Agree in general, live among them. I have found most of the miscreants, board wise that is, are not alums but fans. The one thing you have to understand, in Ahia, EVERYONE IS A BUCKEYE FAN, EVERYONE. No matter where you go to college or if you don't it is beaten into you from birth that it the buckeyes or die. My son told me he had to endure the fight song every morning. I read where a elementary school teacher has her class march around while she plays the script Ahai song (most boring spectacle in football, one person leads 200 other in circles as only he can spell a four letter word) every morning. It's brainwashing and it works. I have found one Ahia person, a neighbor who is not a buckeye fan as his son is, get this, a ND front runner. It only gets worse the deeper you dig. Sorry for the vent, its tough out here.