184- #1 Carter Starocci vs. #2 Parker Keckeisen (UNI)
Period 1:
Here we go! Starocci listed as 5' 11", 183.6 pounds. He isn't wearing anything on either knees. Circling & head slapping & tapping. Tying up, then they break. Starocci looks like a solid 184 pounder. Fingers call & restart. Circling, then tying up, Starocci looking under hook, nothing. Starocci looking underhook again, driving forward, Keck near the edge & they break. Starocci with a front headlock on the edge, but they go out of bounds. Starocci controlling the hand-fighting. 1:15 left. Tying up, Keck snaps, nothing. Circling & tying up, Starocci reaches for a leg, but doesn't commit. Starocci coming forward, Keck on the edge again. Starocci controlling him with an underhook. Keck circles back in & they're tying up in the center. Starocci coming forward again, but the period ends. 0-0
Period 2:
Starocci takes down. gets to his feet, breaks the grip & gets the escape in 7-seconds. Keck shoots a high-c, Starocci is fighting him off, Keck keeps working & they go out of bounds, no scoring. Great defense on Starocci! Keck is slow back to center & getting booed. Lol. Starocci in on a low single, Keck comes over the top & it's a potentially dangerous call, restart. Circling, Starocci coming forward, 53-sec left. Circling & pushing in the center. Starocci coming forward again, Keck shoots, Starocci re-attacks, but no scoring. Starocci pushing Keck back to the edge & they break & that's how it ends. 1-0 Starocci
Period 3:
Keck takes down, gets to his feet, but Starocci takes him back down & out of bounds, 1:45 left, restart. Keck down, gets to his feet, but Starocci riding tough. Keck working for hand control & gets the escape, 1-1, 28-sec RT for Starocci. Stoppage for something, restart, 1:15 left. Circling & head tapping, then tying up. Keck shoots, nothing. 54-sec left. Tying up, Starocci shoots, nothing, Keck shoots, nothing. Starocci with a front headlock, stalemate, restart, 32-sec left. Keck taking a long, slow way back to center & the crowd doesn't like it. Keck is winded & he's getting booed by the crowd. Circling & tying up, both looking for an opening, but that's how it ends.
Circling, Keck reaches, nothing. Keck shoots, nothing, Starocci with an underhook, drives Keck to the edge & they break. Starocci shoots, Keck counters, but Starocci gets away. Great defense again for Carter. Back to center, tying up & circling, Keck shoots, nothing. Starocci shoots, gets a leg on the edge & is trying to suck it in, he keeps working & Starocci gets the TD! Starocci cuts his face during the last exchange & is bleeding like a victorious champion after the match! I think Carter just wanted it more & found a way to win.
Carter Starocci DEC Parker Keckeisen 4-1 SV