It's the blonde one that reminds me
You are imputing "hate". It's a really odd reaction of some people, usually social or political activists that any antipathy is hate.
Do I hate AJ? No, I never met him. However, he is a public personality who projects disreputable characteristics:
Poor Judgment
Poor Deportment
In short, he comes off as a "colossal ass". Is he a talented wrestler? Sure he managed as a freshman to become an NC by defeating a future champ.
Would I have been a colossal a-hole at that age if I had some great athletic talent-sure. I had most of those traits then, simply didn't have a platform to act upon them. Of course I never was accused of sexual assault, either and I thought the trick was to get the girl to agree, not just...
Now I have no use for AJ and I think the best thing for his life will be a sound thrashing on the mat. I would enjoy seeing him beaten.
I also have no use for Steveson, I'd like to see him beaten too.
Now I'm sure the response will be "who are you to judge", but you are judging other peoples' impressions, judgments and reactions.