COVID gratuitous dumpster fire thread

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FWIW, looks like Cenzo replied to a tweet from Basch with something that could be considered anti-mask as well
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FWIW, looks like Cenzo replied to a tweet from Basch with something that could be considered anti-mask as well
Man, I have been mentally preparing myself for the possibility that Cael and Casey also have unfortunate political views (or that they like Justin Bieber). It shouldn’t matter, but …
Man, I have been mentally preparing myself for the possibility that Cael and Casey also have unfortunate political views (or that they like Justin Bieber). It shouldn’t matter, but …

It’s not just rednecks refusing the vaccine… Many intelligent people have weighed risk/reward and have decided not to get vaccinated. I’m personally pro-vaccine, but against mandates.

It’s not just rednecks refusing the vaccine… Many intelligent people have weighed risk/reward and have decided not to get vaccinated. I’m personally pro-vaccine, but against mandates.
Are you able to find the so called “eMethods” references in this paper?
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Are you able to find the so called “eMethods” references in this paper?
I see what you’re referring to, but I’m sorry, I am not. This is a link to their report which I may kick around on when I have more time..

"It only affects who is their choice" Well....Consider the professed and vocal Anti-Vaxer who just died from Covid-19 at age 30....after treating himself with Ivermectin....leaving behind a pregnant wife and 3 young children........was it the choice of his wife to be a young widow with 3 children and another on the way? Was it the young children's choice to grow up without a father? At what point does "Living Free" become "Living Irresponsibly" or "Living with little regard for anyone else in your life"? There are so many different situations worth considering and a growing number who have regretted choices made. Wishing you all.... Peace
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I see what you’re referring to, but I’m sorry, I am not. This is a link to their report which I may kick around on when I have more time..

I read that, and actually the MSN article is completely incorrect. PHDs do not have the highest level of hesitancy among education levels. It is no college, and then some college, with the highest levels.
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I read that, and actually the MSN article is completely incorrect. PHDs do not have the highest level of hesitancy among education levels. It is no college, and then some college, with the highest levels.

I think according to their (self-reported via facebook) data, they did actually. But the key word as you called out being "among education levels." There were other groups that were higher, namely highest quartile Trump vote, second highest quartile Trump vote, non-core metro areas, multi-racial, and Native Americans. Also worth noting that degrees such as MD and JD were under the "Professional" category.
Actually according to some of the comments here, they may have changed some of the data -

Edit: LOL -
"For those wondering about the decrease in PhD respondents from the last version
From the Methods section
"To be included in the analysis sample, participants had to complete the questions on vaccine uptake and intent, and report a gender other than “prefer to self-describe.”. This exclusion was made after discovering that the majority of fill-in responses for self-described gender were political/discriminatory statements or otherwise questionable answers (e.g. Apache Helicopter or Unicorn), and that as a group, those who selected self-described gender (<1% of the sample) had a high frequency of uncommon responses (e.g., Hispanic ethnicity [41.4%], the oldest age group [23.2% ≥75 years] and highest education level [28.1% Doctorate]), suggesting the survey was not completed in good faith. "
Actually according to some of the comments here, they may have changed some of the data -

Edit: LOL -
"For those wondering about the decrease in PhD respondents from the last version
From the Methods section
"To be included in the analysis sample, participants had to complete the questions on vaccine uptake and intent, and report a gender other than “prefer to self-describe.”. This exclusion was made after discovering that the majority of fill-in responses for self-described gender were political/discriminatory statements or otherwise questionable answers (e.g. Apache Helicopter or Unicorn), and that as a group, those who selected self-described gender (<1% of the sample) had a high frequency of uncommon responses (e.g., Hispanic ethnicity [41.4%], the oldest age group [23.2% ≥75 years] and highest education level [28.1% Doctorate]), suggesting the survey was not completed in good faith. "
That’s why I was wondering about the so called “eMethods” that are references but not included. The authors using some type of Facebook sampling which seems like a huge red flag.
That’s why I was wondering about the so called “eMethods” that are references but not included. The authors using some type of Facebook sampling which seems like a huge red flag.

Yup. I just looked closer at some of the tables (I had read this paper previously), and they definitely changed the data from when it was first released, which I'm sure will be called a conspiracy. PhD's used to show as 23.9% hesitant, now they only show as 14.6%, and you're right, HS & some college are now lower.
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Yup. I just looked closer at some of the tables (I had read this paper previously), and they definitely changed the data from when it was first released, which I'm sure will be called a conspiracy. PhD's used to show as 23.9% hesitant, now they only show as 14.6%, and you're right, HS & some college are now lower.
I’m sure it will be called a conspiracy. Really, it’s just the media running with a pre-print study that appears to have some real methodological flaws.
… The authors using some type of Facebook sampling which seems like a huge red flag.

Nonscientific sampling renders any result useless for the consumer. In the 80s, mainstream newspapers and magazines were quoting without caveat a statistic that 10% of the US population was gay. Only decade(s) later did we learn that the Kinsey study that gave us the 10% statistic had way too many prison residents and party people as subjects to be scientifically representative of the general population.

Similarly, if it turns out that anti-vaxxers love to talk their anti-vax religion on Facebook way more than sane, handsome people talk vaccine science on Facebook :), then any study that samples from Facebook is not likely to be scientifically representative of the general population.
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Masks Forever! We can't have anyone get sick ever again. We need more safe spaces.

To answer your question, yes I am vaccinated and I had the virus. Neither were a big deal to myself or my family because we take care of ourselves.

My suggestion would be maybe something like this... If you are concerned about catching the virus from the ongoing pandemic, you should protect yourself with a properly fitted N95 mask. Good Luck!

My earlier response was to the Foley and Basch tweet that was posted. What is the tremendous harm that has come to USA wrestling because of "Anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers"?
This seems to be his answer

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Is there a "Climate (Change) Emergency Gratuitous Dumpster Fire Thread" yet?

Floods, fires, drought, heat waves, and hurricanes galore. In retrospect, COVID might soon seem like small potatoes.

To quote Robert Frost:

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
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Is there a "Climate (Change) Emergency Gratuitous Dumpster Fire Thread" yet?

Floods, fires, drought, heat waves, and hurricanes galore. In retrospect, COVID might soon seem like small potatoes.

To quote Robert Frost:

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Who’s take is that? Have to agree it’s one of the dumbest I’ve heard yet.

sorry for being vague. that was basch's take. his wife is pregnant now and when my wife was pregnant, her OB recommended waiting until after the first trimester to get the shot, so hopefully basch's wife gets it now and he does too.
This seems like an extremely flimsy basis for recommending a treatment. There is a reason we do double blind control trials. The number of confounding variables in this situation is nearly unlimited.
Exactly but don't hit these anti vaxers with reason and logic it won't work
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"It only affects who is their choice" Well....Consider the professed and vocal Anti-Vaxer who just died from Covid-19 at age 30....after treating himself with Ivermectin....leaving behind a pregnant wife and 3 young children........was it the choice of his wife to be a young widow with 3 children and another on the way? Was it the young children's choice to grow up without a father? At what point does "Living Free" become "Living Irresponsibly" or "Living with little regard for anyone else in your life"? There are so many different situations worth considering and a growing number who have regretted choices made. Wishing you all.... Peace
What makes american culture exceptional was always the concept of the common good. This pursuit of individualistic freedoms at anyone else's expense is exactly what's wrong with o up r world today. Me me me who gives a shit what about us
So in Philadelphia and Montgomery counties, an individual or groups of individuals have started spray painting people’s homes. businesses and schools with “No Vax” tags and anti-vaccination propaganda. It happened to two neighbors on my block in the City.

No matter where you stand on vaccinations, this type of activity completely crosses the line.
So in Philadelphia and Montgomery counties, an individual or groups of individuals have started spray painting people’s homes. businesses and schools with “No Vax” tags and anti-vaccination propaganda. It happened to two neighbors on my block in the City.

No matter where you stand on vaccinations, this type of activity completely crosses the line.

Beware of false flags. Anti-vaxxers are more likely to believe in individual freedom and not shoving their views down people's throats. It is the Socialist/Globalist, follow our rules or else that are more likely to try and paint them in a negative light.
… Anti-vaxxers are more likely to believe in individual freedom and not shoving their views down people's throats. It is the Socialist/Globalist, follow our rules or else that are more likely to try and paint them in a negative light.
Yeah. The anti-vaxxers are too busy shoving their viruses down people’s throats at the moment. Their views are being shoved via Facebook, et al. down people’s eyes. :)

edit: so I just saw this on another forum and didn't see the date at first, apparently it was an anti-vaxxer that posted it because Kiffin just tested positive. But I still think it's a cool story that hopefully encouraged people in Mississippi to get vaccinated considering less than 50% of their population has even one dose.
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Yeah. The anti-vaxxers are too busy shoving their viruses down people’s throats at the moment. Their views are being shoved via Facebook, et al. down people’s eyes. :)

Maybe, just maybe, with the NFL trying to force vaccine compliance, we may start to see some sanity creep back in.

This will happen when big name players who are vaccinated test positive and have to sit out. Finally the public will start to understand you can still get infected and in some cases sick while vaccinated.

Now that some teams are already 100% vaccinated, we might just see some breakouts and multiple players sidelined, and people will start to realize you can not only get Covid while vaccinated but you can pass it on as well.

Maybe just maybe? Nah - this topic is easy to far gone and both sides have dug in.
Let’s face it- both pro and anti vax sides are spreading lies and disinformation. Such an important issue has become such a partisan one, and personally, I find it repulsive. Here a few things I know:

1) the vaccine, so far, is effective at preventing or lowering of -death and/or hospitalization
2) vaccinated individuals can catch and spread covid.
3) natural immunity is likely more effective than vaccine immunity
4) vaccine resistant variants are likely on their way

With that, I think it’s wise to be vaccinated if your immune system is at all compromised, whether due to age, disease, or you’re a fatty.

Vaccine mandates are an overstep IMO, since we know vaccinated can catch and spread covid, and so many are running around with natural immunity.

We as a country need to drop partisan politics and have an honest discussion around healthy bodies and immune systems. Otherwise, when we see a vaxx resistant variant it will be a bloodbath.
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As someone that supports vaccination and masks, I’m definitely open to natural immunity being at least as effective as the vaccine.
So, how about a compromise? If you can prove you’ve had covid you don’t need to get the vaccine, otherwise you do. Let’s make immunity passports that includes vaccine or natural immunity.
uhh... no.
Yeah. The anti-vaxxers are too busy shoving their viruses down people’s throats at the moment. Their views are being shoved via Facebook, et al. down people’s eyes.
What makes american culture exceptional was always the concept of the common good. This pursuit of individualistic freedoms at anyone else's expense is exactly what's wrong with o up r world today. Me me me who gives a shit what about us
Actually what makes American culture different and exceptional in all of human history is the concept of individual liberty. Every totalitarian culture in history....recent examples of...Mao, Hitler, Stalin (responsible for 100s of millions of death in the last century) and Taliban believed or at least espoused that what they were doing was for the ”common good”. They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.” – Benjamin Franklin
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surprised no vaccine mandate discussion in here yet.

But here's an interesting twitter thread on that random Ivermectin chart of African countries -
Maybe, just maybe, with the NFL trying to force vaccine compliance, we may start to see some sanity creep back in.

This will happen when big name players who are vaccinated test positive and have to sit out. Finally the public will start to understand you can still get infected and in some cases sick while vaccinated.

Now that some teams are already 100% vaccinated, we might just see some breakouts and multiple players sidelined, and people will start to realize you can not only get Covid while vaccinated but you can pass it on as well.

Maybe just maybe? Nah - this topic is easy to far gone and both sides have dug in.
The Boston Redsox say hello. That is exactly what is happening to them. Patient 0 or Player 0 is believed to have been vaccinated and just about the entire team and coaching staff is vaccinated.
Look what happened to Foley on this forum. Foley made himself unlikable by talking about politics too much. Basch is going down the exact same path. Now that Cenzo is frequently not on the podcast, and after Basch’s diarrhea of the mouth in the Beau interview, I am very much not eager to listen to this self-indulgent Basch on anything, anymore.
Manscaped listeners would agree. They just wanted to hear about the new lawnmower or Beau. Not an interview by Basch interviewing himself. Let’s roll Basch- just Bring your A game I know you have!
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Unvaccinated people were 11 times more likely to die of covid-19, CDC report finds​

Moderna vaccine is most effective, says another study, the largest to date in U.S. to assess real-world effectiveness

People who were not fully vaccinated this spring and summer were over 10 times more likely to be hospitalized, and 11 times more likely to die of covid-19 than those who were fully vaccinated, according to one of three major studies published Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that highlight the continued efficacy of all three vaccines amid the spread of the highly contagious delta variant.

A second study showed the Moderna coronavirus vaccine was moderately more effective in preventing hospitalizations than its counterparts from Pfizer-BioNTech and Johnson & Johnson. That assessment was based on the largest U.S. study to date of the real-world effectiveness of all three vaccines, involving about 32,000 patients seen in hospitals, emergency departments and urgent care clinics across nine states from June through early August.
While the three vaccines were collectively 86 percent effective in preventing hospitalization, protection was significantly higher among Moderna vaccine recipients (95 percent) than among those who got Pfizer-BioNTech (80 percent) or Johnson & Johnson (60 percent). That finding echoes a smaller study by the Mayo Clinic Health System in August, not yet peer reviewed, which also showed the Moderna vaccine with higher effectiveness than Pfizer-BioNTech at preventing infections during the delta wave.

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For the U.S. military, coronavirus vaccination is akin to body armor​

Vaccine requirements for U.S. troops have existed for centuries — and for good reason

On Aug. 9, on the recommendation of President Biden, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin issued a memo communicating to all Department of Defense personnel his intent to seek presidential approval to mandate coronavirus vaccinations for all military personnel no later than mid-September, or upon the Food and Drug Administration’s approval. In our highly polarized political climate, this decision may seem unprecedented or a possible violation of service members’ rights.

It is not.

It is a mandate supported by more than 200 years of history — and one that is integral to maintaining military readiness.

In 1775, smallpox and the British army both threatened the Continental Army. In danger from the British, civilians fled Boston in the middle of a smallpox epidemic and intermingled with Continental troops, putting them at risk. The soldiers, in turn, used a 70-year-old remedy, inoculation, to get immunity through a milder form of the disease. The Continental Army’s commander, George Washington, had opposed this practice. Washington had barely survived smallpox he contracted in Barbados when he was a young man, and he feared the disease would render the army ineffective.

In the 1980s, the military responded to [the] growing anti-vaccination movement by standardizing its vaccination schedule for inductees and opting to require further vaccinations based upon global deployments. Currently, as part of initial entry training, service members are mandated to receive chickenpox; hepatitis A; hepatitis B; seasonal influenza; mumps, measles and rubella; polio; diphtheria; tetanus; and pertussis vaccinations.
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