Anthony Knox and dad drama

Paywalled, but the arrested parent was Anthony Knox's dad.

Found it on Reddit FWIW. Apparently the fans cheered when one of Knox's teammates lost. Another of Knox's teammates started yelling at the fans, and an adult in the stands flipped that kid the bird. At that point, Knox Sr went up into the stands to confront that guy. Somebody (maybe the bird flipper?) shoved Knox Sr, and the stands erupted into a brawl.

Just another day in New Jersey.
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Paywalled, but the arrested parent was Anthony Knox's dad.
What I have heard from two people who were there is that a parent of an opposing team flipped off a kid from SJV. SJV is the team Knox wrestles for. I believe it was 190 lb match and the kid celebrated and a parent flipped him off. Those parents were booing the SJV kids all day and that was the last straw and Knox dad confronted them and someone pushed him and a fight started
Gonna be interesting. In Jersey, if a wrestler was involved they will be banned from tourney. My son is friends with Knox and a couple other SJV kids, will try to get some info
Some athletes were involved not sure who and from what teams. West Deptford parents were involved they were the ones talking crap and booing all day
You can kinda see the start of the brawl here. It starts in the upper RH corner, just behind the coach who's clapping.

A couple athletes did venture onto the mat, but late and not remotely near the action. One strayed a little too close to the scorer's table and got restrained by his teammates, guessing that was Knox Jr. But again, not near the action.

My son told me last night that a few of the SJV kids were involved.
Hope none are suspended. When something like that happens you just react. Not saying I agree with what happened but I hope everyone can still compete on both sides
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He’d be one of the last people they should F with
I know and he's not one to act that way he knows he's a badass. That dad flipping the kid off was it he had enough and was gonna go say something. And someone had other ideas and it escalated
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Hope none are suspended. When something like that happens you just react. Not saying I agree with what happened but I hope everyone can still compete on both sides
Based on the video content, I sure hope not too. It would be an extremely loose definition of "involved," to have not been within 10 yards of the actual involvement.

But maybe there was more after the video ended.
Hope none are suspended. When something like that happens you just react. Not saying I agree with what happened but I hope everyone can still compete on both sides
Apparently some of the kids ran to bleachers but I don’t believe any of the kids threw punches or anything. There was no so called “bench” since it was individual part so hopefully no kids get suspended
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Paywalled, but the arrested parent was Anthony Knox's dad.

Found it on Reddit FWIW. Apparently the fans cheered when one of Knox's teammates lost. Another of Knox's teammates started yelling at the fans, and an adult in the stands flipped that kid the bird. At that point, Knox Sr went up into the stands to confront that guy. Somebody (maybe the bird flipper?) shoved Knox Sr, and the stands erupted into a brawl.

Just another day in New Jersey.
Was the “fan” in the stands flipping the bird AJ? 🤔
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I love how people extoll the virtues of the life lessons that wrestling teaches but then make excuses and start waffling when the consequences get tough.

The people involved should face the appropriate consequences. Doesn't matter if you were provoked or not. Either control your emotions OR do what you think is right fully ready to accept the consequences of your actions.

That's being a bad-ass. Not throwing shade on Knox' dad, no idea if that's his attitude or not, just in the people already making excuses for him.
I love how people extoll the virtues of the life lessons that wrestling teaches but then make excuses and start waffling when the consequences get tough.

The people involved should face the appropriate consequences. Doesn't matter if you were provoked or not. Either control your emotions OR do what you think is right fully ready to accept the consequences of your actions.

That's being a bad-ass. Not throwing shade on Knox' dad, no idea if that's his attitude or not, just in the people already making excuses for him.
If you are good enough at sports most people will excuse just about anything these days. It’s a societal failing.
Apparently some of the kids ran to bleachers but I don’t believe any of the kids threw punches or anything. There was no so called “bench” since it was individual part so hopefully no kids get suspended
I have no problem if they get suspended , I am getting tired of reading where everyone things they have to accept every invitation to a fight. The fact is folks need to learn to walk away in most cases , Knox is 19 so he needs to learn that there are adult consequences at this age.
Paywalled, but the arrested parent was Anthony Knox's dad.

Found it on Reddit FWIW. Apparently the fans cheered when one of Knox's teammates lost. Another of Knox's teammates started yelling at the fans, and an adult in the stands flipped that kid the bird. At that point, Knox Sr went up into the stands to confront that guy. Somebody (maybe the bird flipper?) shoved Knox Sr, and the stands erupted into a brawl.

Just another day in New Jersey.
A little more detail. This was the District 25 finals as part of the NJ State individual tournament. St. John Vianney had won ten of the first eleven matches (losing only 113), with one decision, three majors, four tech falls, and two falls, and were being booed each time (everyone loves a winner, right?). The next match was 190, and the SJV wrestler lost 12-11. Apparently, the crown erupted in cheers, with the result described above. No idea who started what, but I do know you just don't get physical.

For completeness, SJV won the next two matches with quick falls to win twelve of the fourteen finals.

(disclaimer: the only reason I know anything about this is that I live in the same town as SJV, and Knox (126) and Dellagatta (285) are Cornell commits, so I follow them)
I have no problem if they get suspended , I am getting tired of reading where everyone things they have to accept every invitation to a fight. The fact is folks need to learn to walk away in most cases , Knox is 19 so he needs to learn that there are adult consequences at this age.
Give me a f ing break. You see your dad up in stands going at it, and you expect him to sit on his hands?

Knox Jr wasn’t involved in the altercation but to run to bleachers to make sure your dad ok shouldn’t be a reason for suspension
I love how people extoll the virtues of the life lessons that wrestling teaches but then make excuses and start waffling when the consequences get tough.

The people involved should face the appropriate consequences. Doesn't matter if you were provoked or not. Either control your emotions OR do what you think is right fully ready to accept the consequences of your actions.

That's being a bad-ass. Not throwing shade on Knox' dad, no idea if that's his attitude or not, just in the people already making excuses for him.
No one’s making excuses for the father’s actions. I just don’t want to see kids suspended for running to bleachers to see what’s going on (In Knox case, to make sure his father ok).

Knox father is an ex MMA guy..not the type to go physically assault someone unless he was touched. Sounds like he went over to say something and got pushed. Then all hell broke loose
No one’s making excuses for the father’s actions. I just don’t want to see kids suspended for running to bleachers to see what’s going on (In Knox case, to make sure his father ok).

Knox father is an ex MMA guy..not the type to go physically assault someone unless he was touched. Sounds like he went over to say something and got pushed. Then all hell broke loose
You say no one is making excuses for Knox sr. then in the very next paragraph you do. Knox sr. didn’t need to address any name calling or verbal heckling- most of us walk away from that as opposed to engaging. Why would he do that what positive outcome did he expect. Knox Jr can learn a lesson about seeking altercation also . Didn’t he have some sort of problem at escape the rock tournament after a loss a couple of years ago. These boards are filled with apologists for bad behavior
No one’s making excuses for the father’s actions. I just don’t want to see kids suspended for running to bleachers to see what’s going on (In Knox case, to make sure his father ok).

Knox father is an ex MMA guy..not the type to go physically assault someone unless he was touched. Sounds like he went over to say something and got pushed. Then all hell broke loose
Again, if all hell is breaking loose and you feel the need to run towards it or if someone is saying something and you feel you need to confront them about it so be it, if you accept the consequences. That's your prerogative and as I stated before, if you're doing what you think is right, you know there's going to be consequences and you still do it, that's badass.

People know the rules. You're in the postseason or your kid is in it and you "run towards" a problem, you know you're risking a suspension. So be it.
Knox Sr finding his seat at NJ states:
Regarding this altercation, I rarely wade into these types of conversations, but I will give you my general perspective as someone who worked for 32 years as a police officer on the streets. Far too many of us allow our emotions, especially anger, to get the best of us. Unless you are protecting someone from a serious attack, it is rarely the prudent choice to engage the aggressor, whether verbally or physically. Discretion truly is the better part of valor. Over the years I saw far too many individuals killed, seriously injured or imprisoned because they allowed their emotions to get the better of them. Take a few deep breaths and a few seconds to contemplate the potential consequences (physical, criminal, civil, reputation, etc.) if you decide to engage in situations like this.
Father of 3-time state wrestling champ led away in handcuffs after brawl at state tourney.
Bracket for NJ Region 7, in which St. John Vianney resides, shows Knox as the #1 seed, so he didn't get DQed. I'll have to dig further, but it appears that 13 out of the 14 SJV wrestlers are in the Regional tournament, with the exception being the guy at 215 who didn't reach the District semi-finals. So, nobody got DQed from SJV.
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Gonna be interesting. In Jersey, if a wrestler was involved they will be banned from tourney. My son is friends with Knox and a couple other SJV kids, will try to get some info
Nobody got DQed from SJV, since everyone who qualified from District 25 is now listed in the Region 7 brackets, including #1 @126 Anthony Knox. That could change, but I'd think it unlikely.


Looking much more likely than not (see below).
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I probably spoke too soon, indeed, if this report is to be believed.

Eyewitness video has emerged showing St. John Vianney High wrestling star Anthony Knox sprinting into the bleachers to engage in a wild brawl during the District 25 tournament Saturday, placing his path to winning a historic fourth state championship next month in serious jeopardy.

The eyewitness video evidence — observed across several social media sites — appears to show Knox dashing into the stands at Collingswood High School after his father, Anthony Knox Sr., first marched into the bleachers to engage with fans. From there, video shows the younger Knox appearing to throw punches in the stands, and a separate video depicts Knox being led away by police in handcuffs.
I probably spoke too soon, indeed, if this report is to be believed.
Even if the report is 100% accurate I have very little confidence that the NJSIAA will do the right thing. In my view they have no credibility or integrity
That being said will hope that they for once surprise me
Knox father is an ex MMA guy..not the type to go physically assault someone unless he was touched. Sounds like he went over to say something and got pushed. Then all hell broke loose
I was friends with Ryan Jimmo, who was in the top 10 of the UFC light heavyweight division for a time. Looked like he could kill any normal person without effort, but a really nice guy.

On the night he proposed to his fiancée they were out on a date and got in a road rage altercation. Both vehicles pulled into a parking lot, Ryan got out to “discuss things” and the two guys in the other car ran him over and killed him. Had he not been so sure he could settle things physically I’m sure he would never have exited the vehicle.

Regardless of if Knox Sr was an MMA pro, not ever a good idea to get into a physical altercation, or put yourself into a situation where it could get physical. Lots of things can happen.