Yesterday Apple released IOS 18.1 which contains the software to use Air Pod 2 Pros as hearing aids. I believe the minimum requirements are iPhone 15 or greater with this update and Air Pod2 Pro ear buds. I downloaded the software and went through the setup process which was relatively easy. My initial reaction after 24 hours is mixed. I'm getting way too much amplification on very low sounds. I can hear silverware touching the plate, light switches and the latch click when you turn a doorknob. This is unneeded and very annoying. The speech, TV etc is pretty good, the noise cancellation has two levels, one is good the other is outstanding. I'm still figuring everything else out and will report any significant findings. One of the things I want to do is to retake the hearing test, to see if maybe I missed a tone that is causing certain frequencies to be over amplified. I also think you can add an existing hearing aid test done elsewhere, but haven't had the time to try this. Based on the cost if you already use an I-phone vs the cost of hearing aids with similar technology these look like a no brainer value. Has anyone else that uses hearing aids tried this software yet? What are your thoughts?