does not suffer
Finally for once and for ever done with Paternos
Franklin buyout gone
Get a real coach that has no prior connection to PSU

Only this time hire a coach, don't need another "good ambassador"
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. This might be the most ignorant thing you've posted on this board (which is impressive, because you've had some doozies).
And apparently anyone can recruit the talent that makes it possible to go 10-2 or 9-3 every year….you are right, a very ignorant post.
powerball is up to 1.2 billion? Buy some tickets and hope for the best.
Franklin will be fired at the close of the 2024 season when the Allar era ends with consecutive 8-4 seasons.
Mike McQueary pretty much did that or better.
He was the starter for one year and went 9-3.

He also had teammates that included: Lavar Arrington, Brandon Short, Courtney Brown, Curtis Enis, Chafie Fields and Joe Jurevicious.
He was the starter for one year and went 9-3.

He also had teammates that included: Lavar Arrington, Brandon Short, Courtney Brown, Curtis Enis, Chafie Fields and Joe Jurevicious.
As usual, reading comprehension and quick, basic research eludes you. The discussion was recruiting and what skills it took to recruit for 10/2 - 9/3 seasons. Who was the recruiting coordinator 2004 - 2011? What were the team records those years?
As usual, reading comprehension and quick, basic research eludes you. The discussion was recruiting and what skills it took to recruit for 10/2 - 9/3 seasons. Who was the recruiting coordinator 2004 - 2011? What were the team records those years?
Your writing clarity is the issue, not my reading comprehension.