Breaking news from Ohio State

....... It also speaks volumes for exactly how incredibly moronic the OGBOTs handled the situation. Once again, I am sure MSU and OSU studied how PSU handled it and then did the exact opposite.

Any board member remaining should be terminated. And they should all be personally liable to Penn State for their incompetence. And claw back f**** Fraudney's enhanced retirement package ... and take down that name on that building!
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So I just want to make sure I have my facts straight:
  1. Penn State - zero student athletes claimed sexual abuse by a former employee, one witness on campus reported it up the chain of command and to a mandated reporter (Raykovitz) ... largest fine and second worst sanctions in NCAA history
  2. Michigan State - 280 student athletes claimed sexual abuse by a current employee, 13 reported it to MSU admin who did nothing ... no action from the NCAA
  3. Ohio State - 177 student athletes claimed sexual abuse by a current employee, university personnel had knowledge of complaints and did nothing ... still TBD but would be SHOCKED if the NCAA did anything
If this doesn't make your blood boil I don't know what to say. It also speaks volumes for exactly how incredibly moronic the OGBOTs handled the situation. Once again, I am sure MSU and OSU studied how PSU handled it and then did the exact opposite.
Bottom line....the media, the NCAA, the BIG, the BOT wanted to destroy a great man over envy. They would have tried even if he had only committed jay-walking.
Both msu and tosu had significant scandals that dwarf what happened in State College (note: mostly not on PSU’s campus), yet there has been hardly a chirp about them, relatively speaking. Now I realize the JoePa was a MUCH bigger name than anyone at those other 2 schools, but with both of them having countless more victims, I’m just still surprised that hardly anyone (ahem, delaney/emmert/etc) has deemed their stories worthy of even close to the level of investigation/scrutiny that we endured.
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The bottom line is that we live in a corrupt, unjust world. Our school had made a lot of enemies. Also, these other schools clearly have the right people in the right places to help preclude the shit-storm we faced.

When you're mostly clean and innocent, you don't see the rat**** coming.
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Both msu and tosu had significant scandals that dwarf what happened in State College (note: mostly not on PSU’s campus), yet there has been hardly a chirp about them, relatively speaking. Now I realize the JoePa was a MUCH bigger name than anyone at those other 2 schools, but with both of them having countless more victims, I’m just still surprised that hardly anyone (ahem, delaney/emmert/etc) has deemed their stories worthy of even close to the level of investigation/scrutiny that we endured.
The real problem isn’t what Delaney, Emmett and company initially do. Where’s the self righteous media? The real question is why aren’t they beating the drum and clamoring for action as they did with PSU?
The real problem isn’t what Delaney, Emmett and company initially do. Where’s the self righteous media? The real question is why aren’t they beating the drum and clamoring for action as they did with PSU?

No worries. CNN has sent Ganim to look into the MSU and OSU situations. I doubt she'll accomplish much since she doesn't have anyone spoon feeding her cherry picked information to craft a certain narrative.

Wait, what the hell am I thinking?? Ganim is too busy covering snowstorms and can't do anything else. I've heard she's driving all over New England trying to find one of those freak July blizzards.
No worries. CNN has sent Ganim to look into the MSU and OSU situations. I doubt she'll accomplish much since she doesn't have anyone spoon feeding her cherry picked information to craft a certain narrative.

Wait, what the hell am I thinking?? Ganim is too busy covering snowstorms and can't do anything else. I've heard she's driving all over New England trying to find one of those freak July blizzards.

Maybe she can find a local pedophile like McQue to make up stories that she can write about.