COVID gratuitous dumpster fire thread

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Just curious about any Penn State parents out there; Did you protest these requirements below? Did you even think twice about it?
If you didn't, you are just being political or you're a hypocrite. I can't think of any other reason.

Required Immunizations​

Incoming Degree-Seeking Students​

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
To satisfy Penn State immunization requirements, students must provide proof of:
  • Two doses of Measles (Rubeola), two doses of Mumps, and one dose of Rubella OR
  • Two doses of the MMR immunization OR
  • Results from a blood test showing immunity
The first dose must have been given on or after the student's first birthday. Dose two must have been given at least four weeks after dose one.

Students Living in University Housing​

In addition to the MMR requirement, all students living in University housing must supply proof of the Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4): also known as Menveo, Menactra. This immunization is effective against the most common meningococcal infections caused by serogroups A, C, W, and Y. One dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine administered at age 16 or older is required. Students may request an exemption from this requirement by completing the Meningococcal Immunization Waiver if there is a medical contraindication to immunization, or if religious or philosophical beliefs prohibit immunization.

Strongly Recommended Immunizations​

COVID-19 immunization teaches our immune systems how to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19. It typically takes two weeks after immunization for the body to build protection (immunity) against the virus that causes COVID-19. People are considered fully protected two weeks after their second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 immunization, or two weeks after the single-dose Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 immunization.
Meningococcal Vaccine (MenB)
Also known as Bexsero or Trumenba. This immunization is effective against most of the more common meningococcal infections caused by serogroup B. These immunizations are given in a series of either two or three injections and are not interchangeable. (Note: This immunization alone does not satisfy the Meningococcal Housing Requirement)
Varicella (Chicken Pox)
Two doses of varicella (chicken pox) immunization are needed for immunity. The doses must be administered at least 28 days apart. OR a blood test confirming immunity if you have had the chicken pox disease.
Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Tdap)
One dose of Tdap (tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis, NOT to be confused with DTap or Td) immunization is needed for immunity. A Td immunization booster is also needed if it has been greater than ten years since the Tdap was administered.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is transmitted through body fluids, including blood. Three doses of Hepatitis B immunization are needed for immunity. Doses one and two must be administered at least four weeks apart. Dose three should be at least six months after the first dose and eight weeks after dose two. A blood test may be used to confirm immunity.
Hepatitis A Vaccine (HepA)
HepA vaccine is a 2-dose series given 6-18 months apart. In some cases, Hep A and Hep B are given as a combined immunization, which would necessitate that 3 doses are needed for immunity.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Three different immunization have been used in the U.S. [Cervarix (bivalent HPV vaccine), Gardasil (Quadrivalent HPV vaccine), Gardasil-9 (9-valent HPV vaccine)]; all three are given in a 3-dose series and are needed for immunity.
Pneumococcal Vaccine
13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PVC13) or 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. Recommended for students with certain medical risk factors or high risk of pneumococcal disease.
I was under the impression all of these other required shots were FDA approved? It is entirely two different things being asked to to participate in a trial and being required to participate.
How many death events occurred during the same period for people that took aspirin? Many more I would guess. Of course that is not being reported. It is a use of data designed to mislead and only mislead.
Out of 170mm? How about COVID deaths sans vaccine among ages 12+, recognizing that vaxxers are all 12+?
So much misinformation and unfortunately propaganda about the virus masks and vaccines. Covid will be with us for decades to come, herd ammunity is amyth with this kind of virus. Why, let's talk about some inconvenient truths:

All CV Vaccines

1) All current vaccines are 'therapeutic' vaccines not 'sterilization' vaccines. Meaning the virus is not prevented from replicating in the body of the vaccinated. Most people think in terms of the latter where the immune system kicks on as soon as the tiniest particle of the virus is encountered, and it is rapidly eradicated from the body before it can replicate. Not so with all current versions of the vax world wide. Thus those vaccinated have the same viral load as the unvaccinated, and hence are just as able to catch and pass on the virus as someone not vaccinated. Vaccine passports are head in the sand propaganda. (PS I am vaccinated so I am not an anti vaxer)

2) Like the seasonal flu and cold virus, Corona viruses mutate, most future variants will be benign but some more virulent and will once again race through our population. As sure as shit, as there is a delta and lambda, there will be an echo, foxtrot, golf,... Eventually the code names will be meaningless as there will be hundreds as the years pass. Many may prove impervious to the current vaccines and/or the current vaccines may not provide permanent long term protection against the current strains. We will 'all' be forced into annual boosters as sure as I am sitting here despite the inconvenient truth as#1 above.

3) Corona infects animal hosts more broadly than just humans. Cats, Dogs, farm animals and zoo animals have all tested positive hence unfortunately likely serve as a conduit back into the human population. You can't vaccinate all of the world's animals. These populations also serve as a vessel for more mutations.

Vaccines - the moral of the story is sadly the benefit of the vaccine is LIMITED to the recipient alone. Stop bullying, spitting venom and demonizing your neighbors. The unvaccinated add ZERO additional risk to their vaccinated neighbors.

We will all continue to get CV many times, those in a high risk category should absolutely get the vaccine(s) it may save their life, but every vaccinated person continues to provide a means to infect and reinfect those around them. Maybe even a greater risk as the vaccinated are more likely to be asymptomatic and unwittingly parade around with a passport that falsely claims they are safe.

End of part 1 vaccines. Part 2 masks is next
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Part 2

Just as I am not an anti Vaxer I am not an anti masker 'in theory'

Lets start with the basics:

I think we can all agree, A properly worn M95i/N95/KN95.. or greater mask with a proper seal around the face is effective at filtering/blocking CV, period end of story. However,...

Protecting the public from CV via masks is litteraly impossible, impractical and too expensive to even consider. What we are doing today is pseudo science theater and more brainwashing to do a series of things such as: divide the community so that you resent your neighbor, provide a visial reminder that CV is still with us wherever you go, give a flase sense of security that something can be done, and so on....

1) Filtration - cloth masks are a joke (I wear one because I want to breath). The pores in a cloth mask are 5000 times too large to filter the virus effectively. Water vapor molecules are carriers and hundreds of times larger than the virus particles themselves. Take your mask and go up to a mirror and breathe. The fog on the glass you see is water vapor and if you are infected also a lot of virus. Masks are 2 way so what you breath out can be breathed in just as effectively. Cloth masks will only block plegm and spital from coughing and sneezing and anyone who is sick should not be out and about anyway. Sure there may be a study showing a single digit benefit so they tout masks work, but in reality cloth masks simply don't. So why then is everyone comforted by those like me complying with completely ineffective cloth masks while demonizing the guy who knows this is all bullshit?

2) N95 masks. 90% of the 'pleated' masks that Dr.'s offices provide or that we buy in bulk can filter properly, but well over 90% are worn improperly or simply do not seal. So yes the N95 material filters, but a large percentage of your exhaling simply exits around the mask. Anyone who wears glasses can arrest as they fog with nearly each breath. The small metal nose peice does not form an 'air tight' seal. If you smoke or vape even better, see for yourself.
breathe while looking in a mirror and you will see what escapes. The smoke exiting all around the entire perimeter of your N95 mask is potential virus escaping with every breath. The more robust or pre-formed N95 masks are much better but also not perfect. Unfortunately they are expensive and in short supply. There is no means to get the whole population properly fitting N95 masks on a continual resupply basis, but if you are serious about masks and a mask bigot you need to be aware of these facts.

3) hygene. How many people pull off their mask with their hands and then touch their face before they throughly wash their hands? Answer - nearly 100%. So nearly 100% risk infecting themselves from their own mask. What would you do if your surgeon came in to your operating room with bloody scrubs and a mask from the prior surgery? You would shit a brick, yet that is what it entire population does every day. You do realize these pleated paper N95 masks are generally SINGLE USE right? Likewise the cloth prices of crap the rest of us wear should be washed every day. I have cloth masks I have never washed, even the thought sounds gross, but we are all doing it.

4) so if you're deluded into thinking masks have ANY benefits here is what is needed. Every single American needs to wear a fresh new, clean, properly fitting, properly sealing N95 mask every day. I would then agree masks are effective. So let's do the math 330 million x 365 days/year x say $3/mask delivered (the good ones not what you see everyone wearing today) = $360 Billion per year or more than $1000 per person. Not going to happen even with the government throwing around trillions.

Of course to do it right each mask should have a dye that changed color within 48 hours to highlight when it should be disposed and to give the mask storm troopers another harassment tool at their disposal.

So the next time you get furious at those not wearing masks, STFU unless you are sporting a god for saken, properly sealed, fresh, clean, new mask. Then you have the right. However, why simply not be comforted that you have protected yourself and everyone else is on their own.

PS - get a mask for your dog and cat too (see part 1)
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Lol. Shes in Cambria County. Doesn't have any pull here in Somerset County. Plus we are are all Penn State and M2 Wrestling fans out my way.... :)
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Part 2

Just as I am not an anti Vaxer I am not an anti masker 'in theory'

Lets start with the basics:

A properly worn M95 or greater mask with a proper seal around the face is effective at filtering/blocking CV, period.

Protecting the public from CV via masks is litteraly impossible, impractical and too expensive to even consider. What we are doing today is pseudo science theater and more brainwashing to do a series of things such as: divide the community so that you resent your neighbor, provide a visial reminder that CV is still with us wherever you go, give a flase sense of security that something can be done, and so on....

1) Filtration - cloth masks are a joke (I wear one because I want to breath). The pores in a cloth mask are 5000 times to large to filter the virus effectively. Water vapor molecules are carriers and hundreds of times larger than the virus particles themselves. Take your mask and go up to a mirror and breathe. The fog on the glass you see is water vapor and if you are infected also a lot of virus. Masks are 2 way so what you breath out can be breathed in just as effectively. Cloth masks will only block plegm and spital from coughing and sneezing and anyone who is sick should not be out and about anyway. Sure there may be a study showing a single digit benefit so they tout masks work, but in reality cloth masks simply don't. So why then is everyone comforted by those like me complying with completely ineffective cloth masks while demonizing the guy who knows this is all bullshit?

2) M95 masks. 90% of the 'pleated' masks that Dr.'s offices provide or that we buy in bulk can filter properly, but well over 90% are worn improperly or simply do not seal. So yes the M95 material filters, but a large percentage of your exhaling simply exits around the mask. Anyone who wears glasses can arrest as they fog with nearly each breath. The small metal nose peice does not form an 'air tight' seal. If you smoke or vape even better, see for yourself.
breathe while looking in a mirror and you will see what escapes. The smoke exiting all around the entire perimeter of your m95 mask is potential virus escaping with every breath. The more robust or pre-formed M95 masks are much better but also not perfect. Unfortunately they are expensive and in short supply. There is no means to get the whole population properly fitting M95 masks on a continual resupply basis, but if you are serious about masks and a mask bigot you need to be aware of these facts.

3) hygene. How many people pull off their mask with their hands and then touch their face before they throughly wash their hands? Answer - nearly 100%. So nearly 100% risk infecting themselves from their own mask. What would you do if your surgeon came in to your operating room with bloody scrubs and a mask from the prior surgery? You would shit a brick, yet that is what it entire population does every day. You do realize these pleated paper M95 masks are SINGLE USE right? Likewise the cloth prices of crap the rest of us wear should be washed every day. I have cloth masks I have never washed, even the thought sounds gross, but we are all doing it.

4) so if you're deluded into thinking masks have ANY benefits here is what is needed. Every single American needs to wear a fresh new, clean, properly fitting, properly sealing M95 mask every day. I would then agree masks are effective. So let's do the math 330 million x 365 days/year x say $3/mask delivered (the good ones not what you see everyone wearing today) = $360 Billion per year or more than $1000 per person. Not going to happen even with the government throwing around trillions.

Of course to do it right each mask should have a dye that changed color within 48 hours to highlight when it should be disposed and to give the mask storm troopers another harassment tool at their disposal.

So the next time you get furious at those not wearing masks, STFU unless you are sporting a god for saken, properly sealed, fresh, clean, new mask. Then you have the right. However, why simply not be comforted that you have protected yourself and everyone else is on their own.

PS - get a mask for your dog and cat too (see part 1)
Part 2

Just as I am not an anti Vaxer I am not an anti masker 'in theory'

Lets start with the basics:

A properly worn M95 or greater mask with a proper seal around the face is effective at filtering/blocking CV, period.

Protecting the public from CV via masks is litteraly impossible, impractical and too expensive to even consider. What we are doing today is pseudo science theater and more brainwashing to do a series of things such as: divide the community so that you resent your neighbor, provide a visial reminder that CV is still with us wherever you go, give a flase sense of security that something can be done, and so on....

1) Filtration - cloth masks are a joke (I wear one because I want to breath). The pores in a cloth mask are 5000 times to large to filter the virus effectively. Water vapor molecules are carriers and hundreds of times larger than the virus particles themselves. Take your mask and go up to a mirror and breathe. The fog on the glass you see is water vapor and if you are infected also a lot of virus. Masks are 2 way so what you breath out can be breathed in just as effectively. Cloth masks will only block plegm and spital from coughing and sneezing and anyone who is sick should not be out and about anyway. Sure there may be a study showing a single digit benefit so they tout masks work, but in reality cloth masks simply don't. So why then is everyone comforted by those like me complying with completely ineffective cloth masks while demonizing the guy who knows this is all bullshit?

2) M95 masks. 90% of the 'pleated' masks that Dr.'s offices provide or that we buy in bulk can filter properly, but well over 90% are worn improperly or simply do not seal. So yes the M95 material filters, but a large percentage of your exhaling simply exits around the mask. Anyone who wears glasses can arrest as they fog with nearly each breath. The small metal nose peice does not form an 'air tight' seal. If you smoke or vape even better, see for yourself.
breathe while looking in a mirror and you will see what escapes. The smoke exiting all around the entire perimeter of your m95 mask is potential virus escaping with every breath. The more robust or pre-formed M95 masks are much better but also not perfect. Unfortunately they are expensive and in short supply. There is no means to get the whole population properly fitting M95 masks on a continual resupply basis, but if you are serious about masks and a mask bigot you need to be aware of these facts.

3) hygene. How many people pull off their mask with their hands and then touch their face before they throughly wash their hands? Answer - nearly 100%. So nearly 100% risk infecting themselves from their own mask. What would you do if your surgeon came in to your operating room with bloody scrubs and a mask from the prior surgery? You would shit a brick, yet that is what it entire population does every day. You do realize these pleated paper M95 masks are SINGLE USE right? Likewise the cloth prices of crap the rest of us wear should be washed every day. I have cloth masks I have never washed, even the thought sounds gross, but we are all doing it.

4) so if you're deluded into thinking masks have ANY benefits here is what is needed. Every single American needs to wear a fresh new, clean, properly fitting, properly sealing M95 mask every day. I would then agree masks are effective. So let's do the math 330 million x 365 days/year x say $3/mask delivered (the good ones not what you see everyone wearing today) = $360 Billion per year or more than $1000 per person. Not going to happen even with the government throwing around trillions.

Of course to do it right each mask should have a dye that changed color within 48 hours to highlight when it should be disposed and to give the mask storm troopers another harassment tool at their disposal.

So the next time you get furious at those not wearing masks, STFU unless you are sporting a god for saken, properly sealed, fresh, clean, new mask. Then you have the right. However, why simply not be comforted that you have protected yourself and everyone else is on their own.

PS - get a mask for your dog and cat too (see part 1)
You are 100% spot on.
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... The unvaccinated add ZERO additional risk to their neighbors …

End of pat 1 vaccines. Part 2 masks is next

… A properly worn M95 or greater mask

2) M95 masks …
M95 material filters, …
… pre-formed M95 masks …
… fitting M95 masks …
… paper M95 masks …
… sealing M95 mask …

Hey Goggles, As you inflict brain pain by “proving” such gems as “The unvaccinated add ZERO additional risk to their neighbors”, would you at least not call N95 masks “M95” masks? Thanks. #causelesspain :)

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Part 2

Just as I am not an anti Vaxer I am not an anti masker 'in theory'

Lets start with the basics:

A properly worn M95 or greater mask with a proper seal around the face is effective at filtering/blocking CV, period.

Protecting the public from CV via masks is litteraly impossible, impractical and too expensive to even consider. What we are doing today is pseudo science theater and more brainwashing to do a series of things such as: divide the community so that you resent your neighbor, provide a visial reminder that CV is still with us wherever you go, give a flase sense of security that something can be done, and so on....

1) Filtration - cloth masks are a joke (I wear one because I want to breath). The pores in a cloth mask are 5000 times to large to filter the virus effectively. Water vapor molecules are carriers and hundreds of times larger than the virus particles themselves. Take your mask and go up to a mirror and breathe. The fog on the glass you see is water vapor and if you are infected also a lot of virus. Masks are 2 way so what you breath out can be breathed in just as effectively. Cloth masks will only block plegm and spital from coughing and sneezing and anyone who is sick should not be out and about anyway. Sure there may be a study showing a single digit benefit so they tout masks work, but in reality cloth masks simply don't. So why then is everyone comforted by those like me complying with completely ineffective cloth masks while demonizing the guy who knows this is all bullshit?

2) M95 masks. 90% of the 'pleated' masks that Dr.'s offices provide or that we buy in bulk can filter properly, but well over 90% are worn improperly or simply do not seal. So yes the M95 material filters, but a large percentage of your exhaling simply exits around the mask. Anyone who wears glasses can arrest as they fog with nearly each breath. The small metal nose peice does not form an 'air tight' seal. If you smoke or vape even better, see for yourself.
breathe while looking in a mirror and you will see what escapes. The smoke exiting all around the entire perimeter of your m95 mask is potential virus escaping with every breath. The more robust or pre-formed M95 masks are much better but also not perfect. Unfortunately they are expensive and in short supply. There is no means to get the whole population properly fitting M95 masks on a continual resupply basis, but if you are serious about masks and a mask bigot you need to be aware of these facts.

3) hygene. How many people pull off their mask with their hands and then touch their face before they throughly wash their hands? Answer - nearly 100%. So nearly 100% risk infecting themselves from their own mask. What would you do if your surgeon came in to your operating room with bloody scrubs and a mask from the prior surgery? You would shit a brick, yet that is what it entire population does every day. You do realize these pleated paper M95 masks are SINGLE USE right? Likewise the cloth prices of crap the rest of us wear should be washed every day. I have cloth masks I have never washed, even the thought sounds gross, but we are all doing it.

4) so if you're deluded into thinking masks have ANY benefits here is what is needed. Every single American needs to wear a fresh new, clean, properly fitting, properly sealing M95 mask every day. I would then agree masks are effective. So let's do the math 330 million x 365 days/year x say $3/mask delivered (the good ones not what you see everyone wearing today) = $360 Billion per year or more than $1000 per person. Not going to happen even with the government throwing around trillions.

Of course to do it right each mask should have a dye that changed color within 48 hours to highlight when it should be disposed and to give the mask storm troopers another harassment tool at their disposal.

So the next time you get furious at those not wearing masks, STFU unless you are sporting a god for saken, properly sealed, fresh, clean, new mask. Then you have the right. However, why simply not be comforted that you have protected yourself and everyone else is on their own.

PS - get a mask for your dog and cat too (see part 1)
Thank you Thank you. 😀 Any way we can get this pinned at the top of the page
Hey Goggles, As you inflict brain pain by “proving” such gems as “The unvaccinated add ZERO additional risk to their neighbors”, would you at least not call N95 masks “M95” masks? Thanks. #causelesspain :)


Love the graphic, hilarious. Your compelling counter argument not so much.
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“In the future it will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he is over 60-65 years of age, man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly. Then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the stupid ones.

Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we cannot execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe it is for their own good. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive.

Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to a screeching halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to give intelligence tests to millions and millions of people, you can imagine!

We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.

We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. “

“The future of life” – Jacques Attali, 1981, interview with Michel Salomon.
  • Wow
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“In the future it will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he is over 60-65 years of age, man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly. Then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the stupid ones.

Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we cannot execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe it is for their own good. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive.

Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to a screeching halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to give intelligence tests to millions and millions of people, you can imagine!

We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.

We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. “

“The future of life” – Jacques Attali, 1981, interview with Michel Salomon.
“In the future it will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he is over 60-65 years of age, man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly. Then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the stupid ones.

Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we cannot execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe it is for their own good. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive.

Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to a screeching halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to give intelligence tests to millions and millions of people, you can imagine!

We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.

We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. “

“The future of life” – Jacques Attali, 1981, interview with Michel Salomon.

I would appreciate everyone's position if they just claimed they didn't want the vaccine for political reasons. I'd say right on. Do what you gotta do. But they know that doesn't sound very intelligent. So instead they go with it's not approved, or it was rushed to market, etc...
But if they really believe they have the odds on their side by not being vaccinated, I am holding a high stakes poker game at the cottage this weekend. They are all welcome. Cash on the barrel only.
I bet a million dollars If someone else was in the white house they all would have it lol. I agree totally it's political and shouldn't be
Lol..Now that I think about it though, I'm not sure if it was Jody's mom or grandmother but one of them worked for the county in Ebensburg. Same office my girlfriend works in now.

I went to my girlfriends daughters graduation this spring at Central Cambria and both Max Murins mom and Jody's brother gave speeches. You guys have no idea how badly I wanted to heckle I kid I kid...
You should have stood up and pretended to wipe away tears. I would have paid a lot of money to see that or you could have yelled really loud. Your staaaaaaalllliiing lmfao
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In India they are curing Covid-Delta with Ivermectin. How about the US Gov/FDA start looking into this. Instead of pushing an experimental drug, start the real testing for an approved vaccination without Generic Material included and other substances that are harmful to the human body.
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"Get your shots"... got 'em.
"Wear your mask"... wore it.
I did everything our fearless leaders cried for me to do.

Somehow, one year later, we're in the exact same predicament, and I didn't even hold out for the big bucks to be bribed to get the sludge in my body. I was at work or being forced to work from home the whole pandemic.

I'm done with the nonsense. I'm done being gaslit by the fake-woke, fake-empathetic left. I'm done.
Part 2

Just as I am not an anti Vaxer I am not an anti masker 'in theory'

Lets start with the basics:

I think we can all agree, A properly worn M95i/N95/KN95.. or greater mask with a proper seal around the face is effective at filtering/blocking CV, period end of story. However,...

Protecting the public from CV via masks is litteraly impossible, impractical and too expensive to even consider. What we are doing today is pseudo science theater and more brainwashing to do a series of things such as: divide the community so that you resent your neighbor, provide a visial reminder that CV is still with us wherever you go, give a flase sense of security that something can be done, and so on....

1) Filtration - cloth masks are a joke (I wear one because I want to breath). The pores in a cloth mask are 5000 times too large to filter the virus effectively. Water vapor molecules are carriers and hundreds of times larger than the virus particles themselves. Take your mask and go up to a mirror and breathe. The fog on the glass you see is water vapor and if you are infected also a lot of virus. Masks are 2 way so what you breath out can be breathed in just as effectively. Cloth masks will only block plegm and spital from coughing and sneezing and anyone who is sick should not be out and about anyway. Sure there may be a study showing a single digit benefit so they tout masks work, but in reality cloth masks simply don't. So why then is everyone comforted by those like me complying with completely ineffective cloth masks while demonizing the guy who knows this is all bullshit?

2) N95 masks. 90% of the 'pleated' masks that Dr.'s offices provide or that we buy in bulk can filter properly, but well over 90% are worn improperly or simply do not seal. So yes the N95 material filters, but a large percentage of your exhaling simply exits around the mask. Anyone who wears glasses can arrest as they fog with nearly each breath. The small metal nose peice does not form an 'air tight' seal. If you smoke or vape even better, see for yourself.
breathe while looking in a mirror and you will see what escapes. The smoke exiting all around the entire perimeter of your N95 mask is potential virus escaping with every breath. The more robust or pre-formed N95 masks are much better but also not perfect. Unfortunately they are expensive and in short supply. There is no means to get the whole population properly fitting N95 masks on a continual resupply basis, but if you are serious about masks and a mask bigot you need to be aware of these facts.

3) hygene. How many people pull off their mask with their hands and then touch their face before they throughly wash their hands? Answer - nearly 100%. So nearly 100% risk infecting themselves from their own mask. What would you do if your surgeon came in to your operating room with bloody scrubs and a mask from the prior surgery? You would shit a brick, yet that is what it entire population does every day. You do realize these pleated paper N95 masks are generally SINGLE USE right? Likewise the cloth prices of crap the rest of us wear should be washed every day. I have cloth masks I have never washed, even the thought sounds gross, but we are all doing it.

4) so if you're deluded into thinking masks have ANY benefits here is what is needed. Every single American needs to wear a fresh new, clean, properly fitting, properly sealing N95 mask every day. I would then agree masks are effective. So let's do the math 330 million x 365 days/year x say $3/mask delivered (the good ones not what you see everyone wearing today) = $360 Billion per year or more than $1000 per person. Not going to happen even with the government throwing around trillions.

Of course to do it right each mask should have a dye that changed color within 48 hours to highlight when it should be disposed and to give the mask storm troopers another harassment tool at their disposal.

So the next time you get furious at those not wearing masks, STFU unless you are sporting a god for saken, properly sealed, fresh, clean, new mask. Then you have the right. However, why simply not be comforted that you have protected yourself and everyone else is on their own.

PS - get a mask for your dog and cat too (see part 1)
For taking all the time to write out such long posts, you seem to love throwing away credibility with blanket all or nothing statements like this. I work at a university. We have a robust contact tracing program. Last year, due to masks, we saw no spread during in-person classes. All of the cases in the school I work at were traced to non-masked off campus events (bars for example). Even in cases where infected students attended class for a couple days before realizing they were sick, their classmates, who sat in the same room as them for several hours each day, did not get sick. As a result, we're back to 100% in-person classes because we are masking and the results were so great last year. We would not be "returning to normal" this year without them.

Do some people wear their masks wrong? Sure. Are they 100% effective? Obviously not. But they do help. I just don't get why people get so wound up about it. It's so easy.
In India they are curing Covid-Delta with Ivermectin. How about the US Gov/FDA start looking into this. Instead of pushing an experimental drug, start the real testing for an approved vaccination without Generic Material included and other substances that are harmful to the human body.
I will never understand the vaccine or bust approach in this country. We’ve completely ignored therapeutics. Worse, we’ve forbidden discussion of them. Posting about Ivermectin can get you banned on Facebook. Bizarre approach.
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I will never understand the vaccine or bust approach in this country. We’ve completely ignored therapeutics. Worse, we’ve forbidden discussion of them. Posting about Ivermectin can get you banned on Facebook. Bizarre approach.
probably because they don't want people taking horse and pig anti-parasite meds until they know if they actually work

let me know if you ever need any though. I've got a year's supply of heartworm meds for my dog available at a reasonable price
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There are dozens of studies both peer reviewed or not speaking to this subject. Many done in the years prior to Covid focused on SARS or Flu before everything became politicized.

Common sense should indicate to all that the 'cloth' masks worn by most of the population are pretty much a joke. I will grant that someone ill with Covid and coughing will have the larger droplets captured which is important but ill people should only be in public going to and from the Dr. and not hanging out in bars. If I felt sick I wouldn't socialize until asymptomatic.

Below is some opinion as well as studies speaking to both sides to be fair. Be careful with terms such as 'the proper use of masks' or "reduced droplets" as once you start to talk about the population in general you need to think of those pictures "The people of WalMart" that we laugh hysterically at in amazement. As this is another unfortunate reality of all of this, 'proper use' is pretty much out the window measured across millions of people. Likewise a 'reduction' in droplets is far from the 'elimination' of. Pro-maskers will be happy with a 1% reduction, where anti-maskers are more likely to resist unless the results were closer to 100%.

In short, there is something for every perspective out there, not so much for to each his own.
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I will never understand the vaccine or bust approach in this country. We’ve completely ignored therapeutics. Worse, we’ve forbidden discussion of them. Posting about Ivermectin can get you banned on Facebook. Bizarre approach.
I think everyone should be taking the Regeneron Cov2 antibody cocktail at Happy Hour. It's close to an all-time high. I could use the bump in price through $640/share. Help a brother out!
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For taking all the time to write out such long posts, you seem to love throwing away credibility with blanket all or nothing statements like this. I work at a university. We have a robust contact tracing program. Last year, due to masks, we saw no spread during in-person classes. All of the cases in the school I work at were traced to non-masked off campus events (bars for example). Even in cases where infected students attended class for a couple days before realizing they were sick, their classmates, who sat in the same room as them for several hours each day, did not get sick. As a result, we're back to 100% in-person classes because we are masking and the results were so great last year. We would not be "returning to normal" this year without them.

Do some people wear their masks wrong? Sure. Are they 100% effective? Obviously not. But they do help. I just don't get why people get so wound up about it. It's so easy.
Covid is probably going to be around for a very long time with different varients. So does this mean masks forever? No one is allowed to get sick ever again?
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A friend just let me know about Shannon Yates passing from Covid-19 in Fort Myers. An extremely talented chef. I spent more great times at his old restaurant CRU, than I could possibly count. 49 years old. Such a shame.

probably because they don't want people taking horse and pig anti-parasite meds until they know if they actually work

let me know if you ever need any though. I've got a year's supply of heartworm meds for my dog available at a reasonable price
I took Ivermectin about 2 weeks ago. I had a slight reaction to my 2nd Vac shot. I thought it would just go away. 6 weeks later went into my Dr. My Dr. put me on Ivermectin (5 pills - 1 a day). in 7 days what I had was gone.
probably because they don't want people taking horse and pig anti-parasite meds until they know if they actually work

let me know if you ever need any though. I've got a year's supply of heartworm meds for my dog available at a reasonable price
I'm sorry to hear about your dog..
After all this time, I finally know someone (actually know them - not just heard about them from somewhere) who is classified as a Covid death. She had stage 4 lung cancer which was discovered about 3 months before she died. She contracted Covid in November and got safely past it. However, she died in December and since she had been diagnosed with covid 28 days before her death, she is a Covid related death.
Take that for what it is worth.
After all this time, I finally know someone (actually know them - not just heard about them from somewhere) who is classified as a Covid death. She had stage 4 lung cancer which was discovered about 3 months before she died. She contracted Covid in November and got safely past it. However, she died in December and since she had been diagnosed with covid 28 days before her death, she is a Covid related death.
Take that for what it is worth.
Ok, you owe me some money.
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"Get your shots"... got 'em.
"Wear your mask"... wore it.
I did everything our fearless leaders cried for me to do.

Somehow, one year later, we're in the exact same predicament, and I didn't even hold out for the big bucks to be bribed to get the sludge in my body. I was at work or being forced to work from home the whole pandemic.

I'm done with the nonsense. I'm done being gaslit by the fake-woke, fake-empathetic left. I'm done.
Johns Hopkins has a Covid risk calculator, my risk of dying from Covid in the next 30 days is 1 in 232,000. Does that seem like a high risk? Annualized that is about 1 in 19,000. Your annual risk of dying in a car accident is 1 in 8,000. Too many people forgot that the government marketed the Covid vaccine as a way to prevent you from getting Covid and transmitting Covid to others. Too many people ignored the actual fine print, the vaccine is not actually a vaccine since it does not actually prevent you from getting Covid or giving it to others. Apparently it is actually a therapy that will reduce your symptoms. That is what is playing out now, numerous break through cases occuring in people who got the Covid shot. This is getting worse along with an increase in hospitalizations, ICU and death for the vaccinated if you look at data from Israel.

Regarding masks, they do not work. Please provide the study using a randomized control trial that demonstrates a benefit of wearing a mask and preventing transmission of a respiratory virus. Here is a RCT study that shows no benefit that is published on the NIH website:

There are about 10 to 15 other studies going back 50 years that also demonstate no benefit to wearing a mask. There are ZERO RCT studies that demonstrate a benefit to wearing a mask. Studies using computer simulations, manequins or anecdotes do not count.

I will not get the Covid shot since I am at little risk. I also take a daily prophylaxis too and make sure I am not obese or vitamin D deficient (these are 2 huge risk factors). To me, the risk of the Covid shot outwears the reward. Currently there are over 12,000 deaths associated with the Covid shot in the VAERS database, this is more than all other vaccines combined over the last 30 years.

If you think the shot was the correct decision for you, good for you, may you live long and prosper, or not.
An exact quote from Tucker Carlson. That should be a clue. FACT: The rules for sending information to the VAERS concerning Covid-19 is VERY different than other vaccines because Covid-19 is on "Emergency Approval". If you take the time to read the VAERS protocols you would know that for an FDA approved vaccine ....death/adverse reactions need to be sent when the health officials are certain/reasonably certain the cause was directly related to the vaccine. The Covid-19 protocol requires ANY death/adverse reaction to be reported to the VAERS....NO MATTER THE SUSPECTED CAUSE. be completely accurate ...Your statement ( And anyone else reporting this info ) should say......"During the 9 months that Covid-19 shots began being administered....of the 180 million people who received a Covid-19 shot......12,000 vaccinated patients have died during that time period as reported to the VAERS. VAERS does not require any investigation or determination how many....if any deaths were caused/directly related to the Covid-19 shot itself.". Your "Information sounds a LOT different when the accurate context is included. Do you think Tucker or wherever you got your info left that out intentionally? Did you leave it out intentionally? I will assume you didn't deliberately mislead and will update your post to include the vital text that was omitted and include said information in any future posts. Be well and prosper.
An exact quote from Tucker Carlson. That should be a clue. FACT: The rules for sending information to the VAERS concerning Covid-19 is VERY different than other vaccines because Covid-19 is on "Emergency Approval". If you take the time to read the VAERS protocols you would know that for an FDA approved vaccine ....death/adverse reactions need to be sent when the health officials are certain/reasonably certain the cause was directly related to the vaccine. The Covid-19 protocol requires ANY death/adverse reaction to be reported to the VAERS....NO MATTER THE SUSPECTED CAUSE. be completely accurate ...Your statement ( And anyone else reporting this info ) should say......"During the 9 months that Covid-19 shots began being administered....of the 180 million people who received a Covid-19 shot......12,000 vaccinated patients have died during that time period as reported to the VAERS. VAERS does not require any investigation or determination how many....if any deaths were caused/directly related to the Covid-19 shot itself.". Your "Information sounds a LOT different when the accurate context is included. Do you think Tucker or wherever you got your info left that out intentionally? Did you leave it out intentionally? I will assume you didn't deliberately mislead and will update your post to include the vital text that was omitted and include said information in any future posts. Be well and prosper.
In the world we now inhabit, people win voters and followers by spewing falsehoods. It doesn’t matter how many times you catch them doing it because they will spew new falsehoods and accuse you of spewing falsehoods. Way too much of the public just can’t or won’t hold people accountable for being wrong almost all the time.
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