Consider the context of the discussion, which is (really, was) about other top programs that may seek to lure our coach away. Part of your point re: USC was their decades of mediocrity. I disagreed. But on-field performance is only one factor in whether a top job would appeal to a top coach. Look at USC's advantages in recruiting, weather and glitz of LA, resources and without nearly the same on-field or recruiting challenges B1G, SEC, Florida or Texas programs deal with. Seriously, what don't they have? The place is full of advantages, including advantages over PSU?
The current on-field elite talk is different. Yes, PSU is an elite program. But it's not where anyone currently wants it to be. CJF wants to get where Carroll, et al are or have been. So the discussion wasn't about whether the situation at PSU is a great or even top one, whether he's succeeding, etc.. The issue is where is the best place for top talent, given all each place has to offer. If one would consider a cross-country move, it's hard to imagine a more advantageous place.