Clarifications from 1st time poster and UM fan

Love the rivalry. Love the hype. 2 ranked teams. Anything can happen.

But to make sure we are all on the same page about the past:

Big 10 Championship vs 3rd place: not really a coaching issue but rather a Big 10 tie breaker rule. Both teams had the same record. UM beat both PSU and Wisconsin (at Wisconsin) that year (which was the Championship game) Difference between um and psu wasn’t record or head-to-head - it was UM lost at Iowa, PSU lost to Pitt. So it was in conference vs. out-of-conference that made the difference.

Running up the score: running to the line of scrimmage to get off a play with under a minute left when up by 100 is different then throwing a pass when up by 100 with 8 minutes left. If you don’t see that, then you are a fan of your team but not a football fan.
We could have passed it on that drive and scored easily. All run plays as I recall so shove it.

As for 2016, yeah Michigan beat a depleted squad. Good for you. And that Iowa team that beat Michigan? They were annihilated by PSU the week before. You were 3rd in the Division, end of story. PSU won the B1G Championship and it's very likely Michigan would have had a tough time with PSU if the game had been later in the season.

Edit: Also, you lost to OSU that year. PSU did not.
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We have one thing in our favor at least.
Harbaugh also didn’t have a 65 man scholarship roster when he took over. Cupboard was full and yet he can’t beat tOSU, win a BIG title or make a NY 6 bowl. All things Franklin has done while rebuilding from severe sanctions. He also can’t win 11 games a season, again something Franklin has done...twice.
Don't expect @ivan brunetti to make sensible football posts. He was pretty good on horror movies though.
Love the rivalry. Love the hype. 2 ranked teams. Anything can happen.

But to make sure we are all on the same page about the past:

Big 10 Championship vs 3rd place: not really a coaching issue but rather a Big 10 tie breaker rule. Both teams had the same record. UM beat both PSU and Wisconsin (at Wisconsin) that year (which was the Championship game) Difference between um and psu wasn’t record or head-to-head - it was UM lost at Iowa, PSU lost to Pitt. So it was in conference vs. out-of-conference that made the difference.

Running up the score: running to the line of scrimmage to get off a play with under a minute left when up by 100 is different then throwing a pass when up by 100 with 8 minutes left. If you don’t see that, then you are a fan of your team but not a football fan.
I was looking forward to the 2 point play call in the final minute that would have put 50 on the board. I’m guessing double reverse pass to the QB.
Imaginable measurable: 2018.

Imaginable measurable: most recent NC.

Imaginable measurable: head to head current head coaches.

1) 2018 is not over you haven't won anything
2) your natty was over 20 years ago I was 5
3) what the hell does a coaches record matter if they haven't won anything, ill help you the answer is it does not it means nothing
1) 2018 is not over you haven't won anything
2) your natty was over 20 years ago I was 5
3) what the hell does a coaches record matter if they haven't won anything, ill help you the answer is it does not it means nothing

1) 2018 so far: Michigan 1st, PSU in 3 way tie for third in division.

2) Penn St's most recent NC was before you were born. Advantage, Michigan.

3) we have won the head to head. It matters in comparing our head coaches.
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1) 2018 so far: Michigan 1st, PSU in 3 way tie for third in division.

2) Penn St's most recent NC was before you were born. Advantage, Michigan.

3) we have won the head to head. It matters in comparing our head coaches.

I know this is futile, but your telling me Michigan would not trade its last two seasons for PSU's? If you are your dumber than your making yourself sound already. Also 20 year old natty s mean nothing, and head to head record means nothing if you don't win anything, Iowa smoked OSU last year who had the better year?
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I think the above quote says it all.

Why is this moron allowed to continue to antagonize us with his bullshit?

It sucks in here today with all the smug arrogance being thrown around by a team that PSU destroyed last year.

It's like when you go to the beach and someone feeds one of the seagulls and next thing you know they are swarming you and you're being bombarded with shit.

That's what you are wolverines. An annoying pest.
Why is this moron allowed to continue to antagonize us with his bullshit?

It sucks in here today with all the smug arrogance being thrown around by a team that PSU destroyed last year.

It's like when you go to the beach and someone feeds one of the seagulls and next thing you know they are swarming you and you're being bombarded with shit.

That's what you are wolverines. An annoying pest.

You did destroy us last year. As we destroyed you the year before.

Looking forward to Saturday's game (of destruction?).
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You did destroy us last year. As we destroyed you the year before.

Looking forward to Saturday's game (of destruction?).

Hey it's your lucky day I think a dropped a french fry in the parking lot on the way in from lunch today. It's got your name on it!
I love when teams run the score up and would love it even more if there were constant offensive comments like the Mike Hart little brother thing. The games are always much more entertaining and meaningful when they involve long-term personal grudges. I'm relishing in the posts of these insecure, sensitive Michigan University visitors. God I hope Trace manages to pull off this upset.
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I love when teams run the score up and would love it even more if there were constant offensive comments like the Mike Hart little brother thing. The games are always much more entertaining and meaningful when they involve long-term personal grudges. I'm relishing in the posts of these insecure, sensitive Michigan University visitors. God I hope Trace manages to pull off this upset.
Ehh, all fanbases have these kind of threads. Dont really mind if hill or any player from any team wants to use something as motivation. Calling the kid a moron, etc seems little overboard.
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I think what Hill said is completely understandable and I appreciate him telling the truth. He's really good I wish he came to PSU.
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You did destroy us last year. As we destroyed you the year before.

Looking forward to Saturday's game (of destruction?).
Your half championship undefeated season in 1997 was as good as our undefeated half championship in 1994 before that 1986 and 1982. Michigan? I have no idea 1946 or something like that. Does that even count?
Most of these guys think that PSU is on par with Alabama, so take your replies with that grain of salt.
Don't you clowns have to get ready to get tuned up by Virginia Tomorrow? Cant wait to give you one last ass kicking next year before we build up our SOS by adding Temple instead of Pitt.
Don't you clowns have to get ready to get tuned up by Virginia Tomorrow? Cant wait to give you one last ass kicking next year before we build up our SOS by adding Temple instead of Pitt.

Something tells me PittFan540 actually hates the Panthers...
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Partly michigan's fault for their "relationship" with the referees when they tossed one of our linebackers for going for an interception.

Keep blaming others for all your problems. It is the mark of winners.

Refs gave Ohio State the game in 2016.

The arrogance of the michigan man. You can't blame the refs, only I can!

What a surprise, you're a hypocrite on top of being an obnoxious, arrogant pissant. What a joke. Clowns abound.
Kind of an odd post. All Michigan had to do in 2016 was beat Ohio State. Just beat Ohio State. Why is that so impossible?

UM is 2 for the last 19 against Ohio State. Anyway, it's the same this year. Even if they beat PSU, it won't mean much if they go lay an egg in Columbus, which they will probably do.
It will probably make a difference to you right?
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The arrogance of the michigan man. You can't blame the refs, only I can!

What a surprise, you're a hypocrite on top of being an obnoxious, arrogant pissant. What a joke. Clowns abound.

The point is, refs sometime blow calls.

But some of you guys have turned that into an anti Penn State conspiracy. That is simply nuts.
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So far this year Penn State seems to getting its fair share of calls...Michigan not so much. As a Michigan fan, I'm not complaining, just pointing out some interesting numbers for the conspiracy theorists.

Penalties - Yards

PSU 45 - 382
Opponents 67 - 612

Mich. 62 - 587
Opponents 45 - 411
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So far this year Penn State seems to getting its fair share of calls...Michigan not so much. As a Michigan fan, I'm not complaining, just pointing out some interesting numbers for the conspiracy theorists.

Penalties - Yards

PSU 45 - 382
Opponents 67 - 612

Mich. 62 - 587
Opponents 45 - 411

Um, I think you're missing the point. The theory is that in games between PSU and Michigan the numbers become skewed
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Um, I think you're missing the point. The theory is that in games between PSU and Michigan the numbers become skewed
Thanks for the refs like Michigan better than PSU, but all other opponents they like more than Michigan? And furthermore, the refs favor PSU over everyone else. Do you even realize the absurdity in that premise?
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Um, I think you're missing the point. The theory is that in games between PSU and Michigan the numbers become skewed

In the last five games of the series, Michigan has been penalized for more yards in EVERY game. REF CONSPIRACY!!!
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The point is, refs sometime blow calls.

But some of you guys have turned that into an anti Penn State conspiracy. That is simply nuts.
Please point to one really bad call that cost Michigan against PSU....and I don’t mean a missed hold or a perceived missed PI call....I mean a blatantly bad call in the history of the series. PSU can point to a few against Michigan and OSU, but neither Michigan or OSU can point to a single one. Weird how in these series the “refs sometimes blow calls” all go against the same would think over the course of 25 years they would even out if there wasn’t a bias going on...or even one would go PSU’s way.
Please point to one really bad call that cost Michigan against PSU....and I don’t mean a missed hold or a perceived missed PI call....I mean a blatantly bad call in the history of the series. PSU can point to a few against Michigan and OSU, but neither Michigan or OSU can point to a single one. Weird how in these series the “refs sometimes blow calls” all go against the same would think over the course of 25 years they would even out if there wasn’t a bias going on...or even one would go PSU’s way.

I don't do frame by frame Zapruder searches for blown calls like you guys. Maybe you could hire someone like Mueller to look into this after he is done with Trump.

Refs have cost us games vs Nebraska and Ohio State. But I don't believe that was due to "bias". Refs are human and can have a bad day. If you want to still be upset about a ref call from 2005, hey, whatever makes you happy.
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So far this year Penn State seems to getting its fair share of calls...Michigan not so much. As a Michigan fan, I'm not complaining, just pointing out some interesting numbers for the conspiracy theorists.

Penalties - Yards

PSU 45 - 382
Opponents 67 - 612

Mich. 62 - 587
Opponents 45 - 411

Michigan should have been flagged for 97, not 62. Referines indeed.
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Most of these guys think that PSU is on par with Alabama, so take your replies with that grain of salt.

Hey Clown, I seriously doubt there is a PSU fan on this forum (or elsewhere for that matter) that seriously believes our football team is currently on par with Alabama. Cut the lame B.S. troll.
Cupboard was not full.

Harbaugh inherited a 5-7 team. Franklin inherited a 7-5 team.

Harbaugh isn't great against the top 3 East division opponents either. He is only .400. But that is a lot better than .214.
The record just shows how inept Michigan has been. Michigan went 5-7 with 85 scholarships and PSU went 7-5 with 45 scholarships.... Carry on
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I know we beat someone 51-6 this year and find it interesting anyone whose team got that hammered the past two years would inject their stupidity.

Hey Clown, I seriously doubt there is a PSU fan on this forum (or elsewhere for that matter) that seriously believes our football team is currently on par with Alabama. Cut the lame B.S. troll.
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