Breaking news from Ohio State

So they don't care about the victims. Got it. Are they going to have to wear some particular color this fall to bear the brunt of their transgressions? I mean, some of them probably went to school there after all. Maybe a silent walk-out at the beginning of the game. That helped.
Don't be silly Victor, The Pennsylvania State University studentbody and players are designated by the B1G to wear the appropriate colors of abuse, during home games, occurring in the conference.
Would love to see some people confronting Ed Ray.

Edward Ray
Office: 541-737-4133
Fax: 541-737-3033

And his email address is no longer publically visible however I would like to share it with those of you who would like to "make an impact."
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Everyone overlooks that Sandusky was not convicted on anything that occurred on Penn State;s campus. That little tale of Red's was not believed or proven. Yet that is still the story everyone runs with.
How do 4 people “like” this post? It’s not remotely true.

At least we can use facts when discussing our situation.
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Address to send shit sandwiches?

Here you go.. Just send this over to him!

At Penn State there was a single dubious claim involving an ex-employee that has been discredited by everyone involved, including the “victim” and the “witness”. Nevertheless the admins at Penn State restricted Sandusky on campus and reported the solitary event in a timely fashion to a proper authority outside of the university.

In contrast, at MSU and Ohio State there were 500+ victims that alerted scores of administrators about ongoing crimes of a current employee. These schools kept it in house and covered it up. Nassar and Strauss were permitted to continue their crimes for decades. MSU and Ohio State were complicit in these ongoing crimes.

Which one of these institutions has been vilified?
I'm sure the NCAA and the B1G will condemn the "win at all cost" culture problems at OSU and MSU and consider the death penalty for these morally bankrupt sports factories. Loss of scholies, wins forfeited, strict probation and oversight.... Everyone expects them to be consistent with the way they punished Penn State, right? Yeah, don't hold your breath.

What really p!sses me off here is that these two schools' fan bases (and coaching staffs) were so quick to jump on Penn State and until the poo-poo hit the fan in their own programs were still spouting ped state this and ped state that. Well, as the old Navy joke goes, it's their turn in the barrel and I couldn't be happier.

They should also be required to rename their teams the Fighting Nassars the Pervy Strausses for the next ten years or twenty years so no one forgets about what they allowed to happen.
I will never forget Ed Ray's grandstanding on that July day. He, along with Simon, were two of the biggest hypocritical assholes in all of this. And that is saying something, because there were many in that category. My hate for that man will never die.

As I keep saying, those who yelled the loudest about PSU/Paterno did so because they had their own much worse sins to hide.
This guy dug up a bunch of nuggets from the report. Click on the tweet to view the thread:
E. Gordon Gee, the President of OSU from 90-97 and from 07-13, is claimed in the report to have been sent notice of Strauss and his situation IN WRITING in 1997. Now he claims to have no memory whatsoever of Strauss or any controversy.

While PSU was being burned to the ground you do not recall getting any letters about sexual abuse, E Gordon? Hmmmm....
From O-Z0ne board:

umm.. am i the only one freaking out about the jerry sandusky issue we have?? * - 11Buck [12:43:57 05/18/19] (22)
Nothing to see here. This is way too old of a story to worry about. Move along.

Does that mean that their fan base is the real cause of this happening? They demand great teams and will turn a blind eye to anything that would reflect badly on them? Sounds like they can't admit their shame and condemn it. Maybe they need to be shut down for a few years until they are willing to accept their responsibility for this permanent stain on their athletic programs.