Anthony Knox and dad drama

I don’t think anybody is saying people couldn’t have done better. I’m just questioning what exactly requires defense against a finger gesture. IMO about a “c’mon, man, be better!” at a non-threatening distance is about the max response needed.
Well I had Mrs Warner hunt me down and get in my face from a section away for raising my arm in victory, just like Kasak did, albeit without her son draped on my shoulder.
Luckily no fingers or fists were thrown at anyone. And Roar had my back!

Should either of us “been better?”

Funny how nobody has managed to do that to either Ferrari, or to the Mason Beckmans of the past ... when it's so easy.

Maybe because they're on a knee out of range.

Don't be so dense. You're smarter than this.

Well I had Mrs Warner hunt me down and get in my face from a section away for raising my arm in victory, just like Kasak did, albeit without her son draped on my shoulder.
Luckily no fingers or fists were thrown at anyone. And Roar had my back!

Should either of us “been better?”
We liked her enough before you don't need to sell us on this..
I'm afraid we love her now.
LOLZ, I'm sure of that.....
Got You Fist Bump GIF by StickerGiant
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Also, Knox's dad "confronted" the gentleman by walking across the gym, going into the stands where he knew the opposing side who clearly did not like the SJV people were sitting. Now, the person showing the birds to the SJV wrestler who lost is classless, but does Knox's dad not have the ability to control himself to the point where he needs to do what he did. As for Knox himself, if I saw my dad go into an opposing sides area and get into a fight I am not sure I would be thinking clearly either and might have jumped in as well. He probably was not thinking anything other than " I have to help my dad". I put the blame for this entirely on the father.
The video shows when the fight broke out Knox ran up in the stands and started punching a 16 yr old that he was chirping back and forth with all day, the kid wasn’t fighting and wasn’t near Knox dad so the whole “help his dad “narrative is just what SJV and Mineo have been putting out as damage control , knox jr just went to settle his own score which is why he left in handcuffs.

For the record I’m from NJ and been a knox fan and hope he has a lot of success in college (unless he ends up at Iowa) but he’s 19 and assaulted a minor on camera and it’s national news so the state didn’t have any other choice but to suspend him
The video shows when the fight broke out Knox ran up in the stands and started punching a 16 yr old that he was chirping back and forth with all day, the kid wasn’t fighting and wasn’t near Knox dad so the whole “help his dad “narrative is just what SJV and Mineo have been putting out as damage control , knox jr just went to settle his own score which is why he left in handcuffs.

For the record I’m from NJ and been a knox fan and hope he has a lot of success in college (unless he ends up at Iowa) but he’s 19 and assaulted a minor on camera and it’s national news so the state didn’t have any other choice but to suspend him
Also, from the video, it sure looked like Mrs. Knox was holding the kid from behind while her son was throwing hands.

Maybe not, but at best she was an ineffective peacekeeper.

In any case, we have a new nominee for parents who should sit directly behind Terry at NCAAs.
Also, from the video, it sure looked like Mrs. Knox was holding the kid from behind while her son was throwing hands.

Maybe not, but at best she was an ineffective peacekeeper.

In any case, we have a new nominee for parents who should sit directly behind Terry at NCAAs.
I will give Mrs. Knox the benefit of the doubt and go with the "ineffective peacekeeper" explanation. If I had to venture a guess, I think going into the stands was the last place Mrs. Knox wanted to go. I am sure she is none too pleased with her husband and son. Ineffective peacekeeper is a great term and I am bummed my LE career is over or I would have gladly used that in one of my reports : ). My report might have read something like this: "Due to Lisa Morales' extreme intoxication, general lack of social skills, and diminutive stature she was an ineffective peacekeeper."

Regarding Anthony, having a police officer five feet from you watching you throw punches doesn't bode well for any future proceedings, whether administrative or criminal. Also, had Anthony waited a few seconds before deciding to go into the stands to pursue his own altercation, he would have seen that his father was already leaving the stands.
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Well I had Mrs Warner hunt me down and get in my face from a section away for raising my arm in victory, just like Kasak did, albeit without her son draped on my shoulder.
Luckily no fingers or fists were thrown at anyone. And Roar had my back!

Should either of us “been better?”
Fans can be crazy especially parents. If I wore my hater shirt to a Hawkeye match in Carver, I'm 100 percent certain I'd be leaving the place in a body bag. And the Hawk board, after finding out about it would be celebrating it as if they just flipped PJ Duke.
"Cornell University wrestling coach Mike Grey said he had 'a tough conversation' with Anthony Knox, the three-time state champion that was disqualified Tuesday from the NJSIAA state tournament for his involvement in a brawl in the bleachers at the District 25 tournament.

"Knox will still wrestle at Cornell next season, Grey added."

Give me a f ing break. You see your dad up in stands going at it, and you expect him to sit on his hands?

Knox Jr wasn’t involved in the altercation but to run to bleachers to make sure your dad ok shouldn’t be a reason for suspension
I thought it came out he threw punches
Just to give some insight into the situation. SJV wrestled in a new district then they normally do and wrestling in a district that’s nearly an hour and a half away from them. The gym was unhappy with SJV being part of their district since only top 3 from each weight advance from districts to regions and SJV qualified all but 1 weight (2 now with the DQ of Knox).
The gym was not happy with SJVs success that day and when the SJV 190lber lost in the finals, a few parents from the other schools showed their spirit and 1 father of another team was showing his middle finger to the wrestler that just lost. That is when Knox’s dad confronted the gentleman. Not saying it was the right move and defending him, but i respect him for sticking up for a wrestler that cannot. Anthony Jr should have known better
So every athlete’s parents should start fights when opposing fans are being, fans and doing what fans do to rivals You ever been to a Steelers vs ravens or browns or bungles game ? Or eagles vs their division I mean come on They got what they deserved
Paywalled, but the arrested parent was Anthony Knox's dad.

Found it on Reddit FWIW. Apparently the fans cheered when one of Knox's teammates lost. Another of Knox's teammates started yelling at the fans, and an adult in the stands flipped that kid the bird. At that point, Knox Sr went up into the stands to confront that guy. Somebody (maybe the bird flipper?) shoved Knox Sr, and the stands erupted into a brawl.

Just another day in New Jersey.

Worse than that - apparently the NJIAA has DQ'ed Knox JR for the remainder of the post-season for leaving the bench and joining in the brawl, so as it stands now, he will not have a chance to pursue a 4th NJ State Championship. The Knox's have taken the NJIAA to court and the hearing is tomorrow morning.
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This is a bunch of BS, sports parents have been living vicariously through their kids for years. He gets his adrenaline going by watching his son and has to show what a tough guy he is. Even if he didn't throw the first punch he's still at fault for getting involved at all. If there were racial slurs being thrown around then you talk to somebody who is running the event and ask to have the people removed, under no circumstances should you confront somebody because that's not your job.

And what's up with the kid? Mr. "I'm gonna protect my family" needs to be smart enough to know that protecting your family is trying to break up the fight or pull your family out of it, your job isn't to start throwing fists.

IMO NJ has to uphold this decision or you're going to have incidents every night. If you let him wrestle you're pretty much telling athletes and their dipshit parents that it's okay to fight in the stands because there won't be repercussions.
2024 NCAA Tournament Results:

1. Penn State
2. Cornell
You are correct, my statement was worded poorly. I honestly forgot who finished 2nd last year. I guess winning by over 100 will do that. Cornell only had 3 AAs, so it’s not like they had some incredible tournament.

My thoughts about Cornell have more to do with recent recruiting. Outside of Shapiro, I feel like the last 4-5 years we’ve not been in many recruiting battles with the Big Red. To be fair, nobody has challenged us. And let’s be honest, we may have dodged a bulletin with Shapiro (more injury related) and landed a stud in Kasak.

But Cornell HAS to keep Knox. He’s the only remotely top tier guy they’ve landed the past cycle or 2. And that’s being favorable to Knox. I’m not sure how hard Cael, DT, or the hobbits went after Knox.

A few years ago Cornell felt like the top 1-2 threat to us. Now I feel like OSU, tOSU, and Iowa (you could probably make a case for a few other teams ) are in a way better situation than Cornell is.
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Fans can be crazy especially parents. If I wore my hater shirt to a Hawkeye match in Carver, I'm 100 percent certain I'd be leaving the place in a body bag. And the Hawk board, after finding out about it would be celebrating it as if they just flipped PJ Duke.
Quit being melodramatic, what’s the chance of someone from Iowa being able to read?
I love how people extoll the virtues of the life lessons that wrestling teaches but then make excuses and start waffling when the consequences get tough.

The people involved should face the appropriate consequences. Doesn't matter if you were provoked or not. Either control your emotions OR do what you think is right fully ready to accept the consequences of your actions.

That's being a bad-ass. Not throwing shade on Knox' dad, no idea if that's his attitude or not, just in the people already making excuses for him.
In street self defense cases, confronting someone in the way he did may be seen as escalating things. It's funny how people think they played in part in the situation .
I was friends with Ryan Jimmo, who was in the top 10 of the UFC light heavyweight division for a time. Looked like he could kill any normal person without effort, but a really nice guy.

On the night he proposed to his fiancée they were out on a date and got in a road rage altercation. Both vehicles pulled into a parking lot, Ryan got out to “discuss things” and the two guys in the other car ran him over and killed him. Had he not been so sure he could settle things physically I’m sure he would never have exited the vehicle.

Regardless of if Knox Sr was an MMA pro, not ever a good idea to get into a physical altercation, or put yourself into a situation where it could get physical. Lots of things can happen.
You're correct.
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This is a bunch of BS, sports parents have been living vicariously through their kids for years. He gets his adrenaline going by watching his son and has to show what a tough guy he is. Even if he didn't throw the first punch he's still at fault for getting involved at all. If there were racial slurs being thrown around then you talk to somebody who is running the event and ask to have the people removed, under no circumstances should you confront somebody because that's not your job.

And what's up with the kid? Mr. "I'm gonna protect my family" needs to be smart enough to know that protecting your family is trying to break up the fight or pull your family out of it, your job isn't to start throwing fists.

IMO NJ has to uphold this decision or you're going to have incidents every night. If you let him wrestle you're pretty much telling athletes and their dipshit parents that it's okay to fight in the stands because there won't be repercussions.
They have a poor understanding of how self defense works .
Thanks for the context. I mildly differ where the line of “sticking up for” is positioned. Somewhat happy my son looks to be interested in cross country and possibly track. Not too many brawls over a wider elbow on the last turn of an 800 race.

This is super off-topic but I've seen two brawls at high school track meets. Both after or during the 4x400m when things got a little rough.
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But Cornell HAS to keep Knox. He’s the only remotely top tier guy they’ve landed the past cycle or 2.
I’m not sure the Cornell administration cares too much about wrestling. Some academics don’t have a lot of respect for the sport. Think, “Stanford HAS to keep wrestling.” They let Max Dean leave…

It may not be up to the coaches, but rather the ivory tower types.
Kid is on video going into the stands and having a fight. If allowed to wrestle it would be very damaging to any sports official.
You are correct, my statement was worded poorly. I honestly forgot who finished 2nd last year. I guess winning by over 100 will do that. Cornell only had 3 AAs, so it’s not like they had some incredible tournament.

My thoughts about Cornell have more to do with recent recruiting. Outside of Shapiro, I feel like the last 4-5 years we’ve not been in many recruiting battles with the Big Red. To be fair, nobody has challenged us. And let’s be honest, we may have dodged a bulletin with Shapiro (more injury related) and landed a stud in Kasak.

But Cornell HAS to keep Knox. He’s the only remotely top tier guy they’ve landed the past cycle or 2. And that’s being favorable to Knox. I’m not sure how hard Cael, DT, or the hobbits went after Knox.

A few years ago Cornell felt like the top 1-2 threat to us. Now I feel like OSU, tOSU, and Iowa (you could probably make a case for a few other teams ) are in a way better situation than Cornell is.
Wow, that's a really high bar you are setting here. Did you also forget who finished third two years ago? Is the only definition of "incredible tournament" to have more than three AAs, or to finish within 100 points of Penn State? Flo had Cornell ranked fifth prior to the tournament, by the way.

Shapiro, the #1 recruit, was in the "past cycle or 2," of course. Is the #16 Flo Big Boarder (Alessio Perentin) "remotely top tier"? How about the #1 ranked and #12 overall Big Board guy (Jude Correa) at 215? What is your cutoff for "remotely top tier?" Mike Grey went on the record that Knox will be wrestling at Cornell next year (side comment: *not* grey-shirting, but *wrestling at Cornell*).

Nobody thought that Cornell, or any other team, was a threat to Penn State any time in the recent past. Get real.

Cornell has the #3 ranked Class of 2025 commitments (behind only PSU and OSU), with seven in the Flo top 100 (and that's after Sergio Vega was poached), and ahead of Iowa and OSU (#7 and #10). Cornell has the #5 ranked Class of 2026, with five in the Flo top 100. How is that "way better" for Iowa and the other teams? Can you name the few other teams for which you can make a case for being in a better situation than Cornell?

I'm really at a loss to understand your dismissal of one of the top teams. Help me out here.
Hard to understand given that there is video evidence of what he did.
It seems like Knox's attorney is arguing that due process has not been followed. That includes providing to the defense the evidence that was used by the board to make its ruling, and being given the opportunity to argue the evidence (and possibly provide other evidence). Seeing videos on social and other media is not legal evidence.

Judge closed by saying he hopes to have a decision today (good thing, as the Regional tourneys start tomorrow afternoon!).
It seems like Knox's attorney is arguing that due process has not been followed. That includes providing to the defense the evidence that was used by the board to make its ruling, and being given the opportunity to argue the evidence (and possibly provide other evidence). Seeing videos on social and other media is not legal evidence.

Judge closed by saying he hopes to have a decision today (good thing, as the Regional tourneys start tomorrow afternoon!).
Regardless, his school should suspend him for this. Most private schools have honor codes and even if they didn't it is not representative of any school values. I really do not get why so many people (mineo leading the charge) are defending him.