No it doesn't - you keep acting like these teams all play the same schedules. First of all, the current system is an "Invitational", not a "Playoff" structure. Beyond that, an undefeated team from one Conference is not directly comparable to a 1-loss team from another Conference as they play wholly different schedules. Your argument is factually specious and easily PROVEN SO. Following the 2014 regular-season, there was only 1 undefeated-untied team - FSU. According to you, they should have been declared Champion since they had no losses and all the other teams had a loss. Reality - the #4 team, 12-1 duhO$U, via the Invitational Ranking system beat 13-0 FSU in the opening round and went on to win the Championship....
Following the 2015 regular-season, there was only one undefeated team, 13-0 Clemson - they didn't win the Championship, 1-loss Alabama won.
After the 2016 regular-season, there was only 1 undefeated team, 13-0 Bama - they didn't win the Invitational; 1-loss Clemson won the Championship.
After the 2017 regular-season, there were no undefeated teams.
After 2018 and 2019 regular-season, there were three no-loss teams.....
After 2021 regular season, there was only 1 undefeated team - they did not win the Championship; 1-loss UGa won the Championship.
The available evidence suggests that being an undefeated Conference Champion from one Conference says doodley-squat about how that team will fare against a team from a different Conference which has a loss.