2024 Transfer Portal

If morals were based on people driving the speed limit there would be very few moral people.
Speeding is simply an example of still breaking the law whether caught or not. Cheating involves morals. Something surely lacking in Iowa.
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I wonder if this is eroding Brands' booster support.
"I want to offer you a big bag of money..."
" come wrestle at Iowa."
"No thank you."
It’s not about the money being offered, it’s about the person who is offering the money.

If Bob and the Brands were smart, they would hire a NIL coordinator to do the job that Bob is currently doing and failing at miserably.
They need to get Larry Lee back on the job. Hey, Luke how is the knee? Maybe I could set a meet and greet with Bob and Tom?
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If morals were based on people driving the speed limit there would be very few moral people.
Ok.......I am trying to determine if I still Qualify for Sainthood. I need some clarification. If the posted "suggested" speed is 55 and my cruise is set at 62.......Am I still in the "moral" group. If the Suggested tourist speed is posted at 65 and my cruise is set at I still moral? If the posted speed is 70 and my cruise is set to I considered "moral" since my 30 year old cars tend to make noise and vibrate over 75mph. In 15 years of almost weekly driving from NC to Pa at 500-650 miles one way.....never been pulled over.... Am I just a lucky immoral criminal in waiting or am I just maximizing what the radar and Radar calibration limits are capable of and Ingeniously playing the system as it is set up and staying "moral" Please send your votes and donations to "Saint Bob PSU" All proceeds will be used to fight Slumlord Bob for the best of the best in the most moral way possible. Morals Rule! :)
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Every rule the NCAA promulgates on athlete recruitment and compensation gets overturned in the courts. Of course they’re not enforcing the rules anymore. It’s a waste of their resources.
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Ok.......I am trying to determine if I still Qualify for Sainthood. I need some clarification. If the posted "suggested" speed is 55 and my cruise is set at 62.......Am I still in the "moral" group. If the Suggested tourist speed is posted at 65 and my cruise is set at I still moral? If the posted speed is 70 and my cruise is set to I considered "moral" since my 30 year old cars tend to make noise and vibrate over 75mph. In 15 years of almost weekly driving from NC to Pa at 500-650 miles one way.....never been pulled over.... Am I just a lucky immoral criminal in waiting or am I just maximizing what the radar and Radar calibration limits are capable of and Ingeniously playing the system as it is set up and staying "moral" Please send your votes and donations to "Saint Bob PSU" All proceeds will be used to fight Slumlord Bob for the best of the best in the most moral was possibly. Moral Rule! :)
8 is great. 9 you're mine.
Based on that you are moral.
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Luke signed with Penn State 9 weeks ago, Iowa has had virtually 2 years to recruit Luke legally and they do it ... summer as he's enrolling at Penn State when the 125/133 incoming blackhole was obvious for idk ... 1-2 years now?

When you have millions of dollars and no sense.
If the NCAA is a paper tiger at this point, perhaps its time for programs to take matters into there own hands.

There is a legal cause of action called Tortious Interference with Contract. Would love to see a lawsuit against Bob and Iowa University.

Wining a case like that would be straight forward however the damages part could be challenging.
The NCAA isn't going to do anything about Larry, Bob, Tom and Terry recruiting other school's athletes until a few other schools start bitching regularly. There will be a non-public cease and desist directive from the NCAA to Beth, and if the same schools continue to bitch about repeated offenses in the near future there will be a public acknowledgement. Be a dick enough times it will eventually bite them in the ass.

It would make more sense to develop their own recruits, but as the last 20 years shows champions are developed in other rooms. Not Iowa City. So I guess to compete for team championships the Hawk staff needs to recruit other wrestling rooms.
Per Adam Fellers (Iowa wrestling alum and supporter), Slumlord was tampering with Luke.

I guess they’re a little skittish about Deluca after Desmond beat him.
First, it was Willie who said that.

Fellers was pretty clear in that show he's not plugged into the Iowa program right now and the only information he has is the same stuff we see online.

There's no need to intentionally misleading about this stuff knowing most people won't take the time to listen for themselves - From Fellers (not true) who is a hawkeye insider (not true).

What Fellers did say is that from his long relationship with Tom, he would be shocked if Tom wasn't running this stuff by Iowa compliance (if what is rumored is actually happening, which Fellers was clear he doesn't know).
First, it was Willie who said that.

Fellers was pretty clear in that show he's not plugged into the Iowa program right now and the only information he has is the same stuff we see online.

There's no need to intentionally misleading about this stuff knowing most people won't take the time to listen for themselves - From Fellers (not true) who is a hawkeye insider (not true).

What Fellers did say is that from his long relationship with Tom, he would be shocked if Tom wasn't running this stuff by Iowa compliance (if what is rumored is actually happening, which Fellers was clear he doesn't know).
Fellers is clearly the one that said the name Lilledahl, Willie said no comment. Fellers might not be as plugged into Iowa as he used to be (I imagine the Ferrari/Chittum fiasco is a big reason) but he is not in the dark of what goes on as well in wrestling. He's also by far one of the most vocal that he hates the continued one year rental approach.
Fellers is clearly the one that said the name Lilledahl, Willie said no comment. Fellers might not be as plugged into Iowa as he used to be (I imagine the Ferrari/Chittum fiasco is a big reason) but he is not in the dark of what goes on as well in wrestling. He's also by far one of the most vocal that he hates the continued one year rental approach.
He listed Buchanon and Teemer as ones he heard about. Willie then added a PSU blue chipper and Fellers said "Lilledahl?" and Willie then said no comment.

I think it's important to add that the conversation between the two was far less authoritative than how it was represented on here. It was more two guys asking each other what they've heard than two guys going on air to drop bombshells about tampering.

I'm with Fellers on the one-year rental thing. The Iowa approach to NIL has been completely backwards imo. I've been screaming for them to build out their RTC for years. That seems hopeless now. All that money is earmarked for the portal.
Did I miss something with Luke? Is Bob trying to poach him or something? First I saw this..
He listed Buchanon and Teemer as ones he heard about. Willie then added a PSU blue chipper and Fellers said "Lilledahl?" and Willie then said no comment.

I think it's important to add that the conversation between the two was far less authoritative than how it was represented on here. It was more two guys asking each other what they've heard than two guys going on air to drop bombshells about tampering.

I'm with Fellers on the one-year rental thing. The Iowa approach to NIL has been completely backwards imo. I've been screaming for them to build out their RTC for years. That seems hopeless now. All that money is earmarked for the portal.
Didn’t mean to be misleading. Dashed off a quick email after listening to the 1st half and failed to add nuance in my haste. I think Willie’s very awkward “no comment” to Fellers guess of LL spoke volumes about the accuracy of the guess.

I think Fellers/your RTC approach is the right one. As he made clear later in the show, there’s a pretty clear correlation since 2000 in strength of RTC and strength of college program.
Fellers is clearly the one that said the name Lilledahl, Willie said no comment. Fellers might not be as plugged into Iowa as he used to be (I imagine the Ferrari/Chittum fiasco is a big reason) but he is not in the dark of what goes on as well in wrestling. He's also by far one of the most vocal that he hates the continued one year rental approach.
Do you have the story behind how Fellers relates to the Ferrari/Chittum situation?
Do you have the story behind how Fellers relates to the Ferrari/Chittum situation?
Fellers is a huge mentor to Chittum and is probably the main reason Chittum flipped to Iowa. Guessing he wasn't on board with the Ferraris coming to town in the first place and Chittum leaving because of that upset him.