2025 Big Ten Tournament thread

Think Big Ten lost a spot because of Teamer sitting out most of year? I may be wrong in that tho. It would be funny if he took another loss and missed out by 1 spot on an AQ. And then doesnt get an at large because he didn't wrestle enough matches. I'm not sure how the At larges work so I may be stupid posting this but it sure would be great if it happened like that. Lol
Big 10 has 8 allocations at 157. Teemer has to beat Kraisser in his next match and he's guaranteed 8th
I don't live and die by wrestling results like some others who have posted here and tried to argue with everyone on the board. I can handle whatever you guys got.

That's appreciated JM. There are a few Hawk fans that have worked their way to reality...

I disagree. When Keuter came out of HS, and in his freshman year, he wrestled better than he is now. I see regression. You don't agree? There is a very real possibility that Iowa needs a heavy transfer next year.
No! We need a full year with Easton Fleshman as Iowa's starting HWT.

Yes, that's his real name, not just Willie's adult movie stage name.
Ready for some wrestling! Our travel weekend started yesterday with a drunk crazy woman harassing us and the flight attendant for the entire flight! The police met our plane at the jetway in ORD and took her away. Things can only get better!

Then we met @PSU Mike for some great deep dish pizza and beer. After a bit some Hawkeye fans showed up. Thye were nicer than the drunk woman…. 🤔. Just kidding they were very nice, I won’t reveal their handles so that Hawk fans don’t give them a hard time for being nice.
And Hlstone thought the cops were there for that Outstanding Warrant.
Spoiler alert!
Naked cousin finals
Willings def Willings 21-18.
Willings caught in the spadle for the last 50 seconds of the 3rd.
Uncomfortably thorough camera work. Ref doesn’t stand in front of camera. Flo doesn’t go down. Student announcers describing move as Fredo posting to the wrong account.
Was it reffed by JTS’s Uncle?
@SlipperyPete12 - Thank you. I know you hear it all the time, but my current situation is: My gf and I both woke up at 330 am going 15 shits and 8 pukes each so far, probably from the seafood restaurant we ate on Thursday. I can't tolerate the radio or TV today between the weakness, sore eyes and frequent short naps. I can only tolerate reading the PBP when I can login.

So thank you again! I'm guessing you have no idea some of the circumstances surrounding the positive effect that your detailed posts here have on others. So just passing it on.
Thank you without the details would have been enough. Lol
Gunsights and gaslight..
This would be a great name for a romantic novel in Iowa..
In fairness, Gabe looked to be trying VERY hard to win, not duck. I’m just scratchier on tourney days. Plus, I can never watch the son without remembering the dad’s unfounded smears.
In the PIAA finals Jax Forrest came out wearing a soft helmet. Are any college kids wearing these? Maybe they can get one for Kasak before Nationals? Then, he wouldn't have to worry about his hair getting in the way either.