Anthony Knox and dad drama

TBH. What does “what we would do” have to do with this?

I suspended a kid 4 matches for throwing the F-Bomb on the mat after a loss. Utter BS that he can’t be suspended for this.
Understood. Maybe I’m misreading the room. I feel like there’s been a lot of crapping on junior. I’m just saying practically any 17-18 year old is flying into the stands to defend their dad in that situation. I’m only talking about the kid.
Say what you want about the intelligence of the father going to confront a hostile crowd. But there’s not a 17 or 18 year old wrestler among us that wouldn’t have run up there swinging if we saw our Dad being physically accosted by a mob. At that age, and prob 4-5 years on either side of it, there wasn’t a fight we wouldn’t have joined if friend or family was being attacked.
I doubt many of us question what we would have done in that situation. Now, whether we would expect to face zero disciplinary action afterward is the question.

The answer in this case looks a lot like “it depends on whether you are a decorated wrestler . . . and how deep you pockets are.”
Go humans!
Here's a non-paywalled article. Looks like the judge played the role of the ref who refuses to overturn his own bad call on replay. All this did was force a higher court to rule.

Rumor has it that Judge Bartels was kicked out of his checkers club in middle school due to an alleged booger flicking incident. And then he was suspended in high school for smashing an egg on the principal's head to protest the school's refusal to recognize his basement fight club as an officially sanctioned and funded campus sport.

These indignities cut deeply and Bartels swore his revenge (quietly to himself to avoid further discipline). He has now waited nearly 50 years for this opportunity to strike back at the system.
Understood. Maybe I’m misreading the room. I feel like there’s been a lot of crapping on junior. I’m just saying practically any 17-18 year old is flying into the stands to defend their dad in that situation. I’m only talking about the kid.
understood as well.

Honestly, the parents should hold him out but having dealt with too many parents, it’s pretty clear that won’t happen. And of course it doesn’t happen if Sr didnt hold his shit together and walk away.

Sheesh. And we used to bitch about Gunning’s dad and his mouth.
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I guess my biggest issue are the statements by Anthony. He said he entered the stands to defend his mom and dad, or words to that effect, when the videos clearly showed his mom was trailing him going into the stands and his father was in the process of leaving the stands when Anthony goes to another portion of the stands to start a fight with a student. Anthony's untruthful statements just add another layer of poor behavior to this whole incident.

No matter what happens criminally or suspension-wise, Anthony and his family's reputation have taken a big hit from this incident and it is a great learning lesson for the rest of us to not allow our emotions to get the best of us. Hopefully the high exposure of this incident will keep others from engaging in similar kinds of behavior.
I guess my biggest issue are the statements by Anthony. He said he entered the stands to defend his mom and dad, or words to that effect, when the videos clearly showed his mom was trailing him going into the stands and his father was in the process of leaving the stands when Anthony goes to another portion of the stands to start a fight with a student. Anthony's untruthful statements just add another layer of poor behavior to this whole incident.

No matter what happens criminally or suspension-wise, Anthony and his family's reputation have taken a big hit from this incident and it is a great learning lesson for the rest of us to not allow our emotions to get the best of us. Hopefully the high exposure of this incident will keep others from engaging in similar kinds of behavior.
I dunno. Kid exercises poor judgment at best and possibly criminal conduct but isn’t held accountable. Seems more likely to encourage this type of behavior than discouraging it.
Understood. Maybe I’m misreading the room. I feel like there’s been a lot of crapping on junior. I’m just saying practically any 17-18 year old is flying into the stands to defend their dad in that situation. I’m only talking about the kid.

The problem is that Jr. didn't go into the stands to defend his father - the video very clearly confirms this and the arresting Officer's statement as to what he witnessed matches the video, not what Jr. is claiming. Jr. went into the stands and attacked a juvenile - his dad was leaving a different area of the stands at the same time he was entering.
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