I feel really crappy this morning after see this article and thought why should I be the only to feel crappy, so I'm sharing. I really & truly hate most people anymore.......tying Joe to Cosby WTF.
"Most schools honor their legends, we fire ours".
The Paterno-Cosby connection (column)
Mike Argento,
margento@ydr.com 8:03 a.m. EDT September 14, 2016
Penn State takes on a school this week that has its own problems with one of its legends.
Until the Sandusky scandal, the worst thing Joe Paterno ever did, as far as fans and observers of the program were concerned, was run the ball twice up the middle in the '79 Sugar Bowl, costing the Nittany Lions a shot at upsetting Alabama and winning a national championship.
Yes, those were more innocent times, a kind of idyllic, gauzy memory faded by time and the horrors to come.
The point is, you can't jump into the Wayback Machine and change the past.
Yet the university seems to want to, choosing to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Joe Paterno stepping onto the turf at Beaver Stadium as head coach before Saturday's game against Temple.

Should Penn State honor Joe Paterno?
Of course, Paterno is gone, his legacy, at least outside the cozy confines of Happy Valley, in tatters. The Paterno apologists, those living in the PSU bubble, don't believe that for a minute. They still think the guy did no wrong, even if the preponderance of the evidence indicates otherwise.
There is no reason to continue to re-litigate what Joe knew and when he knew it. There is no point. The die has been cast, the sides picked. Either you believe that Paterno had enabled a monster to prey on little boys, or you believe that Paterno was framed and that the evidence against him was all fabricated and that he had no idea what was going on – that he was St. JoePa of Mount Nittany.
Neither side is completely right. Paterno's legacy is, well, complicated. He was a flawed human being, as we all are, and his mistakes, or conscious decisions, to favor football over protecting children from a predator, or whatever you chose to believe, were legion.
Yes, Paterno did a lot of good for the university, his players and the students at Penn State. And yes, he may have done an incredible amount of harm to Jerry Sandusky's victims. Both of those things can be true, although trying to convince Paterno dead-enders of that is an impossible task, the world being a black-and-white place with no gray.
Anyway, the university's decision to honor the coach before Saturday's game is curious. And it indicates that Happy Valley is still an insular place, like that town in the Stephen King novel sealed off from the rest of the world by an impenetrable dome.
Outside that bubble, it appears to be yet another instance in which Penn State doesn't get it. Already,
according to a column in the Detroit News, an entrepreneur in Michigan has printed up a bunch of maize-and-blue T-shirts emblazoned with "JoePa knew" and plans to sell them prior to next week's Penn State game in Ann Arbor, donating the profits to child welfare agencies.
And elsewhere, there are numerous comments on the Intertubes suggesting that the best way to honor Paterno is with a 30-year-long moment of silence.
Local students manage backlash from Paterno editorial
Yet others have suggested that Penn State honoring Paterno is akin to Temple honoring its most illustrious alum, Bill Cosby – pointing out the coincidence that the commemoration will come before a game against a school that has had its problem with one of its legends. In this context, "illustrious" means "notorious," or "creepy."
That is, of course, absurd – kind of like comparing apples to cocker spaniels.
Superficially, the two things may be kind of similar. Cosby was every white person's favorite black grandfather for a while, peddling Jell-O pudding and yelling at kids to pull their pants up and get off his lawn, just as Paterno was everybody's favorite cranky Sicilian grandpa yelling at kids to pull up their pants and get off his lawn.
Yet Cosby is himself an alleged monster. If you believe the allegations against him, he preyed upon young women, drugging them and doing terrible things. Paterno, if you believe the allegations, enabled a monster. Cosby may be Temple's most famous alum and a former member of its board of trustees. When the allegations started piling up, Cosby resigned from the board.
Paterno was the face of Penn State and worked for the university for more than 60 years and was fired when the allegations were leveled against him. The university, against some strident opposition, has been trying to distance itself from the old coach, tearing down his statue and trying to let the past lie in the past.
Sure, it doesn't seem quite right comparing the two, but you would never catch Temple having anything to do with Cosby now. Cosby is dead to Temple now.
But Penn State still feels it has to honor Paterno.
It's just not a good idea.

Premature adulation for JoePa (editorial)
How the university is handling it is even worse. The athletic department issued terse releases, not explaining anything, only saying it planned to go ahead with the commemoration, not offering any details or even paying lip service to the victims of the scandal.
Coach James Franklin, asked about it at his weekly press conference, said: “That's something that is a decision that our administration makes. Again, we're so consumed with graduating our players. We're so consumed with getting our players ready to play and be successful on the football field and make great decisions in the community. That's our focus.
“I think as you guys know, I was one of the first people in my opening press conference to show my respect for the history and traditions and all the wonderful things that have happened here. But after that, guys, there are a lot of things that I think people hit me up on Twitter about and questions that I get asked that I'm not involved in. Those things are for the administration."
Say what you will about Franklin as a coach, but the man knows when to punt.
Completely uninformed prediction: Last week, I was remiss in making my completely uninformed prediction for the outcome of the Penn State-Pitt game. Had I done so, I think I would have predicted Penn State losing by three after a chance to take the lead late in the fourth quarter was wiped out by an interception in the end zone. (This prediction business is so much easier if you wait until after the fact.)
This week, I think Penn State wants to bounce back from last week and show that, perhaps, they have practiced tackling and stuff. And they are probably seeking revenge for last year's embarrassing loss to Temple.