WLAX: PSU - NW in B1G Semis, starting on BTN (9:15 pm EDT)

should be a tough match. PSU is the 2 seed in the tourney. They played NW a few weeks ago, went down by several goals early on, then went on a nice run, and held on for a 1-point victory.

the winner will take on Maryland, who won the other semi against Hopkins.

they are playing on Maryland's FH turf, which is slicker than the turf they typically play LAX on.


OT...Machado rant after he got thrown at again....

He's pretty much dead on. They have thrown at him a few times over a slide that was barely over aggressive when it comes to going to second base. You make your point with one pitch...not 3 different pitchers and one at the head. Red Sux need to take out the manpons and move on.

OT: Took a fly fishing 101 class tonight....

Reels, rods, fly lines.....leaders and knots....insect fly patterns. Had no idea that different flies are used at different times of the year based on when insects hatch.

The instructor said that he has guided tours in Alaska, Montana, Arkansas, Tennessee among other locations, but that one of his favorite fishing locales is central PA near State College. He didn't mention specific streams.

I see how someone can get sucked into the sport. I signed up for 201 which will be a class this Sunday on the water.

Converting Grill from Propane to Natural Gas

Just curious if anyone has done the above? I bought a new home a couple months ago and they have a natural gas hookup for the grill. My Weber Genesis E-330 is for a propane setup. I contacted Weber about a conversion kit and they told me they don't offer them and can't legally suggest I do the conversion. I see where Home Depot and Lowes both sell conversion kits (along with my local Ace who sells Webers).

I went online and watched a number of video's and it seems pretty straight forward, but wanted to see if anyone has actually done this and if so, how did it go? My other option is taking this grill down the shore and replacing my old Weber down there and buying a whole new natural gas Weber. This is a last resort since the one I currently have and am looking to convert is only 8 months old.

Thanks in advance!

Be an organ donor, save a life...or two

Konrad Reuland, a 29-year-old tight end for the Baltimore Ravens, died in mid-December of the brain aneurysm that struck him down in November. He wasn’t a great NFL star. He was waived seven times in a very brief career which is why, perhaps, news of his death received only a few paragraphs in the usual places.

Konrad died Dec. 12. He was 29. Over the final hours Mary spent with her oldest child, she kept her right ear on his chest. Her final words to the representative of the organ procurement network were, “Make sure his heart goes to a really good person because Konrad was a really good person.”

It did, Hall of Famer Rod Carew.

A parchment copy of Declaration of Independence found in England

two Harvard researchers, that were conducting research for other purposes, have found and verified a parchment copy of the Declaration of Independence, in the records office in Chichester, England.

It appears to be a copy of the Declaration that was made around 1780. Excluding the original, which resides at the National Archives, all copies of the Declaration from the 1770s and 1780s were published on broadsides, books, newspapers, and manuscripts. (I'm excluding from this the two copies on parchment made by the anastatic process, which is believed to have caused the fading on the original Declaration.) This parchment copy reportedly is in better condition than is the original Declaration.

You can read more about the discovery at THIS LINK.

It's been a big topic of discussion in Rev War circles today.

I'm blessed to recieve an offer from Molson Golden University! Budweiser and Yuengling

have encourage me to come for an OFFICIAL visit.

Other offers I am blessed to have received are from:

Miller High Life University
Blue Moon College
Shock-Top University
Shiner Bock University

Several IPA schools also interested in me.

I did turn down an offer to attend Iron City College!

I'll report more as the offers come in.

Heavy hitter Jack Daniels University reported to be CLOSE to offering.


What sport(s) do you or did you play? And what was your one shining moment?

It’s very easy to be critical of players at the collegiate and professional level yet how many of us wouldn’t trade places with them and wish we were competing at such a high level of athletics.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt

We should never lose sight of that but all too often we do. So with that in mind, what sport(s) do you or did you play and how far did you get? What was the apex of your athletic career, your finest hour, and what was your one shining moment in sports that stands out above the rest?

Did you collect baseball cards as a kid? Still have them?

Did you collect baseball cards as a kid? Do you still have them?

I had a large collection of the late '60s and early '70s and my mom threw them away. I have acquired some of the star ballplayers after HER EGREGIOUS mistake but nothing anywhere nearly in number of cards I had as a kid.

Two of my all-time favorite players: Roberto and Maz.


