RFK Jr. Getting Jack-ed

I know Mark Bell personally, he’s done quite well for himself. He came up with some pretty handy weight training inventions and I please made a few million dollars from them.

His slingshot for bench pressing is a godsend that allows lifters to train through what I would say minor to moderate shoulder damage whether it be a cut or chronic. Basically it’s giving you extra push from your chest.

There are limits to it, and if you have serious shoulder issues you might still have to work around more than this but it can keep people in the weight training game a little bit longer.
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FB Recruiting New Rivals 2026 Rankings......

No. 22 in nation -- OT Kevin Brown (21)
No. 143 in nation -- RB Messiah Mickens (126)
No. 214 in nation -- QB Troy Huhn (156)
No. 220 in nation -- S Matt Sieg (202)
No. 246 in nation -- WR Jerquaden Guilford (NR)

No. 2 in DE -- WR Jahsiear Rogers
No. 12 in MD -- WR Lavar Keys
No. 6 in NJ -- CB Julian Peterson


Datarepublican is doing incredible work.

She is an autistic woman that uses sign language. She is a data analyst genius and has been doing a very deep dive into the corrupt charities and NGOs.

She created a massive data base on over a hundred NGOs. You just put in the name or EID number and see what she found.

Here is one search page. But click on the top right info ||| and you can get other search engines including one in election vote analysis.

GAO: govt made $236,000,000,000 in improper payments last year

That is $236B just last year. Yeah. That isn't good.


Now they have discovered massive Soc Sec fraud and corruption...

It appears there are 60 MILLION more "eligible" SSNs in the US than there are citizens in the US. hmmmm

But here's the real doozy. There are a few million current Soc Sec recipients who are 140 years old (or older). The Dem/Soc response, Evil Elon is indiscriminately cutting vital resources and entitlement payments and as a result, CHILDREN WILL DIE (according to some dumbass CO Dem/Soc Congressman). Well, apparently, not those folks over 140 years old. They seem to be quite healthy and may live forever.

Maybe the CHILDREN that Congressman was referring to were the kids of these super oldsters.. Yeah, those KIDDIES have to be over 100 y.o. themselves and their parents being cut off from receiving their monthly SSI checks could lead to a bunch of dead CHILDREN. Oh, the humanity. TRUMP is Hitler and Elon is Reinhard Heydrich. Those bastards.... save us all before it's too late, Chuck and Nancy!

(Note: the SSI fraud numbers I mentioned aren't in the article I posted. Those were mentioned on a news show earlier today. )

It's funny that yesterday's DNC attack phrase was " lack of transparency". This kind of stuff is coming out too fast to keep up with and, despite that, they are complaining not enough is being shared. Well, TRUMP will be holding a presser later today to list a whole bunch of the major stuff found to date ..... what will their next attack phrase be? "Truth overload"?
