And yet when the baby hacked off a guy's finger, did he even get a penalty? Amazing the tunnel vision Pittsburgh fans have. But this is nothing new. Worst fans in all of sports, and yes, that includes Philadelphia.
Apparently you are incapable of watching any of the videos posted? Yes he got a penalty, and he got a penalty for the stick to the groin on O'Reilly.
I'm a lifelong Flyers fan and I can't believe The NHL isn't doing a damn thing about Ovi and Nisk. They should both be out for the remainder of this series and face fines. I can't stand Crosby and no matter how much I dislike a player they do NOT deserve what happened to him! The Caps were out to take him out because they lost the 1st 2 in DC and were looking to send a message. If I were The Pens I would be out to take both Ovi and Nisk out... you want to send a messag? You tell The Caps "You want to play like that we will injure the players would injured our Captain. If we lose the series, so be it, but you are NOT going to get away with that type of play."