B1G Tournament Session 3 Thread

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lol - I step away for a couple minutes and whoa... Let's get it back on track guys. Finals/medal rounds resume at 3:00 and Tom already has a new thread going for that >> B1G Championships Session 4 Thread << so let's leave whatever happened in this one here.

Oh, and lol means laughing out loud, just in case Timmy is being too hip with that one too. Clean it up Loco, not a good look
So some dick (Timmy Owen) was shaking his head at my question who we have at 141 next year. So, who do we have? Not sure why that's silly...
Might have had something to do with you stating our current 141 pounder has no heart. If you don't understand that you must be tone deaf.
with our bball teaming getting beat up again, maybe we can start the wrestling on time....maybe
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