Can someone provide an accurate Cassar update


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2005
Want to know prognosis please. Spyker, just waltz over to the practice room and ask dammit
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Want to know prognosis please. Spyker, just waltz over to the practice room and ask dammit
That would be Loco... Lion. He can just e-mail... Cael. ;) Save himself the trip. Just kidding... Spyker. Love your love of our wrestling team. If loving that is wrong... I don't want to be right.
Thanks Ames...wishing him a quick and complete recovery!

Now to figure out what a handful means... At least in terms of months.
Thanks Ames...wishing him a quick and complete recovery!

Now to figure out what a handful means... At least in terms of months.
I would think 5 or 6 minimum.
I would also think we won't see him compete until January at best.
4 months gets him back in the room (possibly) by October/November.... Could be worse.
Not good. As I understand it, the injury is to the same shoulder as the first time. IMO, the likelihood of a same-shoulder injury happening again is.........high!:( The entire situation is very unfortunate for him and us.
That would be Loco... Lion. He can just e-mail... Cael. ;) Save himself the trip. Just kidding... Spyker. Love your love of our wrestling team. If loving that is wrong... I don't want to be right.
THAT post was loaded with innuendo! LOVED IT!!:D
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Well this means plan B needs to be worked. Seen this before with Nevills, and by the time he comes back, he may, or may not be right.

I would guess that it's possible that Rasheed now moves up to 197. Yep, three weights up, but that might be one option.
Navarro Bowman had a special procedure wrapping the tendon around the rotator cuff (something like that) to prevent further dislocations. He never had a problem again. Not sure why that particular procedure isn't used more.
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Not good. As I understand it, the injury is to the same shoulder as the first time. IMO, the likelihood of a same-shoulder injury happening again is.........high!:( The entire situation is very unfortunate for him and us.

It's far more unfortunate for him than us. I hope he regains full use and function of his shoulder and just hope it will not a lifelong problem for him.
Navarro Bowman had a special procedure wrapping the tendon around the rotator cuff (something like that) to prevent further dislocations. He never had a problem again. Not sure why that particular procedure isn't used more.

True, but even though Navarro gets his shoulder hit harder. I don't think any other sport get's the athletes' shoulder torqued in so many positions like wrestling does.
Well this means plan B needs to be worked. Seen this before with Nevills, and by the time he comes back, he may, or may not be right.

I would guess that it's possible that Rasheed now moves up to 197. Yep, three weights up, but that might be one option.
It will be interesting to see what Cael works out as his plan B. If Rasheed can beat out Cutch at 184, does Cutch bump up to 197 and face off against Stout for the spot? And if Rasheed is the best option at 184, would Cael bump him up to 197 until Cassar makes it back? Would he be undersized the entire time considering he can't get too big so he can drop back down to 184 when Cassar returns right? I guess if Cutch is the best option at 184 then it doesn't matter does it. Rasheed can pack on muscle and weight and duke it out with Cassar a/o Stout for that spot. I just think if Rasheed is our best option at 184 he stays there no matter what and someone else fills in at 197.
It will be interesting to see what Cael works out as his plan B. If Rasheed can beat out Cutch at 184, does Cutch bump up to 197 and face off against Stout for the spot? And if Rasheed is the best option at 184, would Cael bump him up to 197 until Cassar makes it back? Would he be undersized the entire time considering he can't get too big so he can drop back down to 184 when Cassar returns right? I guess if Cutch is the best option at 184 then it doesn't matter does it. Rasheed can pack on muscle and weight and duke it out with Cassar a/o Stout for that spot. I just think if Rasheed is our best option at 184 he stays there no matter what and someone else fills in at 197.
"Best option at 184" might not be what's best for the entire team, unless the coaches think one of them will unseat Gabe Dean.

Hypothetical #1: Both guys project to place at 184, and only 1 projects to place at 197. Then go get the points at both weights.

Hypothetical #2: Mouse beats Shakur and projects better at both weights. But his back acts up, and the coaches aren't comfortable with him being the only 184 option. Then they might mitigate risk by putting Shakur at 184 and Mouse/Stout at 197.

One thing I don't think will happen: seriously doubt the coaches will tell either of them "Go up to 197 but be ready to return to 184." That guy would be at a strength disadvantage all year -- especially if he doesn't drop.
"Best option at 184" might not be what's best for the entire team, unless the coaches think one of them will unseat Gabe Dean.

Hypothetical #1: Both guys project to place at 184, and only 1 projects to place at 197. Then go get the points at both weights.

Hypothetical #2: Mouse beats Shakur and projects better at both weights. But his back acts up, and the coaches aren't comfortable with him being the only 184 option. Then they might mitigate risk by putting Shakur at 184 and Mouse/Stout at 197.

One thing I don't think will happen: seriously doubt the coaches will tell either of them "Go up to 197 but be ready to return to 184." That guy would be at a strength disadvantage all year -- especially if he doesn't drop.
Makes complete sense. I guess my thinking is... or should I say the assumption and I'm making and one the coaches will make is that Cassar will return in time for the Bigs and win the spot at 197. If that's the case, I don't see Cael bumping up Rasheed if he is our best option at 184 even if it makes us a better dual team. It's all about the tournament and to me your best option at 184 stays at 184 period.
What do I think the most likely scenario is?

Cutch and Rasheed will battle it out for a bit. Unless there is a clear cut winner - which I think may not be the case - both will make their case for 184 through the Scuffle. In the meantime Stout will hold down 197.

In January, the loser, Stout, and Cassar will make their case for being the 197 at tournament time.

That seems to me to be the staffs modus opetandi previously. No neef for hasty decisions.
I would think 5 or 6 minimum.
I would also think we won't see him compete until January at best.

Nahh - he'll be back light wrestling in October and in matches in mid to late Nov. Don't worry. As Spiccoli said in Fast Times, "Yeeeaaah, I can fix it."
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Nahh - he'll be back light wrestling in October and in matches in mid to late Nov. Don't worry. As Spiccoli said in Fast Times, "Yeeeaaah, I can fix it."
"My old man 's ... got this ULLtimate set of tools ..."

But let's hope nobody has to Sharpie "Hawkeye Surf Punks Rule" onto Cassar! ;)

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Too many examples of the lasting effects of some surgeries, and a wrestler's readiness afterwards. Like most here, I am optimistic (though cautiously so). I really want Anthony to have a chance to reach his dreams.

As far as who mans 184 and 197, love the discussion. Depending on how long this goes, late season moves can be problematic. A wrestler with few matches at a new weight class may not have enough bouts to qualify the weight for the Big Ten. Then there's the descent rules if a wrestler goes 197, and must go back to takes about 5 weeks AND a wrestler must be down to their tournament weight by February 15. Lots to consider for the coaches...OR this could go smoothly, with an early plan that falls into place!! Let's hope that's the case.
Two wrestlers who reach the round of 12 are probably going to earn about 9-12 team points ... total. One wrestler who finishes 3rd or 4th can score around 13-16 team points.

I would go all in with the winner of wrestle-offs at 184 and hope he can go deep. At 197 I'd go with next man up.

As far as who mans 184 and 197, love the discussion. Depending on how long this goes, late season moves can be problematic. A wrestler with few matches at a new weight class may not have enough bouts to qualify the weight for the Big Ten. .

Do they have to qualify for the big 10? I guess I never realized that.
Yes, that's what he meant. Last year Nevills and Snyder did not have enough matches to earn auto-qualifying spots for the B10. Didn't matter for Snyder. Did matter for Nevills.
Too many examples of the lasting effects of some surgeries, and a wrestler's readiness afterwards. Like most here, I am optimistic (though cautiously so). I really want Anthony to have a chance to reach his dreams.

As far as who mans 184 and 197, love the discussion. Depending on how long this goes, late season moves can be problematic. A wrestler with few matches at a new weight class may not have enough bouts to qualify the weight for the Big Ten. Then there's the descent rules if a wrestler goes 197, and must go back to takes about 5 weeks AND a wrestler must be down to their tournament weight by February 15. Lots to consider for the coaches...OR this could go smoothly, with an early plan that falls into place!! Let's hope that's the case.

Right there, that is correct.

Cael will make the decision early enough in the season, so that whoever gets the call, will have a head start on getting to Nationals.
Two wrestlers who reach the round of 12 are probably going to earn about 9-12 team points ... total. One wrestler who finishes 3rd or 4th can score around 13-16 team points.

I would go all in with the winner of wrestle-offs at 184 and hope he can go deep. At 197 I'd go with next man up.

I seem to recall Matt Brown being a great utility man, before his run of greatness began? Wrestled a few different weights, etc...Not saying he did it a whole lot, but at least a few times he went at some other weight classes during the season.
Is AJ Nevills definitely redshirting? He may be a better option than Stout.
I haven't heard much about Stout, but as a rule of thumb there is a difference measured in miles between an incoming freshman's skills and capabilities and that of the same kid one year after developing in that wrestling room.
My guess is Stout is probably a good bit ahead of AJ right now and AJ at 197 this coming season is not going to be the difference in winning a couple end of the season championships. So let him have his year to develop.
AJ had a really good year last year but did lose 3x (all at 220):
- Cohlton Schultz, 6-4
- Matt Correnti, MD 15-7
- Danny DeLorenzi, LBF 1:05

All 3 are terrific wrestlers, and not nearly what he'll see in college.
I'm going in the following order at 197:

1. Healthy Cassar
2. Stout
3. Cutch or Rasheed, whoever doesn't go 184.

AJ is a top level recruit, but he'd need to really excel in his curve to impact nationals.
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I hate to say it but I'd be surprised if Cassar can recover and stay healthy next year. This has all the warning signs of a career ending situation. Really hope I'm wrong here but I suspect the coaches will be making decisions based on this viewpoint as well. As the saying goes, hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
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Brown spent his freshman year behind Ruth, wrestling almost exclusively in tournaments at 174. He wrestled in 5 duals -- 3 at 174 (including the road trip to Utah Valley State) + 2 at 197 as an emergency injury fill-in for Smack.

Here is his match list for the year:

Wow, I guess we all figured Brown was gonna be pretty good, huh? Only losses were to Ruth and Sheptock. Beat Storley, Huntley, Headlee, Henderson, etc.
Anything they get out of Cassar is a bonus. Not counting on it. Rasheed is the one with the biggest upside for 197, right now. Jumping three weights is a stretch but the best option out there. A healthy MM at 84 is a AA. Don't like him at 97. But that would be option 2 with Rasheed at 84. Nevills needs a year and Stout is backup.
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Thanks for jumping in guys. I did mean "earn a qualifying slot for the conference".

'guns, I hope you're right, and an early decision works out...lots of examples where that hasn't been the case (Gingrich/Lawson, English/Alton/Beitz, Morelli/Rasheed, etc.)...time will tell.

...and don't lose sight of cali's comment above re. A. J. Nevills being an option. Just saying.