OT: Coffee maker

Hey guys. I am looking at suggestions for a new coffee maker. I am the only coffee drinker in the wife gave up coffee years ago when pregnant with our first child. I have been using a Keurig ever since but am thinking about making the move back to the old fashioned coffee pot.

I just thought I would see if anyone had any suggestions for reliable coffee pots...also interested in something that looks nice in the kitchen...something stainless steel or black. I am leaning towards the Cuisinart but I thought I would ask the board for any brands they like.

Thanks in advance.

(Relief?) "Nifonged" Part 2: The Real Conspiracy of Silence

According to the Moulton Report, "the Penn State state emails" were turned over by July 7, 2011, proving a key obstruction of justice allegation was false and that Fina suppressed this evidence to charge Curley and Schultz with failure to report.

Ray Blehar

In Part 1 of the series, the evidence indicated that Frank Fina's expectation that Curley and Schultz would "flip" was among the reasons behind his use of unreliable evidence. Fina's reliance in pressing charges on flimsy evidence was much worse than that of Durham DA Mike Nifong, who was eventually disbarred over his misconduct in the Duke lacrosse case. In Part 2, the Moulton Report and a lot of other evidence reveal the misconduct on the part of Fina and then-Penn State Counsel Cynthia Baldwin during the Sandusky investigation -- in the lead up to the eventual Conspiracy of Silence case.

On November 1, 2012, the Conspiracy of Silence (CoS) presentment levied allegations of obstruction justice against Graham Spanier, Gary Schultz, and Tim Curley. While a long list of allegations were included in the presentment, many of which were not crimes, the key allegation of obstruction of justice was the lack of compliance with Subpoena 1179.

GJ Subpoena 1179 (Sandusky case), issued on December 29, 2010 requested:

"Any and all records pertaining to Jerry Sandusky and incidents reported to have occurred on or about March 2002, and any other information concerning Jerry Sandusky and inappropriate contact with underage males both on and off University property. Response shall include any and all correspondence directed to or regarding Jerry Sandusky."

That allegation was blown away by the Moulton Report's timeline, specifically:

"July 7, 2011. Tpr. Rossman receives a thumb drive containing Penn State emails."

FC: Kane voted Nation's worst attorney general - couldn't resist - link

LINK: Kane voted Nation's worst AG

Don't know anything about the Competitive Enterprise Institute.:D

1. Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania—a long list of abuses, ranging from leaking confidential grand jury information to blocking corruption prosecutions to concealing contracts from public view;

It should be noted that Pennsylvania AG Kane made the top of our list before she was indicted in early August for leaking grand jury materials.
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OT: Tech advise relative to watching PSU games without cable

I spend my Saturday's in the fall split between hunting and watching Penn State games. When I'm at the hunting cabin in Bradford county, there is no cable TV and barely any antenna reception. I'm not up to speed on all of the cutting edge technology, but I understand that there are options like slingbox to relay cable.

I have Comcast cable, an iPhone, and a Kindle Fire. What are the best options for me?

OT (sorta) "Murder in the Stacks," -David DeKok

I am a little more than halfway through this book. I recommend it, as it provides a lot of insight as to the mentality on PSU campus in 1969 and many parallels can be drawn to modern day. The book concerns the Aardsma murder in Pattee over Thanksgiving weekend in 1969. The author has a very specific individual (now deceased) for which he makes a case for guilt...but the surrounding goings-on are all too familiar. Read it, and if you have what were your observations? I didn't find out till I bought it that it was written by a guy who used to work for the Patriot, so I'm keeping that in mind as I go.

QUESTION FOR FINANCIAL GURUS (regarding China and Trumps comments)...........

Lately, China is in the news for "devaluing" its currency. And, world markets have reacted. Also, Trump made some harsh remarks.

IIRC, some time ago, Trump made remarks about China not respecting Patent Rights stating that they are basically "stealing" technology. This was years ago, btw.

So, I have a few questions regarding China:

1) Is China a "fair" player in International Business or not? Do they steal patents, for example, without paying rights?

2) How does one exactly devalue a currency? And, "should" a Country seek approval before doing so from other economic powers since it has global impact?

3) How do you see China in the coming years? Playing more favorably economically or being even more unfair?

Thanks in advance.

AG Kane Said to Be Facing Inquiries on Multiple Fronts

AG Kane Said to Be Facing Inquiries on Multiple Fronts
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane speaks during a news conference Aug. 12 at ... Sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said there appears to be an active FBI investigation asking questions about …

Anyone have an idea why the FBI is interested in Kathleen Kane?

Should move the views & posting to: The "Kane Iquiries" thread. Sources.....
bjf1984, 49 minutes ago

Judge implies Kane can release porn emails

Judge implies Kane can release porn emails
August 14, 2015

The judge supervising the grand jury that investigated state Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane said Thursday she hasn’t officially asked him to allow her to release the offensive emails she claims exist, so he can’t act to order their release.

Judge William R. Carpenter also implied she doesn’t need his permission to release the pornographic and racially and religiously offensive emails she claims are at the root of her troubles. The emails were never introduced before his grand jury in Montgomery County, he said.

Other than thanking grand jury members for their hard work, Judge Carpenter said nothing else in a statement released Thursday about the criminally charged attorney general’s request.

Chuck Ardo, Kane’s spokeswoman, said Kane’s lawyers will file a request next week asking Judge Carpenter to lift an order she claims blocks the release of the emails. He said the office would have no further comment.

Kane of Waverly Township is accused of leaking secret information from an earlier grand jury to a Philadelphia newspaper to embarrass a former prosecutor she thought did the same to her and then lying about it to Judge Carpenter’s grand jury. She told reporters Wednesday her troubles started when she made it known her office had the technology to trace every email in former attorney general Tom Corbett’s administration, her predecessor.

State prosecutors and judges started investigating her because she found their “pornographic, racially offensive and religiously offensive emails” on attorney general’s office computers and they want to stop her from releasing them, she said.

She singled out Judge Carpenter, saying he and other judges and prosecutors had, “wittingly or unwittingly,” kept the emails secret. She said Judge Carpenter “to this day prevents the complete public dissemination of these emails under a tortured interpretation of our state’s grand jury secrecy law.”

The judge referred his grand jury’s findings to Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman, who last week charged Kane with obstructing the administration of law, official oppression, false swearing and perjury.

Kane says she’s innocent and the release of the emails is essential to her defense.
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Understanding the method used to damage PSU

Since 2011 The Penn State University has gone through the most extensive and intensive period of "image re-formulation" in history. I challenge ANYONE to find another case where the public was so convincingly sold on CRIMINAL GUILT based on the crimes of a former employee. Most amazingly, this image destruction has been done without ONE SINGLE LEGAL FACT and in light of MULTITUDE of obvious suspicious actions events and actors.

From day one of all this I have believed that all of this "Scandal" was an ENGINEERED event - just too many pieces had to be "fit" together for it to occur "naturally" and too many "unfortunate mistakes and "gotcha" events have happened to support the "Story" which the public believes.

So here is a "lens" (perspective) which can be used to better understand "the Penn State Scandal". It explains why people are so definite in what they believe as "facts" (no matter which side they take) and why it is so hard to get a change the public's perception.
It all makes sense how & why PSU/Paterno was targeted when you look through this "lens".

The Big Lie Theory
A big lie (German: Große Lüge) is a propaganda technique. The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."

Hitler asserted the technique was used by Jews to unfairly blame Germany's loss in World War I on German Army officer Erich Ludendorff.

By placing responsibility for the loss of the world war on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice.

All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the factswhich prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.

For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.

Note that trained propagandists (known often as “spin doctors) understand how the big lie theory can be applied to “shaping” (more like creating) the public’s perception of an event.

The engineered “spin” of facts created by the “Big Lie” is designed to create a new public belief. Once the enough of the public “buys” this alternate reality, the deceived public then uses “the Big Lie” itself to disprove the factual realities that actually exist

A core principal of this theory is that if you tell a lie often enough (using the power of the mass media), some of the people who hear it will believe it. The more the lie is repeated to the public, the greater the number of people who believe “The Big Lie” is the truth.
Please note that "lies" include exaggerations and (selectively edited and) out-of-context quotes.
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